what are signs your pet is suffering from heat stroke? course hero

by Prof. Cathrine Kulas 4 min read

What are signs of heat stroke in a dog?

Signs of heatstroke include:
  • Excessive panting.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Confusion or disorientation.
  • Vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Bright red gums.
  • Body temperature higher than 104° F.
  • Collapse, seizure, or coma.
Jul 25, 2017

What are the symptoms of heat stroke in animals?

Early signs of heatstroke in pet animals
  • Panting, this can progress to distressed or noisy breathing as the heatstroke worsens.
  • Restlessness or agitation, pacing, seeking shade or water.
  • Drooling.
  • Red gums or tongue.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Vomiting or diarrhoea.

What happens when a dog has a heat stroke?

Dogs suffering from heatstroke can have elevated breathing rates, dry or sticky gums, abnormal gum color, bruising in the gums, may appear lethargic or disoriented, and can have seizures.

Is heat Stroke painful for dogs?

The most telling symptom of heat stroke in dogs is excessive panting. Other symptoms may include signs of discomfort such as drooling, reddened gums, vomiting, diarrhea, mental dullness or loss of consciousness, uncoordinated movement, and collapse.Nov 25, 2019

How long do heat stroke symptoms last in dogs?

Hyperthermia is not a simple thing. It can spoil the life of your fur kid, so keep an extra eye to watch your four-legged family member. And if it's a mild Heat stroke, your Fido can recover in a few days to a couple of weeks.

Can a dog recover from a heat stroke?

Heat stroke results in multi organ failure, for every organ that is affected, the prognosis decreases by 25%. If left untreated, recovery from heat stroke is almost non-existent. Some dogs can fully recover from heat stroke if it is caught and treated early enough.

How quickly does heat stroke happen in dogs?

Death can occur in an hour, especially in animals that are predisposed. Working dogs can develop hyperthermia in as little as 30 minutes unless adequate shade, water, and rest is available.

How do you treat heat stroke in dogs?

Emergency First Aid for dogs
  1. Move the dog to a shaded and cool area.
  2. Immediately pour cool (not cold to avoid shock) water over the dog. ...
  3. Allow the dog to drink small amounts of cool water.
  4. Continue to pour cool water over the dog until their breathing starts to settle, but not too much that they start shivering.

Signs, Symptoms and Treatment?

Excessive environmental temperature, with or without excessive humidity, and without access to a cool shaded area or water, will eventually lead to heat stroke.

Know the Conditions for Heat Stroke

HEAT STROKE occurs when your pet’s core body temperature reaches over 106 degrees. Heat stroke is more common in dogs but can also occur in cats when they become severely overheated.

Common Causes of Heat Stroke

Heat stroke is very common in pets living in Florida and can sneak up on your pet very quickly!

Signs and Symptoms of Heat Stroke

There will be a noticeable difference in your pet’s behavior if they are suffering from heat stroke.

What To Do

Immediate action must be taken when a pet is suffering from heat stroke! Death will occur within minutes of the body’s core reaching 110 degrees.

Get Your Pet to the Vet!

Transport your pet to your veterinarian or emergency hospital. Your vet will immediately assess how advanced your pet’s condition is. The prognosis will depend on how high the core temperature and the length of time they are hyperthermic. A core body temperature over 108 is critical.


Heat stroke can very easily be avoided. Know and pay attention to your pet and their needs. During the summer months, simply increase your sensitivity to your pet’s requirements and make some minor adjustments. A good rule of thumb: if you’re uncomfortable, so is your pet. Take a focused look at how they’re doing.

How to prevent heat stroke in dogs?

Don’t shower him before a walk in the heat. Avoid the hottest part of the day. Use cooling coats and cooling mats. How to treat a heat stroke in dogs. Get him to a cooler place.

Can dogs get heat strokes?

Not all dogs are equally prone to heat strokes. Overweight and older dogs, as well as brachycephalic dog breeds, breeds with very thick coats and very large breeds are generally athigher risk to suffer from heat strokes.

How long does it take for a dog to die from heat?

However, your dog might still feel the effects for 48 to 72 hours if he suffered from organ damage.

What does it mean when a dog is hot?

Heat exhaustion is basically one step before a heat stroke. It just means that your dog is very hot and is barely capable of regulating his body temperature. As soon as he can’t regulate his body temperature anymore, he suffers from a heat stroke.

Why is my dog breathing so fast?

This can lead to very heavy and fast breathing because they just can’t get enough cooling air inside. 6. Heart racing. Another sign for heat exhaustion and heat stroke is a racing heart.

What happens if a dog is unconscious?

If your dog is unconscious it’s very likely that he’s already suffering from internal bleeding which can be a result from the heat stroke. Here’s a good video from Dr. Alex, summarizing the signs of heat strokes in dogs: gif (1×1)

What to do if my dog's temperature is too high?

If his temperature has risen and if he couln’t get up at a point, you should definitely take him to a vet, even if he responded well to the measures taken. Dogs suffering from a heat stroke can start to bleed internally which can be fatal if not looked after.

Can heat stroke cause organ failure in dogs?

Heat stroke is an extreme form of hyperthermia (high body temperatures) that if left untreated can lead to multiple organ failure and become fatal. Dogs dissipate heat primarily through panting (open-mouth breathing) and small sweat glands in their paws, when temperatures are too high, they struggle to cool down, which can cause heat stroke.

What happens if a dog's temperature rises?

If the temperatures continue to rise and reach 106 degrees Fahrenheit (over 41 degrees Celsius), internal organs begin to shut down and eventually the heart fails. Although the majority of dog breeds can suffer from heat stroke, there are some, which are more prone to overheating. As a general rule, dogs that are very young or old, ...

Why does my dog's heart beat so fast?

As the body temperature rises , the heart tries to pump the blood to the dog’s mouth and paws in order to cool it down; however, with less blood available in the heart , it increases the speed to maintain cardiac output. Dehydration can also make the blood thicker, which is harder to pump.

Why does my dog collapse when it's hot?

One of the effects of increased body temperature is that the blood vessels around the mouth and paws dilate so the heat in the warm blood can be dissipated.

How to cool down a dog in water?

In case your near a body of water such as a lake or swimming pool, you should dip your dog in the water to help cool it down. If that is not possible, you can use wet towels or cloths by placing them on the armpits, neck, and between the hind legs. Make sure to also wet its ears paw pads with cold water.

What to do if your dog is unconscious?

If your dog is unconscious or for some reason is not able to drink, you should wet its tongue with cold water. It’s imperative that you don’t use ice cubes or iced water as the sudden drop of temperature can lead to shock. Graeme Wilson / EyeEm / Getty Images.

Can you stop a dog from overheating?

While it’s important to understand the causes and signs of heat stroke, and then learn ways to treat it, preferably, you should just try to avoid it altogether. It doesn’t take much to stop your pet from overheating, and as the saying goes “the best cure is prevention.”

How to tell if a dog has a heat stroke?

Clinical signs of heat stroke in dogs include: 1 Collapse, labored breathing or excessive panting 2 Dull mentation 3 Vomiting or diarrhea (either of which may be bloody) 4 Signs of bleeding, such as bruising on the skin or gums

What is a heat stroke in dogs?

Heat stroke is defined as a body temperature exceeding 105.8F, and is due to an inability to effectively dissipate heat. There are 3 main types of dog heat stroke: the first is what we think of as “classic” heat stroke, meaning that an animal is exposed to an excessively hot and humid environment. The second type of heat stroke is called exertional ...

Can dogs get heat stroke?

All dogs (and all animals, for that matter) are at risk of developing heat stroke depending on external factors, such as the heat index that day or being left in a hot car.

What is the effect of heat stroke on the body?

Heat stroke varies in severity and can affect multiple organ systems, causing damage to the gastrointestinal system , kidneys, heart and lungs, and brain. It also severely impacts the body’s hemostatic system, causing prolonged clotting times and leading to hemorrhage.

Can heat stroke be fatal?

The prognosis of heat stroke is variable and depends on the severity. In some cases, it is unfortunately fatal, regardless of treatment.

Can you leave a dog in a hot car?

Don’t Leave Your Dog in a Hot Car. Never leave a dog unattended in a vehicle on a hot day. The temperature in your car can rise by 20 degrees within only 10 minutes, and continues to climb as time goes on, even if windows are open.

What breed of dog has thick hair?

Large breed dogs with thick hair coats such as Newfoundlands and Bernese Mountain Dogs. Obese dogs. Brachycephalic or “smush faced” breeds such as Frenchies and English Bulldogs. Dogs with pre-existing respiratory disease such as laryngeal paralysis, collapsing trachea, or upper airway abnormalities.

How to tell if my dog has a heat stroke?

Your dog is running a fever. One clear sign of heat stroke in dogs is body temperature. But the only way to know for sure is to take his temperature rectally. Dr. Rossman recommends purchasing a separate dog-only thermometer as well as thermometer covers and lubricating gel.

Can a dog get heat stroke?

Heat stroke in dogs is something to pay particularly close attention to if your dog is carrying some extra pounds. According to one study of dogs treated for heat stroke, obesity nearly tripled the risk of death. The extra layers of fat in overweight dogs act as insulation and impede the ability to cool down. If your dog needs to shed a few pounds, check out these dog food brands vets feed their own dogs.

Can dogs sweat?

In general, dogs don’t have efficient cooling systems—they can’t sweat, like humans, and they can heat up quickly. Worst among the breeds are brachycephalics, or brachys: Any dog with a flat, wide skull and a short nose—think Boston terriers, Pekingese, Shi Tzus, Pugs, and Bulldogs—will be more prone to heatstroke.

Why do dogs pant?

Dogs pant to regulate their body temperature. However, if the panting sounds louder or harsher and your pooch seems to be working harder to breathe and has a wide-open mouth, it’s another sign of heat stroke in dogs. Speaking of signs, your pooches tail has a few of its own. Here’s what your pup’s tail is trying to tell you.

How to check a pet's respiratory rate?

“Respiratory rates can be checked by watching how many times the chest expands and contracts in the course of ten seconds. Then multiply by six,” says Dr. Rossman.

What is the normal respiratory rate for a dog?

The normal respiratory rate is 10-30 bpm, but since that varies with breed ask your vet what your a healthy rate is—and what rate can indicate danger. On the other hand, if your dog seems especially calm and tired, find out why they’re yawning so much. Reddogs/Shutterstock.

How to treat heatstroke in dogs?

If heatstroke is severe and left untreated, coma and death can occur. Call your vet immediately and start cooling down your dog. “Soak him in cool or lukewarm water and offer cool fluids but do not force-feed water,” says Dr. Osborne. It’s important to bring down the temperature gradually.

How to tell if my dog has a heat stroke?

Your dog is running a fever. One clear sign of heat stroke in dogs is body temperature. But the only way to know for sure is to take his temperature rectally. Dr. Rossman recommends purchasing a separate dog-only thermometer as well a thermometer covers and lubricating gel.

Can a dog get heat stroke?

Heat stroke in dogs is something to pay particularly close attention to if your dog is carrying some extra pounds. According to one study of dogs treated for heat stroke, obesity nearly tripled the risk of death. The extra layers of fat in overweight dogs act as insulation and impede the ability to cool down.

How to keep dogs from getting hot?

Beat the heat: Prevention 1 Make sure your dog has adequate access to water at all times. 2 Make sure your dog is not left in a hot, sunny area with no or little shade for an extended period of time. Be especially wary of car interiors, even with the windows down, the internal temperature can reach dangerous levels very quickly. 3 If it is a non-emergency situation, you can cool your dog by adding ice to their water bowl, filling a kiddie pool with cold water, or wet their chest, head and the pads of their feet with a towel soaked in cold water.

How to cool down a dog?

Call your vet immediately and start cooling down your dog. “Soak him in cool or lukewarm water and offer cool fluids but do not force-feed water,” says Dr. Osborne. It’s important to bring down the temperature gradually. If a tub isn’t an option, Dr. Rossman says, wrap your dog in towels soaked in lukewarm water.

Can dogs sweat?

In general, dogs don’t have efficient cooling systems—they can’t sweat, like humans, and they can heat up quickly. Worst among the breeds are brachycephalics, or brachys: Any dog with a flat, wide skull and a short nose—think Boston terriers, Pekingese, Shi Tzus, Pugs, and Bulldogs—will be more prone to heatstroke.

Why do dogs pant?

Dogs pant to regulate their body temperature. However, if the panting sounds louder or harsher and your pooch seems to be working harder to breathe and has a wide-open mouth, it’s another sign of heat stroke in dogs.

Why is my dog pudgy?

Your pooch is pudgy. Heat stroke in dogs is something to pay particularly close attention to if your dog is carrying some extra pounds. According to one study of dogs treated for heat stroke, obesity nearly tripled the risk of death. The extra layers of fat in overweight dogs act as insulation and impede the ability to cool down.