at what latitude is coriolis force the smallest? course hero

by Hector Bergstrom 3 min read

At what latitude is Coriolis force the smallest?

the polesvaries as the sine of the latitude, the radius of the oscillations associated with a given speed are smallest at the poles (latitude of ±90°), and increase toward the equator.

Where is the Coriolis force a minimum?

the equatorThe Coriolis force is a maximum at the pole (perfect spin) and a minimum at the equator (no earth generated spin). The earth's linear velocity (distance per unit time) is a maximum at the equator and a minimum at the pole.

At what latitude is the Coriolis force the weakest or closest to zero?

The Coriolis force is zero at the Equator. Though the Coriolis force is useful in mathematical equations, there is actually no physical force involved. Instead, it is just the ground moving at a different speed than an object in the air.

At which latitude is the Coriolis force maximum?

the polesBecause Earth s surface rotates at different velocities at different latitudes, objects in motion tend to veer to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. The Coriolis effect is nonexistent at the equator but increases with latitude, reaching a maximum at the poles.

Why Coriolis force is minimum at equator?

Because there is no turning of the surface of the Earth (sense of rotation) underneath a horizontally and freely moving object at the equator, there is no curving of the object's path as measured relative to Earth's surface. The object's path is straight, that is, there is no Coriolis effect.

Why Coriolis force is maximum at equator?

Hint: The force which deflects the direction of wind is called the deflection force or Coriolis force. This force generates due to the rotation of Earth. This force is zero at the equator and maximum at the poles due to the rotation of earth where Earth moves west to east or westward.

Where is the Coriolis force Greatest?

The Coriolis force is greatest near the North and South poles. The North pole latitude is 90 degrees N, 135 degrees W.

Where is the Coriolis force greatest quizlet?

Where is the Coriolis Force greatest/weakest? Greatest at poles, weakest at equator.

How does the magnitude of the Coriolis force vary with latitude?

In the Southern Hemisphere, the Coriolis deflection is always to the left from the point of origin. The magnitude of the Coriolis deflection is related to the difference in rotation speed between the start and end points. Between the poles and 60o latitude, the difference in rotation speed is 800 km/hr.

Which force is maximum at equator?

Mass: As Earth has more mass at the equator (larger radius of equator compared to pole), this particular factor increases the gravity at the equator.

At which place G is maximum?

the polesThe value of G is maximum at the poles. This is due to the closeness between the poles and the center of the earth.