theory of complexity great course what to take next

by Mr. Duncan Connelly DDS 9 min read

What is the course like in complexity theory?

The course will culminate in a final project which will involve writing a 5-10 page review of a research article or survey in complexity theory. Your review should be targeted to other students in the class. The project will also involve supplying constructive feedback to your fellow students. Term papers may be written individually or in pairs.

What are the learning objectives of the computational complexity theory course?

The learning objectives of the course are to: Learn the types of problems studied in computational complexity theory: decision, search, counting, optimization, proof verification. Learn how to use complexity classes to categorize these problems according to the computational resources needed to solve them.

What are the best books on computational complexity?

Oded Goldreich, Computational Complexity: A Conceptual Perspective. Steven Homer and Alan L. Selman, Computability and Complexity Theory. Cristopher Moore and Stephan Mertens, The Nature of Computation. Christos H. Papadimitrou, Computational Complexity. Michael Sipser, Introduction to the Theory of Computation.

What is chaos theory?

Chaos theory-the study of the behavior of sensitive systems over time-affects nearly every field of human knowledge, from the arts to zoology. Journey with Cornell University Professor Steven Strogatz to the heart of this revolutionary field and discover new ways to think about the world. From the surprising tale of how chaos theory was discovered, to the ways it can help us solve mysteries like the nature of consciousness, Chaos gives you a solid introduction to a fascinating discipline that has more to do with your life than you may realize.

What are the 13 fractals?

13 Fractals—The Geometry of Chaos . The pioneers of chaos were bewildered by the fantastic shapes they encountered while trying to visualize chaos. In the first of several lectures devoted to these intricate shapes—now called fractals—you learn why they are so inextricably connected to chaos.

Complexity Theory

Complexity theory requires a hierarchy of systems that interact in some manner. Within the complex system are smaller subunits, which are related in some way (Rickles, Hawe, & Shiell, 2007).

Applications for Schools

This is often true of technology initiatives in schools. Often times, a purchase of hardware for student use is deemed an asset to effective instruction.

Chaos Theory

Chaotic systems are more likely to contain only a few interacting subunits that produce a major change (Rickles, Hawe, & Shiell, 2007). In this scenario, even a small change in input could produce a great impact over time.

Applications for Schools

In applying the chaos theory to school leadership, it is implied that since a small change can make a large impact, one administrator in a school district willing to take a stand to defend an issue or program could make a huge difference to the school district as a whole (Galbraith, 2004).
