web course to learn how to use action cable

by Dalton Ernser Sr. 7 min read

What is action cable and how to use it?

Learn Enough Action Cable to Be Dangerous is available as an ebook, an offline video series, and as a structured, self-paced online course. The course includes full online access to the book content, streaming videos, progress tracking, exercises, and …

What does actioncable need to be configured?

Feb 04, 2016 · Read Action Cable and WebSockets: An in-Depth Tutorial and learn with SitePoint. Our web development and design tutorials, courses, and books will teach you HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and ...

What do you learn in a cables&connectors class?

Oct 17, 2017 · The first thing you can do is added the ActionCable meta tags to your application layout in the head section: = action_cable_meta_tag. Next, add the following line, to mount ActionCable, to your config/application.rb : config.action_cable.mount_path = '/websocket'.

What servers does action cable work with?

Action Cable OverviewIn this guide, you will learn how Action Cable works and how to use WebSockets to incorporate real-time features into your Rails application.After reading this guide, you will know: What Action Cable is and its integration backend and frontend How to set up Action Cable How to set up channels Deployment and Architecture setup for running Action …

How do you set up an action cable?

How to Setup ActionCable with a Rails API BackendStep 1: Setup your Database, Serializers & Whitelist Your API (CORS) ... Step 2: Mount ActionCable & Create a Websocket. ... Step 3: Create a Channel. ... Step 4: Communicate With the Backend over the WebSocket.Aug 30, 2018

How do you use action cable in react?

Using ReactJS with Rails Action CableAction Cable + React.Integrating React.Step 1 - Add required gems to Gemfile.Step 2 - Add required JavaScript files.Step 3 - Setup Action Cable to start listening to events.Step 4 - Create CommentList React Component.Step 5 - Create message JSON builder.More items...•Jul 18, 2015

How does action cable work?

Action Cable seamlessly integrates WebSockets with the rest of your Rails application. It allows for real-time features to be written in Ruby in the same style and form as the rest of your Rails application, while still being performant and scalable.

What are rails channels?

Rails 5 apps have a new directory in the app directory called channels. Channels acts as controllers for WebSocket requests by encapsulating the logic about particular works of unit, such as chat messages or notifications.Dec 15, 2018

How do you use action cable in rails 5?

First, we need to mount the Action Cable server onto a sub-URI of our main application. For this we have to add following line to routes. rb file. Now Action Cable will be listening for WebSocket requests on ws://localhost:3000/cable .Feb 1, 2018

Does ActionCable require Redis?

Does Action Cable 5 require Redis? No. According to the documentation, it's able to use other adapters. Action Cable provides a subscription adapter interface to process its pubsub internals.Apr 3, 2017

Does ActionCable use Redis?

ActionCable is backed by Redis Pub/Sub. ... When your Redis instance is down, so is ActionCable.Dec 29, 2020

What is stimulus reflex?

Stimulus Reflex is a library for creating realtime, reactive apps in Rails with no Javascript. It keeps track of the action that was used to render your view and uses websockets to re-render the view. It uses DOM diffing to update the DOM so the whole view isn't refreshed.Apr 19, 2020

What is Bootsnap?

Bootsnap is a library that plugs into a number of Ruby and (optionally) ActiveSupport and YAML methods to optimize and cache expensive computations. Bootsnap is a tool in the Ruby Utilities category of a tech stack. Bootsnap is an open source tool with 2.5K GitHub stars and 161 GitHub forks.

How do I install Sidekiq?

Sidekiq configurationPrerequisites: Install redis-server.Install sidekiq. Add the gem as dependency in Gemfile. ... Configure Sidekiq. Create config/sidekiq.yml file inside Redmine directory and set the queues. ... Configure Redmine to use sidekiq as backend. ... Test the configuration. ... Configure sidekiq to run as a system service.

What is the last portion of our houses channel?

The last portion of our houses channel is the client side code . There are two files that define this relationship. The first file is app/assets/javascripts/channels/application_channel.coffee. This file just defines the cable:

How to make a house on the map?

In the first browser window , click the create a house link that is below the houses tag on the home page. This will take you to a form with two fields. Fill out the address and zip code fields of a house or even a famous Pittsburgh attraction. Once you click “Save”, you’ll notice on your other browser window, a pin drops down and a new house is listed on the map. This was all done via Action Cable and WebSockets.

Using ActionCable in your application

Let’s get hypothetical for a second here. Let’s suppose you are building a Project Management application. For brevity, also let’s assume you are only concerned with edit’s to the Projects high level information and a notification dropdown.

Handling Notifications via ActionCable

Unlike the first example of ActionCable interactions, this one will not be based on a specific page. This provides a few more liberties when subscribing and streaming.

Testing ActionCable

Last, but not least, we will want to test the ActionCable behavior added in this post. Unfortunately, at the time of writing, the Rails core team has not added a comprehensive testing class for ActionCable. Thus, their recommended approach is to use behavior testing.

What is action cable?

Action Cable is powered by a combination of WebSockets and threads. Both the framework plumbing and user-specified channel work are handled internally by utilizing Ruby's native thread support. This means you can use all your regular Rails models with no problem, as long as you haven't committed any thread-safety sins.

What is identified_by in a channel?

Here identified_by designates a connection identifier that can be used to find the specific connection later. Note that anything marked as an identifier will automatically create a delegate by the same name on any channel instances created off the connection.

What is Pub Sub?

Pub/Sub, or Publish-Subscribe, refers to a message queue paradigm whereby senders of information (publishers), send data to an abstract class of recipients (subscribers), without specifying individual recipients. Action Cable uses this approach to communicate between the server and many clients.

What is it called when a consumer subscribes to a channel?

When a consumer is subscribed to a channel, they act as a subscriber. This connection is called a subscription . Incoming messages are then routed to these channel subscriptions based on an identifier sent by the cable consumer.

Does Action Cable accept strings?

Action Cable will only accept requests from specified origins, which are passed to the server config as an array. The origins can be instances of strings or regular expressions, against which a check for the match will be performed.

What is a worker pool?

The worker pool is used to run connection callbacks and channel actions in isolation from the server's main thread. Action Cable allows the application to configure the number of simultaneously processed threads in the worker pool.

Can cable servers be separated from normal server?

The cable servers can be separated from your normal application server . It's still a Rack application, but it is its own Rack application. The recommended basic setup is as follows:

What is action cable?

Action Cable is powered by a combination of WebSockets and threads. Both the framework plumbing and user-specified channel work are handled internally by utilizing Ruby's native thread support. This means you can use all your regular Rails models with no problem, as long as you haven't committed any thread-safety sins.

How to setup a channel?

The following setup steps are common to both examples: 1 Setup your connection. 2 Setup your parent channel. 3 Connect your consumer.

What is Pub Sub?

Pub/Sub, or Publish-Subscribe, refers to a message queue paradigm whereby senders of information (publishers), send data to an abstract class of recipients (subscribers), without specifying individual recipients. Action Cable uses this approach to communicate between the server and many clients.

What is it called when a consumer subscribes to a channel?

When a consumer is subscribed to a channel, they act as a subscriber. This connection is called a subscription . Incoming messages are then routed to these channel subscriptions based on an identifier sent by the cable consumer.

Does Action Cable accept strings?

Action Cable will only accept requests from specified origins, which are passed to the server config as an array. The origins can be instances of strings or regular expressions, against which a check for the match will be performed.

What is a worker pool?

The worker pool is used to run connection callbacks and channel actions in isolation from the server's main thread. Action Cable allows the application to configure the number of simultaneously processed threads in the worker pool.

Can cable servers be separated from normal server?

The cable servers can be separated from your normal application server . It's still a Rack application, but it is its own Rack application. The recommended basic setup is as follows:

What we want to achieve

Broadcasting a piece of HTML code to a channel from the Rails console.

Creating a Channel

Rails provides a handy generator to create a new channel. We call this channel “WebNotifications”.

The Screencast

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