uts how to tell if you have passed your course

by Ms. Maria Parker 9 min read

Credited (subject): Subject completed within another course at UTS and credit granted. Passed (course or subject): Successfully completed the requirements of course / subject. Failed (subject): Student did not meet requirements to complete subject.

Full Answer

Does UTs have all records of my academic record?

To obtain an unofficial copy of your academic record (transcript), you will need to log in to My Student Admin, and complete the following steps: select the 'My Exams' menu. select the 'My Results' menu. select your course and continue to the next page. from the 'Results Overview' page, select 'I want to...Email my complete academic record'.

What will my transcript look like if I studied at UTS?

If you are in Australia on a student visa it is a condition of your visa that you maintain your enrolment at UTS for the full duration of your visa. If you withdraw from your course, UTS is required by law to notify the Department of Home Affairs. Unless you apply for another kind of visa or enrol at a different institution, the Department of Home Affairs may cancel your student …

How are results determined for the UTS?

Credited (subject): Subject completed within another course at UTS and credit granted. Passed (course or subject): Successfully completed the requirements of course / subject. Failed (subject): Student did not meet requirements to complete subject. Withdrawn (course): Withdrawn from an admitted status course.

How do I enrol in a UTS open course?

or call us on 1300 ASK UTS (1300 275 887) or +61 2 9514 1222 (outside Australia) Select option 3 when prompted and then option 2 again for postgraduate enquiries. Monday - Friday, 9am - 8pm* (AEST) *Our closing time for phones may be adjusted to help manage wait times & call volumes. Thank you for understanding.

How do I check my UTS results?

Once you are logged in, select the 'Results' tab to access your results. You will not be able to obtain results through: phone calls to University staff, or. Visiting the UTS Student Centre.

How do I get a UTS completion certificate?

Domestic students can request a statement of course completion by completing a request for a statement of course completion. An administrative charge is payable, and you should allow three working days for processing. International students can request a statement of course completion by completing the online form.

What is a pass at UTS?

U:PASS is a student learning program designed to assist students who are studying subjects that are perceived as difficult or that historically have a high failure rate. We are part of HELPS, which provides English and academic support to all UTS students.

What happens if you fail a uni course UTS?

UTS will change your FAIL to WITHDRAWN on your academic record. You may be given the opportunity to attempt a supplementary exam or assessment and a second chance to pass your subject.

How do I check my UTS alumni email?

Using Single Sign-On (SSO) for alumniGo to login.uts.edu.au.Enter your full name alumni email address. ... Enter your newly reset password, and select 'Next'You will arrive at a single sign-on dashboard which will show on the UTS applications you have access to.Aug 3, 2021

How do I find my UTS student number?

As an enrolled UTS student, you receive a UTS Student ID number linked with a UTS e-mail address and a number of key UTS systems. This account will be your account from the day you enrol until the day you graduate from UTS.

How do I check my WAM UTS?

The WAM is calculated by:multiplying the mark attained in a subject by the subject's credit-point value.repeating step 1 for each subject attempted in the course (including any fails), then adding these figures together, and.dividing the total calculated in step 2 by the number of credit points attempted in the course.

What does a GPA of 7 mean?

Your grade point average (GPA) is the average result of all your grades and is calculated on a 7-point grading scale. 7 being the highest (HD), and 0 is the lowest (fail).

What is a B+ in percentage Australia?

Honours System Some Australian universities have a grading system based on the Honours system used at Oxford and Cambridge: In Schools reports they use these systems: A-90-100: excellent B-75-90%: good C-40-75%: Satisfactoriness D-25-40%: Limited E-10-25%- Very Low F- 10-%: Failed.

Does withdrawal fail affect GPA?

A withdrawal doesn't affect the GPA.

What happens if you fail a subject twice at UTS?

Repeated Failure in a Subject - Two Fails (E2F) Students who fail a subject specified by a Faculty Board for the second time are liable for this sanction.

Can you get kicked out of UTS?

If you don't meet the minimum rate of progress (MRP) in the next half year of study, you may be excluded from the university.

Graduate Certificates

Students graduating from graduate certificate courses do not attend university graduation ceremonies. However, some faculties conduct their own graduate certificate presentation events.

Awards and graduation rules

Rules governing awards and graduation are in Section 13: Awards and Graduation of the University's Student and Related Rules.


The subjects on your study plan may be grouped in named sub-structures.

Study package status

In My Student Admin you can see a status against your course and subjects:

Subject Outline

Once you are enrolled in a subject, you can access your subject outline via your subject site from one week before the start of session. All postgraduate subjects and most undergraduate subjects are now in Canvas .

Textbooks and Subject Notes

If your subject outline indicates that you are required to access textbooks or subject notes:

Graduates, Alumni and Other enquiries

Check out our 2021 graduation ceremonies and celebrations page for current news on graduations (your question could already be answered!)

Current students

Check out our Student Centre FAQ page for current hot topics (your question could already be answered!)

Future students - Postgraduate

If you are interested in postgraduate study or have an enquiry about your postgraduate application.

Future Students - Undergraduate

Check out our Student Centre FAQ page for current hot topics (your question could already be answered!)

Essential Advice for Results Release

If you missed the webinar about results release, you can catch up with the recording on the Results page.

Attendance and study load

For any subject that you study at UTS, one or more attendance modes may be available, depending on teaching session and campus location. Attendance modes include:

Subject assessment

During your time at UTS, you may be required to complete a number of different types of assessment for each subject.

UTS Coursework

Please refer to our coursework introduction page for more information on Grading, class sizes and system of coursework.

Using Canvas

Canvas is UTS’s online learning management system. Canvas provides access to learning and teaching materials for subjects, including subject outlines, assessment guidelines and important subject information.

Getting help

academic issues and questions, speak with your lecturer or tutor initially, then subject or course coordinators. The most appropriate contacts will be in the Subject outline, which can be found on Canvas.

Studying safely

As with any workplace or activity, there are potential health and safety risks. Often you will be putting in long hours in front of a computer, you may be returning from uni late via deserted streets, working with potentially hazardous substances in labs, or be exposed to risks while doing fieldwork or internships.

Business students, which major did you pick and why?

Hi all, starting a BBus/BSciIT in 2021. I'm now at the point where I actually have to choose a major instead of changing my mind about it every five seconds, and I may need some guidance. To those already in this degree, which major did you choose, and which majors do you think would pair well with an IT degree? Thanks

Bouncing back from rough first semester

Hey guys, I’m currently in my first semester and was on my way to a distinction average when my health slipped and my scores dropped as a result. I’m still above passing but disappointed with where I ended up.


I got offers for both UTS Law/Business and UNSW Law/Commerce and I'm not sure which university I should go to. I know both unis are good and I'm not too concerned about reputation and prestige. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge about each uni experience/teaching style/emloyability/social life/etc.

Programming Languages

is Java the only one we are taught at UTS for software engineering or will there be more languages. I don't want to do data engineering alone as a major but I might have to if I want to learn Python and SQL.

How does part time work?

Hi guys I am currently doing a full time course and want to know the details of part time.

How to withdraw

I accepted an external transfer to UNSW after 1 year at UTS. Does anybody know what I have to do so I can withdraw from UTS? As expected they make information on this issue non-existent.
