ucla how to drop a course

by Mayra Smitham 4 min read

How to Drop or Transfer a Course:

  • Log in to the UCLA Extension Student Portal
  • In the menu select My Enrollment History
  • Find your course and select “request drop” or “request transfer”
  • Follow the prompts to complete your request

Full Answer

How do I drop a class at UCLA?

After week four, students must obtain a drop petition from the academic dean’s office. Impacted classes may be dropped using MyUCLA on or before midnight Friday of the second week of classes with no fee or transcript notation. Impacted classes are noted in class information in MyUCLA and the Schedule of Classes.

How do I drop a class in myucla?

(Nonimpacted classes may be dropped through MyUCLA before the final two weeks of instruction.) After midnight on Friday of week one, UCLA students must follow the same impacted-drop procedures as in regular session. They must obtain a Late Impacted Course Drop Petition or Retroactive Drop Petition from their respective counseling unit.

When can I drop an impacted course?

Undergraduate students cannot drop an impacted course after Friday of the second week of a term for other than exceptionally extenuating circumstances. Classes dropped after second week carry a transcript notation of the week the class was dropped.

Are there cash refunds for dropped courses at UCLA?

There are no cash refunds. A $30 administrative fee will be withheld from each dropped course for which a refund is due ($50 for concurrent enrollments). This does not apply to courses that are cancelled by UCLA Extension or transfer requests that are received on or before the final transfer date.

Can you drop classes in UCLA?

Undergraduate students can drop nonimpacted classes with no fee and no transcript notation on MyUCLA through week four. Later drops may incur fees and may require a petition.

How do I withdraw from a course?

Go in person to the registrar's office to get a class withdrawal sheet. Some institutions also accept withdrawals through email. Look on your school's website for an email address for the registrar's office or the academic advisor's office. When in doubt, contact an academic advisor.

How do I withdraw from UCLA?

A UCLA Withdrawal Notice form must be submitted to your College advising unit via Message Center. The Withdrawal Notice is available online at the Registrar's webpage . Please be aware that dropping all courses online through MyUCLA does not constitute an official withdrawal from the term.

Can you drop a class week 10 UCLA?

To Drop a Non-Impacted Class Friday Week 10: submit Restricted Drop petition to your UCLA College advising unit; approval not guaranteed; $35 fee and transcript notation, if approved. Please be aware that students are restricted to three (3) restricted late drops during their academic career.

Does a withdrawal hurt your GPA?

“A withdrawal will be on the transcripts but does not affect GPA.” Croskey also noted that there aren't any limits to how many classes one can drop because they don't go on the transcript. Withdrawals though are limited and can look bad if there are too many on a student's transcript.

Does dropping a class affect your GPA?

When a student drops a class, it disappears from their schedule. After the “drop/add” period, a student may still have the option to Withdraw. Withdrawal usually means the course remains on the transcript with a “W” as a grade. It does not affect the student's GPA (grade point average).

Can I withdraw my sir?

Get things moving as quickly as you can (SIR at new campus -> check financial aid -> apply for housing -> register for orientation -> cancel old SIR) then run out to celebrate once the dust settles!

What happens if you sir to two colleges?

If you submitted a SIR to more than one UC campus, you must cancel the SIR at the campus you no longer plan to attend. The SIR deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable. The UCs do not want you to double or triple SIR because you can't make up your mind.

How do I get a refund from UCLA Extension?

Send a letter describing your circumstance, with appropriate documentation, to Refunds, UCLA Extension, P.O. Box 24901, Los Angeles, CA 90024- 0901. FAX: (310) 206-3223, email: [email protected].

Can I drop a class during finals week?

Withdrawal during the final three weeks of instruction (or proportionate for winter and summer terms) is not permitted unless there are serious and extenuating circumstances beyond your control that prevent you from continuing in your classes and Incompletes are not possible.

Can I drop a summer class UCLA?

You may drop summer classes on MyUCLA and receive a refund of course fees if the course(s) is dropped BEFORE the refund deadline: Impacted Courses and Summer Intensives: Friday, Week 1 of the course (by 5PM PDT) Non-Impacted Courses: Friday, Week 2 of the course (by 5PM PDT)

Does an incomplete affect your GPA UCLA?

EFFECT ON GPA The “I” grade has no effect on the GPA of the term in which it was taken. A student receives units and grade points for the course after all the coursework has been completed. The actual grade appears on the transcript and DPR in the term in which the work was completed.

How to withdraw from a course at UCLA?

How to Withdraw from a Course: 1 After the refund deadline, log in to the UCLA Extension Student Portal 2 In the menu select My Enrollment History 3 Find your course and select “request withdrawal” 4 Follow the prompts to complete your request

When can you drop a course on a PT?

You may request to drop or transfer from a course up until the end of day (11:59pm PT) on the final refund or transfer date (see note above for where to find this date). Courses are not transferable to another quarter.

How long does it take to get a refund from a course?

If the final refund date has passed, claims for exception to the course refund policy will be considered only under the most unusual circumstances and only if the request is received within 90 days from the course end date.

Can you withdraw from a course after the refund date?

Withdraw from a Course. If after the final refund date, you decide to discontinue participating in your course, you have the option to withdraw up until the final withdrawal date. For courses that require a final test, you are no longer eligible to withdraw once you have access to take the final test.

When are summer impacted classes dropped?

Summer impacted courses may be dropped on or before Friday of the first week of the term with no transcript notation. Impacted courses dropped after the first week carry a transcript notation of the week the class was dropped.

What is an impacted course?

An impacted course is one for which demand exceeds the number of seats available. Undergraduate students cannot drop an impacted course after Friday of the second week of a term for other than exceptionally extenuating circumstances. Classes dropped after second week carry a transcript notation of the week the class was dropped.

Restricted Late Drop Petition

If you need to drop a non-impacted class between Weeks 8-10 of a regular term, you will need to submit a Restricted Late Drop petition to your UCLA College Advising Unit. Please be aware that students are restricted to three (3) restricted late drops during their academic career.

Credit Detail Petition

If you need to change the credit detail of a class from Letter Grade to Pass/No Pass, or from Pass/No Pass to Letter Grade, after the deadline (Friday, Week 6) (not applicable for the 22W and 22S quarters until after Friday of Week 9), you will need to submit a Credit Detail petition to your UCLA College Advising Unit.

Excess Units for the Quarter

Eligibility: To be eligible for excess units [exceed 19 units in a regular quarter (fall, winter or spring) or exceed 18 units in summer], you must meet ALL of the following conditions:

Understand the Difference

Removing one or multiple courses from your schedule but remaining in at least one (1) course.

Deadlines for Dropping Courses

The full drop schedule is available in the Schedule of Classes and in the Dates to Observe.

1. Check the Deadline for Dropping a Course

Deadlines differ from campus to campus. Contact the host campus Registrar’s Office to verify the deadline for dropping a course. The dates that apply for adding/dropping a course are those of the campus where you are taking the online course.

2. Email a Request to Drop the Course

If you choose to drop a course before the deadline, use your school email account and email UC Online Support with the following information:
