what are course selection sheets at gisd

by Preston Beatty 4 min read


All students are required to declare an endorsement in writing prior to entering the 9th grade. Students will be permitted to change their endorsement with counselor guidance.

STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math)

Mathematics: (Choose 2) (for a total of 5 math credits including Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2)

Arts and Humanities

Arts and Humanities requires the completion of one additional mathematics course and one additional science course

Public Services

Public Services requires the completion of one additional mathematics course and one additional science course

Business and Industry

Business and Industry requires the completion of one additional mathematics course and one additional science course#N#Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources:#N#Vet Med Sequence#N#Choose 4 credits, with at least one advanced choice:#N#Principles of Ag, Food, and Natural Resources#N#Livestock Production#N#Small Animal Management#N#Equine Science#N#Veterinary Medical Applications*#N#Advanced Animal Science*#N#Practicum in Ag, Food, and Natural Resources (Vet Med)#N#Horticulture Sequence#N#Choose 4 credits, with at least one advanced choice:#N#Principles of Ag, Food, and Natural Resources#N#Greenhouse Operation and Production#N#Horticulture*#N#Floral Design#N#Mathematical Applications in Ag, Food, and Natural Resources*#N#Practicum in Ag, Food, and Natural Resources*#N#Welding Sequence#N#Choose 4 credits, with at least one advanced choice:#N#Principles of Ag, Food, and Natural Resources#N#Ag Mechanics and Metal Tech#N#Agricultural Structures Design and Fabrication*#N#Practicum in Welding*#N#Arts A/V Technology:#N#Graphics Sequence#N#Choose 4 credits, with at least one advanced choice:#N#Principles of Arts and A/V#N#Graphic Design and Illustration 1#N#Graphic Design and Illustration 2*#N#Practicum in Graphic Design and Illustration*#N#Video Production Sequence#N#Choose 4 credits, with at least one advanced choice:#N#Principles of Arts and A/V#N#Audio Video Production 1#N#Audio Video Production 2*#N#Practicum in A/V Production*#N#Business Management and Administration:#N#Choose 4 credits, with at least one advanced choice:#N#Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance#N#Banking and Financial Services#N#Business Information Management 1#N#Accounting 1#N#Accounting 2*#N#Financial Analysis*#N#Marketing:#N#Choose 4 credits, with at least one advanced choice#N#Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance#N#Advertising and Sales#N#Sports and Entertainment Marketing#N#Entrepreneurship*#N#Practicum in Marketing*#N#One additional CTE credit#N#*Denotes advanced courses for endorsement requirement only#N#Information Technology:#N#Choose 4 credits, with at least one advanced choice:#N#Principles of Information Technology#N#Computer Programming 1#N#Computer Programming 2*#N#Practicum in Information Technology*#N#One additional CTE credit#N#Hospitality and Tourism:#N#Culinary Arts Sequence#N#Choose 4 credits, with at least one advanced choice:#N#Principles of Hospitality and Tourism#N#Introduction to Culinary Arts#N#Culinary Arts*#N#Advanced Culinary Arts*#N#Practicum in Culinary Arts*#N#Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics:#N#Choose 4 credits, with at least one advanced choice:#N#Automotive Basics#N#Small Engine Technology#N#Automotive Technology 1: Maintenance and Light Repair*#N#Practicum in Transportation Systems*#N#Advanced Journalism/Yearbook:#N#Choose 3 courses from:#N#Journalism/Yearbook 1#N#Journalism/Yearbook 2#N#Journalism/Yearbook 3#N#Choose 1 additional English Course#N#Public Speaking:#N#Choose 3 courses from:#N#Debate 1#N#Debate 2#N#Debate 3#N#Choose 1 additional English Course#N#*Denotes advanced courses for endorsement requirement only..
