how to add dates to course completion report moodle

by Loren Ruecker Jr. 6 min read

Click (Actions menu) and choose More … to open the Course administration page. Click Reports. Click Dates.

Full Answer

Where can I find a course completion report?

Jun 13, 2017 · Configurable reports block (plugin) Add completion date to user . Courses and course formats. Enrolment. Gradebook. Languages. LTI and Moodle. Mathematics tools. Moodle for mobile. Moodle networking (MNet) Moodle office tool integrations. Repositories. Roles and permissions. Text editors. Themes. Virtual Programming Lab (plugin) Web ...

How do I enable course completion for the site?

Oct 20, 2015 · SELECT u.username, c.shortname, DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(gi.timemodified), '%d/%m/%Y') AS 'date' FROM moodle.user u JOIN moodle.grade_grades g ON g.userid = JOIN moodle.grade_items gi ON g.itemid = JOIN moodle.course c ON = gi.courseid WHERE = ? GROUP BY c.shortname

Should the course completion condition date be set to date?

You'll need to create few courses (at least 3) following these settings: Future course, where start and end dates are in the future Course in progress (end date in the future and start date in the past). Past course where start and end dates are in the past. Add some activities to each of the created course, make sure completion is properly configured (you can use student can mark …

What is the reports tab in the course management panel?

course completion is calculated properly; Note: you must run cron (sometimes twice - MDL-33320) to update course completion status. master branch: in the course completion report click on student name and make sure that all information is displayed properly there as well

How do I find my course completion date in Moodle?

Use Site administration > Advanced features > Enable completion tracking (check enabled) in order to allow completion tracking on your site. You can set Completion tracking as On or Off in new courses as a course default in Site administration > Courses > Course default settings.Nov 17, 2020

How do you add completion progress in Moodle?

Setting up a Completion Progress block in a courseTurn editing on.Create your activities/resources as normal.Set completion settings for each activity you want to appear in the bar, including an expected by date.Add the Completion Progress block to your page (How to add a block)More items...•Oct 4, 2016

How do I get a course completion report in Moodle?

Course completion info can be viewed by managers, teachers and non-editing teachers (and any other users with the capability report/completion:view) in Administration> Course administration > Course completion or via a link in the Course completion status block. The course completion report may be downloaded as a .Nov 18, 2020

How do I add a course completion block in Moodle?

Login to Moodle, open your course, and click the "Turn editing on" button. Using the "Add a block" block on the left hand side, add the "Completion Progress block". in the block and select Configure Completion Progress block. The Block settings can be used to control the display of the block.Oct 28, 2020

What is a course completion report in Moodle?

The course completion overview report is a simple reporting tool based on the existing course completion report. This plugin allows the Moodle Admin and system level Managers to view course completion tracking information from a centralised location rather than having to access each course individually.

Can Moodle track cheating?

Moodle is a fantastic software that will detect any cheating quizzes and exams. It can do so by using various platforms such as the lockdown browser. ... The purpose of a proctor is to monitor the exam environment. As a result, you will enable you to determine the integrity of the exam.Jun 5, 2021

What is completion activity?

Activity Completion is a section in the settings of every activity and resource that allows you to set how that activity or resource can be marked as complete. Complete can mean different things based on the item, from the student simply viewing, to submitting, to receiving a grade.

How do I check my activity completion in Moodle?

Activity completion info can be viewed by managers, teachers and non-editing teachers (and any other users with the capability report/progress:view) by clicking the gear icon top right and selecting "More > Reports > Activity completion" (with the Boost theme) or from Course administration > Reports > Activity ...Jun 11, 2021

Can Moodle detect cheating Reddit?

If it is on Moodle without installing any type of proctoring software or program, then NO. However, if you post answers or questions from the exam to Chegg, Course Hero, etc, they will find you and charge you.

Where is activity settings in Moodle?

From Administration > Site administration > Plugins > Activity modules > Common activity settings, the administrator can decide whether or not to force teachers to add a description to the activity or resource they are creating. The setting applies to all standard activities and resources on the site.Jul 6, 2020

How do you set up a course completion?

0:072:28Defining Course Completion Conditions in Moodle - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipIn your course. Simply check off the activities. You want to require your students to complete. YouMoreIn your course. Simply check off the activities. You want to require your students to complete. You can also select whether all or any of the selected activities. Must be completed.

What is course completion?

Course completion shows if a course has been completed. It can show the progress a student is making towards finishing the course according to specific criteria. The criteria can include meeting an activity's grade level or a manual checking "complete" by either the student and/or teacher.Oct 15, 2018

What is course completion status in Oasis?

The course completion status block shows what has been done towards completing the course. The student and teacher will both see this block. ... This report can have some interactive elements in the form of check boxes for the student and teacher.Nov 18, 2020

Is course completion certificate important?

This certificate helps when applying for higher education or for employment as qualifications hold an important place. It acts as proof of the fact that the person has completed the education from that particular university.Dec 16, 2019

What is activity completion report?

Activity Completion is a section in the settings of every activity and resource that allows you to set how that activity or resource can be marked as complete.

How do I track participation in Moodle?

You can generate a participation report either via Reports in the Actions menu (cog icon) on the course page or the Administration block (Course administration > Reports > Course participation) if using the Classic theme. The definition of View and Post for the selected activity type will be given on screen.Jul 3, 2019

Where to find course completion report?

A course completion report is available when course completion is enabled.The report can be found via on "Reports" menu item link in the course Administration block and when "Completion tracking" is enabled for the site and course.

What is activity completion?

Activity Completion provides a fieldset (named "Student progress") which contains a setting (named "Completion tracking") which enables/disables activity completion in a course. We need to rename the setting to describe activity completion and add a setting to enable course completion.

What happens when you unlock activity completion?

In this case, unlocking an activity's completion settings will require deleting both the activity's completion data and the course's completion data.

What does "passing grade" mean in a course?

If "Passing grade" is enabled as a criteria for course completion, a grader should have the option of seeing completion status (i.e., "complete" / "not complete") as a column in the grader report.

What is cron function?

A cron function will check the criteria and update the course_completion_completions table as necessary. Here's a breakdown of the tasks for each criteria, and will need to be optimised for performance and scalability across all courses:

What is a course grade?

Course grade: A "student" meets or exceeds a passing grade in the course. Date: After a specified date all "students" are marked as completed in a course. Duration after enrolment: After a specified amount of time after enrolment (e.g., 12 weeks), a "student" is automatically marked as complete in a course.

Can you unlock course completion options?

The course settings can be unlocked (via an "Unlock course completion options" button), however a warning message will be displayed stating that unlocking the settings requires deleting all prior course completion data for the course. Once the completion data is deleted, the settings become unlocked (i.e., un-greyed out).

Enabling course completion

An administrator can enable course completion for the site by ticking the 'Enable completion tracking' checkbox in Administration > Site administration > Advanced features .

Course completion settings

Choose here how you wish to mark the course complete -whether you want Any or All of the requirements that follow to count towards completion.

Site administration settings

Use Site administration > Advanced features > Enable completion tracking (check enabled) in order to allow completion tracking on your site.

Course completion capabilities

There are two capabilities, both of which are allowed for the default roles of manager, teacher and non-editing teacher:

What is a report in Moodle?

Tools to run reports. Moodle allows instructors to request reports detailing which resources and activities of a course have been accessed, when, and by whom. Moodle produces several kinds of reports: Logs generates a filtered report showing information about a particular activity or student.

What is editing in Moodle?

Tools for editing. Moodle allows instructors to quickly edit dates and group modes of multiple activities or resources in a course. Edit dates allows you to quickly edit the dates associated with any activity or resource in your course. For example, you can change the submission, due dates, and cut off dates for all your Assignments.

What is a course participation report?

A Course participation report provides an easy way to monitor general participation in your course, and it is particularly useful for monitoring activity in forum s. You can see if students have viewed readings or forums, and if (and how many times) they have posted in the forum or activity.

What is activity report?

An Activity report is a simple report with no filters. It will show all activity in the course. On your course page, in the Course Management panel (black gear icon , top right) under Reports, click View activity report. The A ctivity report page will open listing course activities.



  • We need to flag when the "student" has finished a course. :-) We need to allow several types of criteria to determine how a "student" can complete a course: 1. Manual self completion: A "student" can mark her/himself complete a course. 2. Manual completion by: An "admin", "teacher", "tutor", etc can mark a student complete for a course. 3. Activity completion: A "stude…
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  • Site settings
    Activity Completionprovides an "Enable completion tracking" setting (found in the Site Administration block's Advanced features / optional subsystems settings page) for activity completion. We need to change the setting's name and add another setting for course completio…
  • Course settings
    Activity Completionprovides a fieldset (named "Student progress") which contains a setting (named "Completion tracking") which enables/disables activity completion in a course. We need to rename the setting to describe activity completion and add a setting to enable course completio…
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Evaluating Completion

  • Since the gradebook aggregation is performed via cron, it makes sense that course completion is also evaluated by cron. This creates an issue in which the progress block will not instantly not show course completion after the necessary criteria has been met by a "student". However, this can be solved by adding some instructional text to say "may take a few minutes to update".
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Course Reporting

  • Completion progress report
    A course completion report is available when course completion is enabled.The report can be found via on "Reports" menu item link in the course Administration block and when "Completion tracking" is enabled for the site and course. The report shows: 1. A column for each of the activit…
  • Gradebook
    1. If "Passing grade" is enabled as a criteria for course completion, a grader should have the option of seeing completion status (i.e., "complete" / "not complete") as a column in the grader report. 2. If a user assigned to a role that is enabled for "Manual completion by", the user should …
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Site Reporting

  • User (site) profile
    Activity and course completion criteria/status data should appear in a user's profile area. It would make sense for courses to be grouped by: 1. Courses in progress 2. Courses completed 3. Courses not yet started For each course, the required criteria and status should appear.
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  • A cron function will check the criteria and update the course_completion_completions table as necessary. Here's a breakdown of the tasks for each criteria, and will need to be optimised for performance and scalability across all courses: 1. Manual self completion:Cron not needed, performed directly from the Completion progress block. 2. Manual completion by:Cron not need…
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Backup and Restore

  1. The new completion fields in the course table will be included in the backup.
  2. Entries in the course_completion_items, course_completion_aggregation_methods, and course_completion_notify tables for the course should also be included in the backup.
  3. When user data is included in a course backup, the backup will also include records in the course_completion_completions table for the course.
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  • The following course completion related events have been added to core: 1. course_completed 1.1. Triggered when a user completes a course. Event data is the full course_completions database record. 1.2. Added in version 2.3.2
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Enabling Course Completion

  • An administrator can enable course completion for the site by ticking the 'Enable completion tracking' checkbox in Administration > Site administration > Advanced features. A teacher can then enable course completion for their course by setting 'Enable completion tracking' to Yes in the Edit settings screen for their course. (This also enables the use of Activity completion.) Path…
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Course Completion Settings

  • General
    Choose here how you wish to mark the course complete -whether you want Any or Allof the requirements that follow to count towards completion.
  • Condition:Activity completion
    Tick the boxes of the activities you wish to count towards completion of the course. (You need to have Activity completionenabled to be able to do this. You can decide whether ALL of the activities must be completed or ANY one of them.After completing the selection click on edit, re…
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Site Administration Settings

  • Use Site administration > Advanced features > Enable completion tracking(check enabled) in order to allow completion tracking on your site. You can set Completion tracking as On or Off in new courses as a course default in Site administration > Courses > Course default settings.
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Course Completion Capabilities

  • There are two capabilities, both of which are allowed for the default roles of manager, teacher and non-editing teacher: 1. View course completion report 2. Mark users as complete in course completion
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Course Completion Blocks