the why? course ignatius

by Margaretta Durgan MD 3 min read

What is the Why course?

What is a three part introduction to the Catholic faith?

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What is the Why course?

Welcome to the WHY? Course, a three-part introduction to the Catholic Faith from the Catholic Truth Society. It is an exciting, intriguing and enjoyable way to reach adults and young people who are unfamiliar with the Catholic Faith.

What is a three part introduction to the Catholic faith?

A three-part introduction to the Catholic Faith, this is an exciting, intriguing and enjoyable way to reach adults and young people who are unfamiliar with the Catholic Faith.

What is the academic experience at Saint Ignatius?

The academic experience at Saint Ignatius is characterized by rigor, reflection, and personal responsibility.

How many honors classes does Ignatius have?

Ignatians are consistently among the top students in the region on state and national tests and in national academic competitions. In addition to over 40 honors electives, Ignatius offers 25 Advanced Placement courses which allow students the opportunity to earn college credit for high school coursework.

What does "indicate learning at the highest level" mean?

The student has demonstrated very thorough knowledge and understanding of the content and skills as well as the ability to generalize his/her learning to new contexts (e.g. derive a formula, design an experiment, construct an effective argument). (Percentage range: 90% to 100% - 100-98, 97-93, & 92-90)

What is selective admissions at Saint Ignatius?

A selective admissions process at Saint Ignatius College Prep fills classrooms with students who are committed to academic excellence. The Ignatius classroom aims to set the foundation for students’ lifelong learning.

What is the iPad program at Saint Ignatius?

Saint Ignatius utilizes a 1:1 i Pad program, which promotes an engaging, interactive and blended learning environment. An Ignatius student’s classroom experiences is enhanced by access to state-of-the-art technology and abundant library and print resources, all set within an extraordinary, historical campus.

Does Saint Ignatius College Prep have an initial inquiry?

In order to help students communicate well and advocate for themselves, it is the policy of Saint Ignatius College Prep that all initial inquiries about these grades occur between students and teachers.

What is Saint Ignatius College?

Saint Ignatius College Prep, a Jesuit Catholic school in the heart of Chicago, is a diverse community dedicated to educating young men and women for lives of faith, love, service and leadership. Through outstanding teaching and personal formation, the school challenges its talented student body to intellectual excellence, integrity, and life-long learning and growth. Inspired by the gospel of Jesus Christ, this community strives to use God's gifts to promote social justice for the greater glory of God.

When is the SICP 21st Biennial Classical Odyssey Tour?

Save the Date! The Language Department is happy to announce the dates for the SICP 21st Biennial Classical Odyssey Tour! Our tour dates will be December 26, 2021 - January 3 , 2022.

Who was the cow responsible for the Chicago fire?

In 1997, Chicago’s City Council officially absolved Catherine O’Leary and her cow of any blame for starting the Great Fire of 1871.

What did Ignatius learn from?

He gave solid advice. Ignatius learned from the excesses of his youth and his early penitential practices of self-flagellation and fasting. As such, he prohibited extreme practices among his brothers in the Society of Jesus. He instead encouraged a more balanced approach promoting the health of the body, mind, and spirit.

What did Ignatius do to help the body?

He instead encouraged a more balanced approach promoting the health of the body, mind, and spirit. He knew God. Ignatius powerfully experienced God’s love and mercy. He was on fire with God’s love, and his joy in Christ was contagious.

Was Ignatius defeated by the cannonball?

When the cannonball shattered Ignatius’s leg, it also shattered all of his dreams and aspirations. Although Ignatius was initially devastated, he was not defeated. He adapted in the face of adversity.

Was Ignatius a brave man?

He was brave. Ignatius demonstrated great bravery throughout his life, from his days as a soldier to his recuperation from his battle injuries, to his appearance before the Inquisition and when he went to the pope to request permission to found the Society of Jesus. He was resilient.

Where did Ignatius go to school?

Ignatius in Prison. After this initial schooling in Barcelona, Iñigo moved to Spanish university towns -- first Alcala, near Madrid, and then Salamanca in the north. In both places, he spent nearly as much time engaging people in conversation about spiritual matters as he did studying and attending lectures.

Who was Ignatius' roommate?

While at the University of Paris, Ignatius roomed with Peter Faber, a young man from Savoy in the south of France, and Francis Xavier, a nobleman from the eastern end of the Basque country.

What happened in 1521?

In the spring of 1521, a very large French army attacked the fortress town of Pamplona. A tiny band of Spanish soldiers trying to defend the town were ready to surrender ; all of them except Iñigo de Loyola. He would hold off the French single-handedly. But a French cannonball shattered his leg and put an end to his stand. The French admired the courage of the man. They carried him on a litter back home to his castle of Loyola.

What did the pilgrims see when they went back to the Mount of Olives?

When it came time for him to set sail and head back to the western Mediterranean, he ran back to the Mount of Olives to see which way the "footprint of Jesus " was facing. Pious legend had it that the mark in a certain rock there was left by Jesus as he ascended into heaven. Now what may interest us here is not the historical credibility of the legend, but rather what this action of the Pilgrim tells us about his own inner life, his imaginative life. He was in the habit of entering imaginatively into all the various gospel stories and scenes, and, in this way, he made them very concrete and real and immediate to himself. He wanted to be in intimate relationship with Jesus, and every detail about Jesus was precious to him.

What was the passion of the sailor?

Winning personal glory was his passion. He was a fancy dresser, an expert dancer, a womanizer, sensitive to insult, and a rough punkish swordsman who used his privileged status to escape prosecution for violent crimes committed with his priest brother at carnival time.

What are some examples of spiritual exercises?

An example of a spiritual exercise might be to reflect on the ways you have been loved, or on what your personal gifts are and how you use them and for whom, or to imagine yourself present in one of the gospel scenes -- for example, Jesus' feeding of the 5,000.

Why did the Pope wait in Venice for a year?

They waited in Venice a whole year for a ship to take them to the Holy Land. As Providence would have it, just that one year, because of war between Venice and the Turks , no ship sailed.

What is the Why course?

Welcome to the WHY? Course, a three-part introduction to the Catholic Faith from the Catholic Truth Society. It is an exciting, intriguing and enjoyable way to reach adults and young people who are unfamiliar with the Catholic Faith.

What is a three part introduction to the Catholic faith?

A three-part introduction to the Catholic Faith, this is an exciting, intriguing and enjoyable way to reach adults and young people who are unfamiliar with the Catholic Faith.
