the most successful manner in which the byzantines spread christianity was through course hero

by Dr. Abraham McKenzie 7 min read

How did the Byzantine Empire spread Christianity?

The Byzantine empire spread Christianity in that it sent Christian missionaries to help spread its faith. When Roman Emperor Constantine 1 moved the capital of the Roman Empire to Constantinople in Byzantium, he also took Christianity to the new place in 330 AD.

Which two groups brought Byzantine culture to Eastern Europe?

Arabs and Turks brought Byzantine culture to eastern Europe. Byzantine culture spread to eastern Europe mainly through trade. The Byzantines conquered much of eastern Europe. Which was the most important long-term impact of Byzantine libraries?

Why did the Byzantine Empire have such a stable economy?

His ability to keep the economy stable, and even have it flourish, was due to the strong central government (Byzantine Empire). The peasants, as the backbone of the empire, were working hard and paying taxes to fund the military (Byzantine Empire).

Why did the Byzantines call themselves the Byzantine Empire?

Romans objected to calling the eastern empire “Roman.” The people of the eastern Roman empire called themselves Byzantines. Historians needed a name for the surviving eastern Roman empire. The empire got this name because its politics were full of intrigue, or Byzantine.

How did the Byzantine Empire help spread Christianity?

One of the key elements that showed the implication of Christianity in the Byzantine Empire was the shift in education and literature. Under Constantine, Greek and Roman customs were largely adopted. Schools like the University of Constantinople focused on copying ancient writings but were influenced by Christianity.

What was the Byzantines involvement with Christianity?

Byzantine Christianity originated in the eastern Roman Empire where it evolved concurrently with the emerging Byzantine state. It was the dominant form of Eastern Christianity throughout the Middle Ages and during this period it developed a complex theological system with unique spiritual practices.

What did most Byzantines believe about their empire and its role in Christianity?

Byzantines believed that their emperor represented Christ on earth. Discuss the connection between the Church and the government in the Byzantine Empire. The Church and state worked closely together in the Byzantine Empire→ Byzantines believed that their emperor represented Christ on Earth.

Why did Christianity spread throughout Europe during the Byzantine Empire?

Why did Christianity spread throughout Europe during the Byzantine Empire? Christianity was forcibly spread to the Middle East in the Crusades. Byzantine leaders refused to employ non-Christians in government. Christianity became the state-sponsored religion of the Byzantine Empire.

How does Christianity spread?

Beginning with the son of a Jewish carpenter, the religion was spread around the world first by Jesus's disciples, then by emperors, kings, and missionaries. Through crusades, conquests, and simple word of mouth, Christianity has had a profound influence on the last 2,000 years of world history.

Which of the following led to the development of Christianity in the Byzantine Empire?

Which of the following led to the development of Christianity in the Byzantine Empire? The apostle Paul spread Christianity throughout the empire. The power of the Christianized Roman Empire declined.

What did the Byzantines use to enhance their religious worship?

The Popes and many Byzantines supported the use of icons - representations of holy figures but especially Jesus Christ. Those against icons believed they had become idols and it was blasphemous to think that God could be represented in art.

What was the main effort that caused Byzantine cultural influence to expand?

What was the main effort that caused Byzantine cultural influence to expand? Missionary efforts of Eastern Byzantine Christians.

What are some achievements of the Byzantine Empire?

The Byzantine Empire's creation of textbooks were valuable and held all medical knowledge. The concept of a hospital was introduced through Byzantine medicine. The Byzantine Empire was able to build upon the Greco-Roman's knowledge of medicine.

How did Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire?

Word of his teachings spread to Jewish communities across the empire. This was helped by energetic apostles, such as Paul and by the modern communications of the Roman Empire. Over 30 years, Paul clocked up around 10,000 miles, traveling across the Roman Empire.

How did Christianity spread through Europe?

The Roman Empire officially adopted Christianity in AD 380. During the Early Middle Ages, most of Europe underwent Christianization, a process essentially complete with the Baltic Christianization in the 15th century.

What factors contributed to the spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire?

Areas controlled by the Romans were peaceful.Well constructed roads made traveling easier.The common language made it easier for people from different parts of the empire to communicate.More items...


so far i think it's The apostle Paul spread Christianity throughout the empire.


hi your question lacks the options here is the complete question and options

Who brought the Byzantine culture to Europe?

Byzantine missionaries brought the culture of the empire to eastern Europe. Arabs and Turks brought Byzantine culture to eastern Europe. Byzantine culture spread to eastern Europe mainly through trade. The Byzantines conquered much of eastern Europe.

Who conquered much of Eastern Europe?

The Byzantines conquered much of eastern Europe. <p>Byzantine missionaries brought the culture of the empire to eastern Europe.</p>. alternatives. <p>Arabs and Turks brought Byzantine culture to eastern Europe.</p>. <p> Byzantine culture spread to eastern Europe mainly through trade.</p>.

How did the culture of ancient Rome influence other civilizations?

The culture of ancient Rome both enriched other civilizations and was enriched by civilizations outside the Roman empire mainly. through the development of international trade routes. because foreigners were drawn to the magnificent city of Rome. by forcing Roman culture on those civilizations through conquest.

What did the Huns do to the Roman Empire?

The Huns devastated large parts of the empire. The Huns attacked the Germanic tribes, who became refugees. The Huns’ invasions led to inflation that wrecked the Roman economy. <p>The Huns conquered and overthrew the western empire.</p>.

Why did the Romans call the Eastern Empire Roman?

Historians needed a name for the surviving eastern Roman empire. The empire got this name because its politics were full of intrigue, or Byzantine.

What happened to the Western Empire?

The western empire collapsed while the eastern empire survived. The empire split into eastern and western parts. All parts of the Roman empire collapsed. Christians took over leadership of the empire. <p>The western empire collapsed while the eastern empire survived.</p>. alternatives.