upon completion of the course, how do you rate your overall experience

by Cordelia Padberg 7 min read

How do you rate the course content?

Asses Using a Rubric or Other Tool to Consider Basic Course Elements. ... Analyze Course from a Student Perspective. ... Assess Course Artifacts, Materials, & Feedback. ... Consider Level and Type of Student-to-Student and Student-to-Instructor Interactions. ... Results: Are Students Learning?

How do you give feedback on a course?

Providing constructive feedbackBe specific and provide examples when commenting on the course or the instructor.Focus on observable behaviors of the instructor or particular aspects of the course. ... Ensure that your comments are respectful. ... Avoid personalization or emotional comments; instead, describe actual incidents.More items...

How do you evaluate training experience?

Just like these:Do you feel that your knowledge or skills have improved by taking the course?How would you rate your overall learning experience?How could we improve the learning experience?Do you feel that online training is more effective?Name the things you enjoyed the most in this course.More items...•

What do you say in a course evaluation?

Comment on what you feel was good about the course and why you feel this way. Be honest, be direct and be concise. Don't spend too much time describing what aspects you considered good because it is more important that you communicate your reasons for feeling that way.

How do you give positive feedback after training?

Thanks so much for your very valuable training. I really enjoyed it, and appreciated that you made it fun! I feel much better prepared to deal with uncomfortable issues. Thank you for your wisdom, experience and personable presentation.

How do you write a good feedback for an online class?

However, providing feedback in an online course is not as straightforward....Meaningful Feedback For Online LearnersSet Clear Expectations. ... Make It Actionable. ... Personalize It. ... Share In Audio Format. ... Be Timely. ... Encourage Peer Feedback.

How would you describe a good training session?

How to Conduct an Effective Training SessionTell trainees what you're going to cover. ... Tell them the information. ... Tell them what you told them. ... Always explain what trainees are going to see before you show a multimedia portion. ... Use as much hands-on training as possible. ... Test frequently. ... Involve trainees.More items...

What is an example of an evaluation question?

Examples of Evaluation Questions Were participants satisfied with the delivery of the program? How do staff, community partners and referring agencies feel about the program? How did participants find out about the program? How many children/youth and/or families completed the program?

General questions

What were your learning objectives? (if you haven’t asked this prior to starting the course)

To measure course design

The course pages were easy to navigate (for online courses) (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)

To collect marketing data

How did you hear about this course? (give multiple choice options of all the places you promoted it, plus ‘other’ in case they heard about it in a way you did not expect)

What is the real learning after an internship?

In experiential learning and internships, the real learning comes after the work term when you have an opportunity to think about what you saw and experienced. Reflecting back about the experience is a key to learning and it is definitely not a new idea.

How to describe an internship experience?

You should be able to describe an internship experience in two minutes. Use action-oriented and positive words. 30 Seconds – Tell your first and last name, year in school, institution, and major. Give the name of the employer (organization) and site location.

What is reflection process?

This post-experience reflection with a guide gives you another voice that can ask questions and draw comparisons to abstract ideas that are now more completely understood. Lessons learned can become internalized and put to use in future work opportunities.

Why is reflection important?

Reflective Observation of the new experience. Of particular importance are any inconsistencies between experience and understanding. Reflection gives rise to a new idea, or to a modification of an existing abstract concept. The learner applies new ideas to the world around them to see what results.

What is Kolb's experiential learning style?

Kolb's experiential learning style theory is typically represented by a four stage learning cycle in which the learner 'touches all the bases': [Source: Simply Psychology.org] Concrete Experience. A new experience or situation, or a reinterpretation of existing experience, is encountered. Reflective Observation of the new experience.

What is the most important skill to develop?

Communication is one of the most important professional skills you can develop. The process of seeking an internship, the work experience itself, and reflecting afterward, will all contribute to the growth of your communication skills. As you reflect on your internship, practice speakiing succinctly and precisely about your experience.

Why is a resume important?

Resumes are also used in applying to graduate school, for scholarships, and in nominations to civic boards and other leadership opportunities. Your ability to write about your internship experience on your resume is incredibly important.

Why is it important to write a self performance review?

When writing a self-performance review, it is important to consider your audience and what they are looking for. Some employers may be looking for reviews that are based on work accomplished over the past year. Others may prefer a review that assesses your entire professional career.

What are the characteristics of a professional?

Here is a list of some keywords to use when describing your own professional characteristics: 1 Achievement 2 Communication skills 3 Creativity 4 Delegating 5 Productivity 6 Time management

What should be included in an employee review?

Every employee review should include a section that details your accomplishments and positive attributes. To do this, use the personal and professional skills you have written down to guide how you present your accomplishments. When writing, be sure to address the following:

How to approach writing?

No matter what is being asked of you, here are some good ways to approach your writing process: Make a list of your positive attributes. Reflect on your accomplishments. Reflect on your mistakes. Close with opportunities to grow. 1.

What is professional self assessment?

A professional self-assessment is a written statement that combines judgments made by an employee about their own work, abilities and goals. This kind of self-review is designed to help you evaluate yourself as a professional and also serves as an opportunity to set goals for further growth.

What is a good course completion rate?

Before jumping into how you can increase your course completion rate, know that average course completion rates hover around 5-15%. Therefore, if your completion rate is within that range, your course is actually performing in a pretty normal range. Therefore, there likely isn’t an issue with the material itself.

How can I increase my online completion rate?

As I mentioned before, David’s original course hovered around a 7% completion rate. After agonizing over this number for some time, he started playing around with the format and began teaching the exact same material to eight students via Zoom calls. The results were astounding as engagement increased dramatically.

Track Student Progress

The first step to improving course completion rates is to improve your visibility into student progress. If you can identify when and where students get stuck, it’s easy to reach out to them and offer some guidance to help them get unstuck.

Habit Tracking

I’ve mentioned habit tracking a few times already in this post, though this was one of the biggest game-changers that enabled David to improve his completion rates and create a lasting impact on the lives of his students.

Accountability Buddies

In addition to enabling every person in the cohort to view a student’s habit tracker, David went one step further by creating accountability groups. These groups are divided up into 3-4 people, and they meet once a week outside of the typical coaching hours.

Weekly Calls

If you recall, David first started to see an improvement in engagement when he taught the material over Zoom calls, so it’s no surprise that weekly calls continue to be an important aspect of his group coaching program.

Creating a Cohesive Course Experience

The final, yet perhaps most important element to improving David’s course completion rate from 7% to 94%, was switching from multiple different platforms for various aspects of the course to a single cohesive platform that housed all of the information necessary for the course.

Course Reflection Sample 1

This course has been a great source of learning for me. There are many dimensions of learning that I had from this course. First is the fact that I have had to discuss different topics in the discussion area which proved to be vital for me and was a great experience for me.

Course Reflection Sample 2

It was simply great. I honestly believe that the course had so much to offer that I never expected from it. It was not just a course related to a specific topic but encompassed a lot more. I learned the technical side of writing papers and preparing presentations with PowerPoint.


General Questions

  1. What were your learning objectives? (if you haven’t asked this prior to starting the course)
  2. Rate your overall experience of the course (from very good to very poor)
  3. How likely are you to recommend this course to a friend/colleague? (from very likely to very unlikely)
  4. How did this course develop you professionally?
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to Measure Whether The Learning Has Met The Participants’ Expectations

  1. The course met my expectations (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
  2. The course met my needs (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
  3. The topics covered were relevant to the course (strongly agree to strongly disagree)
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to Measure Course Design

  1. The course pages were easy to navigate (for online courses) (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
  2. The course pages were attractive (for online courses) (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
  3. The information ws pitched at the right level, e.g. too low/simple, too high/complex (frrom str…
  1. The course pages were easy to navigate (for online courses) (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
  2. The course pages were attractive (for online courses) (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
  3. The information ws pitched at the right level, e.g. too low/simple, too high/complex (frrom strongly agree to strongly disagree)

to Measure The Activities

  1. The activities were clearly explained (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
  2. The activities were useful (list out the various elements and allow to grade)
  3. Which activities did you find most useful? Why? (list out the various elements and allow to grade)
  4. The timing of activities was appropriate for the content (from strongly agree to strongly disa…
  1. The activities were clearly explained (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
  2. The activities were useful (list out the various elements and allow to grade)
  3. Which activities did you find most useful? Why? (list out the various elements and allow to grade)
  4. The timing of activities was appropriate for the content (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)

to Measure Student/Tutor Engagement

  1. I was provided with many opportunities to interact with fellow students on the course (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
  2. I was provided with many opportunities to interact with my tutor(s) (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
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to Measure Tutor Support and Teaching

  1. The course material was useful (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
  2. The tutor was engaging (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
  3. The tutor provided helpful feedback (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)
  4. Rate the tutoring provision/competence (from very good to very poor)
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to Measure Impact of Learning - Open-Ended Questions

  1. Give an example of how you'll apply what you learnt in this course in your job
  2. Give (up to three) examples where the learning has helped to improve your performance at work
  3. Which topic(s) would you have liked additional or follow-up content for?
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to Collect Marketing Data

  1. How did you hear about this course? (give multiple choice options of all the places you promoted it, plus ‘other’ in case they heard about it in a way you did not expect)
  2. Why did you sign up to this course?
  3. How interested would you be in a course about…? Test ideas for other courses
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