what leve stop failing camelot agility course osrs

by Nasir Zulauf 3 min read

Full Answer

What level do you stop failing the agility course?

Players stop failing this course at level 91 Agility. The Agility Course XP rates have been increased from 56k xp/hr at level 90 when not using shortcuts and 62k xp/hr when using shortcuts to 60k and 66k, respectively. Elgan's Exceptional Staffs!

Is agility hard to train OSRS?

1-99 Complete Agility Guide OSRS (fastest way) Agility used to be a pretty slow to train skill, especially at a lower level but with the arrival of the rooftop courses, this has changed a lot. This OSRS Agility Guide will be mainly focussed on using rooftop courses to reach 99 as this is the fastest way.

How do I improve my agility in Skyrim?

Use the many agility quests to your advantage and remember, summer pies are the best food source for agility. Make sure to get your graceful outfit as quickly as possible as the full graceful set will give you a huge advantage while training agility and make it a lot less of a headache.

What is the agility Cape in OSRS?

The agility cape is the second least common skillcape in the game, right after the runecrafting cape. Summary: Osrs Agility Training Guide Hopefully, this osrs agility guide was helpful and will aid you in getting 1-99 agility as quickly as possible.


There are two locations where the player may fail; Jump Gap 1 and Tightrope Walk. Players who are constantly failing obstacles can take advantage of the altar in the church at the end of the course by having the Rapid Heal prayer active at all times.

Marks of grace

Players gain an increased spawn rate for marks of grace by completing the following Kandarin Diary sets:


Part of the course is accessible during the One Small Favour quest, where the player has to repair a weathervane on the top of a building. This makes it the only Agility course that can be visited without the required Agility level, though players are unable to continue the course if reaching the roof from the ladder.

Where is the Brimhaven agility arena?

It can be found in the east of Brimhaven, run by Cap'n Izzy No-Beard, who will charge 200 coins for access.

What movie is the cut scene in when the player dodges the darts?

When players dodge the darts in the darts obstacle, a cut scene appears in which the character dodges the darts in slow motion, a reference to the science fiction film The Matrix.

How to travel to Brimhaven?

Travel to Brimhaven via spirit tree, if one is grown there, and run south. If the player-owned house is located in Brimhaven, cast the Teleport to House spell, requiring level 40 Magic, or break a teleport to house tablet to go there and run e ast.

Why should I train agility in Runescape?

Having a high agility level is extremely beneficial to your account as your run will restore a lot faster.

How long does it take to get 20 agility in Gnome?

For those that don’t want to quest through the lower levels, you can get to 20 agility at the gnome stronghold in around 30 minutes. Once you hit 10 agility you can switch to the draynor village rooftop but I usually don’t bother as it’s the same amount of experience per hour.

What do marks of grace do in rooftop courses?

Every rooftop course rewards players with marks of grace which spawn randomly as you complete courses. These marks of grace can be exchanged for graceful outfit pieces or Amalyse packs.

What level can you use Priffdinas agility?

Players who have access to the Priffdinas area can use the priffdinas agility course from levels 75 all the way to 99. Priffdinas is a great alternative to the rooftop courses or even the hallowed sepulchre as you get very nice experience rates of up to 66K exp per hour.

What is the best food for agility?

Use the many agility quests to your advantage and remember, summer pies are the best food source for agility. Make sure to get your graceful outfit as quickly as possible as the full graceful set will give you a huge advantage while training agility and make it a lot less of a headache.

Is agility slow to train?

Agility used to be a pretty slow to train skill, especially at a lower level but with the arrival of the rooftop courses, this has changed a lot. This OSRS Agility Guide will be mainly focussed on using rooftop courses to reach 99 as this is the fastest way. However, we will cover the alternatives as well.

Can you use agility cape instead of graceful cape?

You do not lose the graceful set effects while using an agility cape instead of a graceful cape. Every day you can restore your run to 100% while wearing the cape.



Getting There


  1. Part of the course is accessible during the One Small Favourquest, where the player has to repair a weathervane on the top of a building. This makes it the only Agility course that can be visited w...
  2. You stop failing this course at level 79 agility.
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The Brimhaven Agility Arena is very different to other Agility courses. Instead of running laps around obstacle courses, the Brimhaven Agility Arena sets players the objective to tag ticket dispensers for Agility arena tickets. It can be found in the east of Brimhaven, run by Cap'n Izzy No-Beard, who will charge 200 coinsfor acce…
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Experience Rates

  • There are several different methods for travelling to the Brimhaven Agility Arena. The best options, ordered from fast to slow, are: 1. Use the achievement diary cape teleport to Pirate Jackie the Fruit. 2. Travel to Brimhaven via spirit tree, if one is grown there, and run south. 3. If the player-owned house is located in Brimhaven, cast the Teleport to House spell, requiring level 40 Magic, …
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  • Clothing
    1. Wear weight-reducing clothingto achieve a weight of 0 kg or lower. This results in a lower run energy depletion rate. 2. Wear Karamja gloves 2, 3 or 4for 10% extra Agility experience from obstacles in the Brimhaven Agility Arena. 3. Bring Karamja gloves 2, 3 or 4when turning in ticket…
  • Inventory
    1. Bring 200 coins to pay Cap'n Izzy No-Beardfor access to the arena. 2. Bring some food to restore lost Hitpoints from taking damage from failing Agility obstacles. 2.1. Summer piesare recommended, as those restore run energy and boost the Agility stat by +5, which is useful sinc…
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