what was the purpose of the president’s committee on civil rights, established in 1947? course hero

by Aliya McGlynn 10 min read

The President's Committee on Civil Rights was established by Executive Order 9808 on December 5, 1946, to strengthen and safeguard the rights of the American people.

What was the President's Committee on civil rights Quizlet?

President's Committee on Civil Rights. The President's Committee on Civil Rights was a United States Presidential Commission established by President Harry Truman in 1946.

What was the purpose of the Civil Rights Committee?

After the committee submitted a report of its findings to President Truman, it disbanded in December 1947. The committee was charged with examining the condition of civil rights in the United States, producing a written report of their findings, and submitting recommendations on improving civil rights in the United States.

What was a civil rights achievement undertaken by the Truman administration?

What was a civil rights achievement undertaken by the Truman administration? The armed forces were desegregated through an executive order. "It is impossible to decide who suffers the greatest moral damage from our civil rights transgressions, because all of us are hurt.

Which group achieved several significant civil rights victories in the Supreme Court?

Board of Education, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) achieved several significant civil rights victories in the Supreme Court. These victories concerned which of the following issues?


The President's Committee on Civil Rights (PCCR) was established by Executive Order 9808, which Harry Truman passed. Truman was perhaps the domino in changing federal legal laws in the following years. ... After the committee submitted a report of its findings to President Truman, it disbanded in December 1947. Hope that helped!!! :)


The President’s Committee on Civil Rights was a Commission that was created an Executive Order signed by President Harry Truman in 1946. The Committee was created because of the situation of Civil Rights in America, especially after the end of WWII, when many African Americans served in the military yet were segregated in the military.

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