how many credits is a uh manoa course?

by Valentina Wisozk 8 min read

At least one component of each of these courses will involve the Indigenous cultures of Hawai‘i, the Pacific, and Asia. To satisfy this requirement, students must take a total of six credits; the six credits must come from two different groups.

Full Answer

Can I repeat a course at UH Manoa?

If the course or courses that they have taken are time-period specific, the credits that they take at UH Manoa must cover a different time period, corresponding to FGA, FGB, or FGC. 2. Diversification Requirement: 19 credits

What are the core requirements for Uuh Manoa?

Students must complete a minimum of 124 credits and have a minimum of a C (not C-) average (minimum GPA of 2.0) to earn a baccalaureate degree. Colleges, schools, and degree programs have specific requirements. Students should check …

How is GPA calculated at UH Manoa?

– eight credits – six credits (for graduate assistants not receiving financial aid) – one credit of 700F or 800: four credits-16 credits – nine credits (for graduate assistants) Summer Session: four credits per session or a total of eight credits for two sessions: two credits per session or a total of four credits for two sessions: eight credits per session

Can seniors at UH Manoa earn credit for advanced degree credit?

Credits Students must earn a minimum of 124 total applicable credits, of which at least 30 credits must be completed in residence at UH Manoa. Students must complete their academic work and apply for a degree in a timely manner (see “Excess Credit Policy”). Grade Point Average (GPA)

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2021-2022 Catalog Manoa Catalog Office 2500 Campus Road, Hawaii Hall 121

How many credits is a full-time student UH Manoa?

12 credit hoursEnrollment Status A full-time undergraduate carries a minimum of 12 credit hours. Undergraduate students carrying fewer than 12 credits are classified as part-time. Audited courses are not counted in determining the enrollment status of a student.

How many credits is a sophomore UH Manoa?

Classified undergraduates are those admitted to approved programs of study leading to UH Manoa baccalaureate degrees. Students who have earned 0–24 credit hours are freshmen; those with 25–54 credit hours are sophomores; those with 55–88 credit hours are juniors; and those with 89 or more credit hours are seniors.

How many credits do you need to graduate from UH Manoa?

Credits. Students must earn a minimum of 124 total applicable credits, of which at least 30 credits must be completed in residence at UH Manoa.

How much is a credit hour at UH Manoa?

With an average annual increase in per-credit charges of 1.3% over the past five years, the per credit cost for the 2020 - 2021 year is expected to be $1,407 and may reach $1,463 per credit by the 2023 - 2024 school year. For in-state students, these costs are estimated to reach $490 and $550 respectively.

Is C passing UH Manoa?

Student achievement is designated by the following grades: A+, A, A- (excellent), B+, B, B- (above average), C+, C, (average), C-, D+, D, D- (minimal passing), F (failure), CR (credit), NC (no credit), I (incomplete), and L (audit).

What GPA do you need to get into University of Hawaii?

Applicants require above average high school grades to get into UH at Manoa. The average high school GPA of the admitted freshman class at University of Hawaii at Manoa was 3.46 on the 4.0 scale indicating that primarily B+ students are accepted and ultimately attend.

What is University of Hawaii acceptance rate?

83.7% (2020)University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa / Acceptance rate

What is FG Manoa?

Global and Multicultural Perspectives (FG) courses provide thematic treatments of global processes and cross-cultural interactions from a variety of perspectives. Students will trace human development from prehistory to modern times through examination of narratives and artifacts from diverse cultures.

How many times can you retake a class UH Manoa?

Credit is allowed only one time. You do not need instructor approval to repeat the course. No student may attempt the same course more than two times without special approval. The third or any subsequent attempt of the same course requires the approval of the Dean of Student Services or designee.

Is UH Manoa a good school?

University of Hawaii at Manoa is ranked #1 out of #6 in Hawaii for quality and #3 out of #5 for Hawaii value. This makes it a good quality, but overpriced in the state.

How much does it cost to go to University of Hawaii for 4 years?

Based on published tuition prices, we estimate the current cost of a 4 year bachelor's degree and living expenses at University of Hawaii at Manoa to be $119,444 - assuming graduation in normal time....4 Year Sticker Price.YearHawaii ResidentsNon Residents4$31,555$54,8373 more rows

What major is University of Hawaii known for?

The most popular majors at University of Hawaii--Manoa include: Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services; Biological and Biomedical Sciences; and Social Sciences. The average freshman retention rate, an indicator of student satisfaction, is 80%.

How many credits do you need to get a baccalaureate degree?

Work accomplished by students is usually recognized in terms of credit hours, grades, grade points, and grade point averages. Students must complete a minimum of 124 credits and have a minimum of a C (not C-) average (minimum GPA of 2.0) to earn a baccalaureate degree.

Can you repeat a CR/NC course at UH Manoa?

Students may repeat, for a letter grade only, any course in which an F was received. If this is done at UH Manoa, credit hours and grade points for each attempt are included in the GPA. Students may repeat (but not for a letter grade) CR/NC courses in which they received a grade of NC.

What is credit hours?

Credit hours (or credits) for course work are determined on a semester or semester-equivalent basis for work satisfactorily accomplished. Credit hours granted for specific courses are listed in this Catalog and in the Registration Guide each semester.

How many credit hours are required for CR/NC?

Certain courses may be designated as mandatory CR/NC. In addition to any such mandatory CR/NC courses, no more than 40 credit hours of CR may be counted toward the degree. Neither CR nor NC is computed in the grade point average. The CR/NC option must be exercised during the registration period.

Can you repeat a course in college?

Students may only repeat a course in which they received a grade of C-, D+, D, D-, F, or an NC. Degree credit for a course is given only once. The grade assigned for each repeated course is permanently recorded on the transcript. Grades for all repeated courses will be included in the GPA.

What are the grades for a student?

Student achievement is designated by the following grades: A+, A, A- (excellent), B+, B, B- (above average), C+, C, (average), C-, D+, D, D- (minimal passing), F (failure), CR (credit), NC (no credit), I (incomplete), and L (audit). A grade of I is given to a student who has not completed a small but important part of a semester's work if the instructor believes that the incomplete was caused by conditions beyond the student's control. Each student receiving a grade of I should consult his or her instructor promptly to determine the steps to be taken and the deadline to complete the course work for changing the grade of I to a final grade. The designated November and April deadlines (see the “ Calendar ”) refer to the dates instructors must report adjusted grades. Student deadlines for completing their course work must be adjusted accordingly.

How to calculate GPA?

Grade point averages (GPA) are determined by dividing the total number of grade points by the total number of credit hours for which a student has received letter grades (excluding I, NC, CR, W, or L).

How many credit hours are required for a masters degree at UH Manoa?

A student who pursues two distinct master’s degrees at UH Manoa, either simultaneously or consecutively, may apply to have up to 6 credit hours of graduate course work accepted for credit in both degree programs under the following provisions:

How long before final exam is UH Manoa?

No examinations (other than laboratory tests and short quizzes) are allowed during the two weeks prior to the final examination period.

What happens if you fail to meet the academic requirements for a dual degree?

A student in a UH Manoa-approved “dual degree” program who fails to meet the academic requirements specified for that program will be dismissed from the dual degree program and the Graduate Division.

How many credits can you transfer to a graduate school?

Only credit hours from an accredited university are transferable. Upon recommendation of the graduate program and approval by the Graduate Division, no more than 15 credits may be transferred.

How many credit hours are required for a graduate program?

Sixteen credit hours in a semester and 8 credit hours in a six-week summer session are considered maximum course loads and may be exceeded only with the approval of the graduate chair and the Graduate Division. The minimum full-time load for graduate students is 8 credit hours of course work.

How many hours can a graduate assistant work?

However, with special permission from the graduate chair and the Graduate Division, graduate assistants may register for 12 credit hours, including audits.

What is an undergraduate deficiency?

Undergraduate deficiencies are courses required by a graduate program, prerequisites, or other requirements for admission that the student did not complete prior to admission. Courses in directed research/reading are not to be used to make up deficiencies.

Full-Time Load Definition

The Graduate Division considers students in all of the following cases to be full-time:

Overload Policy

Students may exceed maximum course limits only with approval from the Graduate Division. Graduate assistants who wish to enroll in more than nine credits in any semester must file a Graduate Assistant Petition to Enroll in More than Nine Credits with the Office of Graduate Student Services.

What GPA do I need to get into UH Manoa?

Students must be earn at least a 2.0 GPA (C average) for all UH Manoa registered credits and must not be on academic action (i.e., not on probation, suspension, dismissal). Some majors or programs have specific GPA requirements (see department’s sections).

What is an A&S major?

A&S major requirements offer students specialization in an academic field of study and develop liberal arts skills. Major requirements contribute to the ideal liberal arts education, which prepares students for productive lives and careers, enlightened citizenship, and lifelong learning.

What are the requirements for A&S?

A&S students must fulfill the UH Manoa Graduation requirements, which consist of Focus and Hawaiian or Second Language (HSL), credit, and grade point average (GPA) requirements (see “General Education” and “Undergraduate Education”).

What is broad exposure to the liberal arts?

A broad exposure to the liberal arts is achieved by students earning a minimum number of credits from liberal arts courses and developing facility in liberal arts disciplines. A&S students have the option of choosing Breadth, Depth, or an A&S major that demands expertise in performance or research.

Transfer Admission Requirements

Applicants to UH Mānoa are expected to have completed certain requirements at their previous institution. Please review the requirements below.

Application Checklist

UH Mānoa takes all your application materials into consideration when making an admissions decision. To apply for admission, please submit the following:

Application Deadlines

All applicants must meet application deadlines set by the University. Admission requirements are currently under review and are subject to change.

UH Manoa Graduation Requirements

The Focus requirements identify important additional skills and discourses necessary for living and working in diverse communities. Only Focus courses taken after they received official designation can count as meeting the Focus requirement.

Focus Requirements

The Focus requirements identify important additional skills and discourses necessary for living and working in diverse communities. Only Focus courses taken after they received official designation can count as meeting the Focus requirement.

What is the UH-Manoa Career Center?

UH-Manoa Career Center: Center for Career Development and Student Employment office provides career counseling; help and reviews of your resume, cover letters or personal portfolio; practice job interviews; provides job skills workshops; and of course hosts job recruitment fairs and interviews with outside employers. The office also has resources to help students find jobs or post-graduate internships and to prepare for graduate school.

How many Americans are connected to AmeriCorps?

AmeriCorps is a network of local, state, and national service programs that connects more than 70,000 Americans each year in intensive service to meet our country's critical needs in education, public safety, health, and the environment.

Does UH Manoa accept transfer credits?

In general, UH-Manoa accepts credits from institutions fully accredited by U.S. regional accrediting associations.


Course Loads

Variable Credit Courses

Graduate Credit For Seniors

Credit by Examination

Undergraduate Deficiencies

Transfer of Credits

Policy Governing Transfer of Credits from Other Institutions

Double Counting

  • A student who pursues two distinct master’s degrees at UH Manoa, either simultaneously or consecutively, may apply to have up to 6 credit hours of graduate course work accepted for credit in both degree programs under the following provisions: 1. The courses being double counted are electives in both programs; 2. Written approval of the graduate ch...
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Dual Degree