what are cambridge advanced course

by Roy Robel 6 min read

Cambridge Advanced is typically for learners aged 16 to 19 years who need advanced study to prepare for university and higher education. It offers learners Cambridge International

Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge Assessment International Education, is a provider of international qualifications, offering examinations and qualifications to 10,000 schools in more than 160 countries. It is part of the University of Cambridge.

AS & A Level. Cambridge Advanced builds on the foundations of Cambridge Upper Secondary, although learners do not need to complete that stage before this one.

The Cambridge Program offers an international, pre-university curriculum and examination system that emphasizes the value of a broad and balanced study for academically able students.

Full Answer

What is an advance online course at Cambridge?

Cambridge Advance Online courses are fully online and offer a flexible way to fit learning around your life. Our courses feature the latest in learning design theory and best-in-class learning technology, with a focus on real-world applications.

What support do we provide for Cambridge Advanced Teachers?

We provide full support for Cambridge Advanced teachers, including a secure support website, teacher guides, training and resources. Learners take internationally-recognised Cambridge International AS & A Level or Cambridge Pre-U qualifications at the end of Cambridge Advanced. Our education events and training courses bring schools together.

What is the value of Cambridge A levels?

They are a passport to success. Cambridge International A Levels are the 'gold standard' qualification.

What is C1 Advanced (CAE)?

C1 Advanced, formerly known as Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE), is one of our Cambridge English Qualifications. It is the in-depth, high-level qualification that shows you have the language skills that employers and universities are looking for.

What is Cambridge Advanced exam?

C1 Advanced, formerly known as Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE), is one of our Cambridge English Qualifications. It is the in-depth, high-level qualification that shows you have the language skills that employers and universities are looking for. Book an exam.

What level is Cambridge Advanced English?

Level C1The exam is targeted at Level C1 of the CEFR. The examination also provides reliable assessment at the level above C1 (Level C2) and the level below (Level B2)....C1 Advanced Scale Scores.Cambridge English Scale ScoreGrade/CEFRCEFR level193–199Grade BC1180–192Grade CC1160–179Level B2B21 more row

How is Cambridge Advanced graded?

CAE Scoring In order to receive a Grade A (the highest score), candidates must get at least a 200. Grade B is awarded to candidates who score between 193 and 199, and anyone who scores between 193 and 180 receives a Grade C. Note that each of these scores falls within range of the CEFR proficiency level.

What are the levels for Cambridge?

Cambridge A-Levels are welcomed at the world's leading universities....The Cambridge CurriculumPrimary.Lower Secondary.Upper Secondary IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education)Advanced International AS (Advanced Subsidiary) and A (Advanced) Levels.

What can you do with CAE certificate?

CAE is enough for most situations. It'll allow you to get a job in most companies in Europe (it's less well-known in the US). Cambridge say it's accepted by 6,000 government departments, businesses, and academic institutions around the world. Proficiency might be needed for some jobs, or to do a PhD programme.

Is CAE exam difficult?

The Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) exam is a very difficult to pass.

Is CAE valid for life?

How Long Are the Certifications Valid? Unlike the TOEFL and IELTS exams which are only valid for 2 years, the Cambridge exams (FCE & CAE) are valid FOR LIFE!

What is a CAE degree?

The Certified Association Executive (CAE) credential is the marker of a committed association professional who has demonstrated the wide range of knowledge essential to manage an association in today's challenging environment.

Is C1 Advanced good?

If a person is at C1, this is advanced level. He/she can do the following: Understand a wide range of more demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning in them. Express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for the right expression.

What is GCSE advanced level?

The General Certificate of Secondary Education Advanced Level (GCE A Level) is one of the world's most recognised qualifications, leading students to direct university entry. To obtain this qualification, students undertake a 2 year course normally starting at the age of 16.

What is international advanced level?

International AS/A Levels About Edexcel International Advanced Levels. Pearson Edexcel International AS/A levels, also known as Advanced Subsidiary Level/Advanced Levels, are designed for international learners who want to progress to the best universities around the world.

What is Advanced Subsidiary level?

AS (Advanced Subsidiary) and A (Advanced) level qualifications normally take two years to complete full-time in school or FE college, although they're also available to study part-time. It is split into two parts, with one part studied in each year. The first part is known as the Advanced Subsidiary level (AS level).

Studying Online

Cambridge Advance Online courses are fully online and offer a flexible way to fit learning around your life. Our courses feature the latest in learning design theory and best-in-class learning technology, with a focus on real-world applications.

About Cambridge Advance Online

Cambridge Advance Online is a new programme of online short courses from the University of Cambridge. We deliver premium online learning experiences for professionals who want to advance their careers, connect with a network of peer learners, and gain insight from leaders in the field.

Cambridge Advanced (C1)

C1 Advanced, previously named Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE), is one of our most popular Cambridge English Qualifications. It is the examination that we advise should be your minimum goal in English, an in-depth high-level qualification that shows you have the skills in English that employers and higher educational institutions are looking for.

CAE Course (C1)

University of Cambridge Certificates are recognised English diplomas worldwide. CAE is an exam for advanced students. It represents the fourth level of the main Cambridge examinations group.

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Preparing yourself for this examination enables learners to develop the key skills for studying, working and living in English-speaking countries.

What is Cambridge International AS and A Levels?

The Cambridge International AS and A Levels that make up the Cambridge AICE Diploma are welcomed by leading universities around the world.

When was the Cambridge AICE diploma awarded?

The Cambridge AICE Diploma was first awarded in 1997 and has since become popular with a range of schools in different parts of the world.

What is AICE diploma?

The Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) Diploma is an international curriculum and examination system that emphasises the value of broad and balanced study.

What is Cambridge AICE?

The Cambridge AICE Diploma is made up of individual Cambridge International AS & A Levels, which have widespread international standing as educational qualifications.

What is the Cambridge International AS Level Global Perspectives and Research?

This skills-based course challenges learners to think critically, analyse evidence and compare perspectives. The learning is assessed through a team project and presentation as well as a written examination.

Get ready for the Cambridge C1 Advanced (CAE) online

Preparing for the Cambridge Advanced (formerly CAE) exam can be a daunting task, and fitting your exam preparation around a busy schedule can be even harder.

Book online

You can check prices and book online or contact us for a personalised quote.

Why choose to prepare for your Cambridge C1 Advanced exam with British Study Centres?

When you study for your C1 exam with British Study Centres, you'll find a community committed to your learning and progress in English and the skills you need to succeed in today’s global landscape.
