txstate how to hide a course tab

by Ramiro Dicki 8 min read

How do I hide a course in canvas?

Hiding Course in Canvas Dashboard You can hide course cards in your Dashboard using the Courses menu. This is useful for hiding master courses and future enrollments. You will still be able to access the courses via the Courses tab.

How do I hide course cards in my dashboard?

Hiding Course in Canvas Dashboard You can hide course cards in your Dashboard using the Courses menu. This is useful for hiding master courses and future enrollments. You will still be able to access the courses via the Courses tab. Before After 1. Click the Courses tab in the global navigation menu, then click All Courses. 2.

How do I view all sections offered for a course?

Select the Subject and click the "Course Search" button found at the bottom of the page. Click the "View Sections" button to see all sections offered for the course. Look for which sections have open seats. The "Act", (Actual) column, will reflect which sections have availability.

How do I look up classes in Texas State self service?

To look up classes, a student must first log in to Texas State Self-Service. Click on the "Student" link from the Main Menu. Click on the "Registration" link in the Student menu. Click on the "Look Up Classes" link. To select a term click on the dropdown found below "Search by Term" and then click the "Submit" button.

How do I hide Course navigation in canvas?

To hide a navigation link, click the link Options icon [1] and select the Disable option [2]. You can also drag and drop the link to the hidden section at the bottom of the page.

How do you hide a tab in canvas?

0:342:13This will bring up all of the different tabs that I have in my left-hand navigation menu. And inMoreThis will bring up all of the different tabs that I have in my left-hand navigation menu. And in order to hide these all I have to do is either drag the items down here below this line or.

How do I hide tabs on canvas for students?

You can hide the Files page following these steps: In the left menu bar click Settings, click the Navigation tab, to the right of Files choose Disable, and then click Save (see attached diagram). The Files item will be grayed, indicating that is it disabled and not visible to your students.

How do I hide courses on my dashboard?

Click on “Courses” in the red vertical menu bar, and then click on “all courses”. To hide a course card in your dashboard, click on the little star so that the color is gone.

How do I hide menu items in Canvas?

Simply drag and drop the Course Menu buttons by clicking an item box and holding your mouse button as you drag each item box into the “hide” section under “Drag items here to hide them from students.”

How do I move a class off canvas dashboard?

Click Dashboard in the Global Navigation Menu.Click the More Options icon on the course card of the course that you would like to move.Click the Move tab.To move the course card down one place in the order, click Move down. To move the course card to the bottom of the order, click Move to bottom.

How do I make modules tab visible in canvas?

In the Course Navigation menu, click the Modules link. button at the top right to add a new module. In the pop-up window, give your new module a name (such as "Module 1" or "Week 1" or "Readings"). You may select the "Lock until" box to enter a date after which this module will become visible to students.

How do I unhide a section in canvas?

At any point, if you want to re-enable a section, return to Course Settings, scroll down to the bottom of the screen, click on the three dots, and click Enable.

If I have my MDS certification, do I have to take the RUG training?

Even if a nurse has received an MDS certification from another program, they are required to complete the RUG Training to be permitted to electronically submit their MDS Assessments for Medicaid Reimbursement payments.

Can someone other than a nurse complete the RUG training?

Can someone other than a nurse complete the RUG training? Yes. You do not need to be a nurse in order to complete the RUG training. When completing the application, enter six zeros ("000000") as the license number and "Not Applicable" for the state which issued the license.

If nurses take the training for Nursing Facilities, do they also need to take the training for Community Services?

In order to submit MDS assessments, the nurse license numbers must have completed the Nursing Facility training.

How soon after completing the online RUG training will TMHP be notified of the completion?

It can take 5-7 working days (M-F, 8-5) to process and report completions to TMHP, depending on current volume of enrollments and completions. However, we strive to process and report training completions as quickly as possible.

Can a provider take both training courses that are offered?

Yes. Providers are not limited to just one training course. Providers may take both the Nursing Facilities and Community Services training, however there is a fee for each course.

I signed up for the wrong training. Can I take the other training instead?

The participant will need to contact the Office of Distance and Extended Learning at Texas State University to transfer enrollment from one course to another within 30 days of enrollment.

What happens if I accidentally complete another individual's training?

This happens when a participant uses another individual's username and password to access the training. Pay special attention to type the username and password exactly as it was given to you in the enrollment notification email, as they can be very similar to those issued to others.

How to drop a class in a bobcat?

1) Log in to Bobcat Schedule Builder and click "Current Schedule". To drop a class, a student must first log in to Texas State Self-Service. Click on the "Student" tab and then the "Registration" link . Next select the “Bobcat Schedule Builder” link under the Registration page. Click "Current Schedule" in the top menu of Bobcat Scheduling & ...

What does it mean to drop a class?

Drop a Class. Dropping is removing one or more classes from your schedule within the academic calendar deadline, but having at least one class left. Students may drop classes from their schedules for a limited time each semester.

Do classes drop before census date?

Classes officially dropped before the Census Date do not appear on a student’s transcript. See the online registration calendar each semester for Census Dates.

Block Placement Letter

You will receive an e-mail with information regarding registration. The e-mail will resemble the template below. You should use the provided CRN numbers to complete your registration.

Registering with Course Reference Numbers (CRNs)

Based on the selections in your block application, you are granted overrides for specific sections of block coursework. Students must use the CRN numbers provided in the placement letter to register.

Requesting a Change

If you experience a course scheduling conflict and need to request a new block placement, you can reach out to the Block Coordinator at [email protected]. There is no guarantee of approval.

How to drop a class in Texas?

To drop a class, a student must first log in to Texas State Self-Service. Select the “Bobcat Scheduling & Registration” link under the Registration page. Click "Current Schedule" in the top menu of Bobcat Scheduling & Registration.

What does it mean to drop classes?

Dropping is removing one or more classes from your schedule within the academic calendar deadline, but having at least one class left. Students may drop courses from their schedules for a limited time each semester. The online registration calendar for each semester indicates the deadlines for students to drop courses each term.
