the case where past information interferes with the ability to retain new information: course hero

by Santino Parker 3 min read

What is it called when old information interferes with new information?

Retroactive interference happens when an individual is unable to recall old information because new information prevents its retrieval.

What is it called when information that has previously been remembered interferes with memory for new information quizlet?

Proactive Interference. When information learned previously interferes with the ability to remember new information. Procedural Memory. The long term memory of skills and thought processes for how to do something. Retrieval Failure theory.

What is an example of retroactive interference?

The teacher may scramble for the name of the old student, particularly if they weren't so memorable. Names of students they have had more recently may interfere with the ability to dig up the old student's name. This is an example of retroactive interference.

What's an example of proactive interference?

Definition. Proactive interference refers to the interference effect of previously learned materials on the acquisition and retrieval of newer materials. An example of proactive interference in everyday life would be a difficulty in remembering a friend's new phone number after having previously learned the old number.

What are anterograde and retrograde amnesia?

Anterograde amnesia (AA) refers to an impaired capacity for new learning. Retrograde amnesia (RA) refers to the loss of information that was acquired before the onset of amnesia.

When later information learned interferes with the earlier information learned this is called?

Interference is one theory to explain how and why forgetting occurs in long-term memory. Interference is a memory phenomenon in which some memories interfere with the retrieval of other memories. Essentially, interference occurs when some information makes it difficult to recall similar material.

What is retroactive and proactive interference?

Proactive interference (PI) occurs when past learning interferes with new learning, while retroactive interference (RI) is the attenuation of memory for previous learning as a result of new knowledge.

What is proactive and retroactive inhibition?

inhibition, which can be either retroactive or proactive. In retroactive inhibition, new learning interferes with the retention of old memories; in proactive inhibition, old memories interfere with the retention of new learning. Both phenomena have great implications for all kinds of human learning.

What is the meaning of retroactive interference?

Retroactive interference refers to conditions in which new learning interferes with old learning. Forgetting may be due to decay, a failure to reinstate the context of initial learning, or interference. Retroactive interference (new learning interferes with old) is contrasted with proactive (old interferes with new).

What are two types of interference?

Constructive interference: When the amplitude of the waves increases because of the wave amplitudes reinforcing each other is known as constructive interference. Destructive interference: When the amplitude of the waves reduces because of the wave amplitudes opposing each other is known as destructive interference.

Which type of interference leads to difficulty remembering new information?

Under interference theory, all memories interfere with the ability to recall other memories. Proactive interference occurs when memories from someone's past influence new memories; retroactive interference occurs when old memories are changed by new ones, sometimes so much that the original memory is forgotten.

What is interference effect?

interference, in physics, the net effect of the combination of two or more wave trains moving on intersecting or coincident paths. The effect is that of the addition of the amplitudes of the individual waves at each point affected by more than one wave. interference.

Where do memory errors come from?

a. memory errors come mostly from erroneous original encoding.

Which basic process in memory involves formation of a memory code?

7. The basic process in memory that involves formation of a memory code is a. encoding.