Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) is a voluntary certification program which verifies through an audit that sound food safety practices are being used. This helps reduce the risk of microbial contamination in fruits, vegetables and nuts and aims to make sure these foods are safe for you to eat.
every 15 monthsG.A.P. requires every farm to be audited every 15 months (through every season) in order to be certified. Only require that a small percentage (~10%) of farms be audited every 12 months, even though all of them will be “certified.”
These are classified into four major modules: (1) food safety, (2) environmental management, (3) harvesting and quality produce, and (4) workers' health, welfare and safety.
USDA's Harmonized GAP Plus+ is the audit service to use if you are required to undergo a GFSI audit for market access. Many retail, food service, and institutional buyers require their suppliers to undergo a food safety audit conducted against one of the GFSI recognized certification programs.
GAPs focus on post-harvest handling and proper cooling, handling and storing of product. This can reduce spoilage, improve quality and ensure that you have the best quality produce for your customers.
As described by FAO, the 4 GAP pillars are economic viability, environmental stability, social acceptability, and food safety and quality:GAP Pillar 1: Economic Viability.GAP Pillar 2: Environmental Stability.GAP Pillar 3: Social Acceptability.GAP Pillar 4: Food Safety and Quality.Dec 10, 2021
The Good Agricultural Practice Certification program is being promoted and facilitated by the Regulatory Division in order to ensure food safety and assure quality of agricultural products while keeping high regard for environmental protection and that of workers health, safety and welfare.
Major agricultural systems include lowland irrigated farming, rainfed farming and upland farming. Irrigated farm areas mainly grow rice and sugarcane whereas rainfed areas are planted with coconut, corn and cassava.
Organic agriculture reduces non-renewable energy use by decreasing agrochemical needs (these require high quantities of fossil fuel to be produced). Organic agriculture contributes to mitigating the greenhouse effect and global warming through its ability to sequester carbon in the soil.
Determine what type of audit you need. For example, your customers may require a Harmonized GAP audit or, if you grow mushrooms, you might need a Mushroom GAP (MGAP) audit. (see list above)
GAP program participants that maintain compliance with program requirements may apply to use the GAP & GHP program logo. Participants must submit a written request using SC-652 form, Logo Use Request for Audit Programs. and submit supporting documents as identified in the SC-652 form and the Instructions for the Use of the GAP & GHP Logo.
Make sure your buyers see the positive results of your USDA GAP audit. Ask the USDA Specialty Crops Inspection Division (SCI) to upload your USDA audit report to industry commercial supply chain databases
USDA Temporarily Extends Expiration Dates for Some Good Agricultural Practices, Domestic Origin Verification, Plant Systems Audit Program Certifications