how do students "catch up" in an online course

by Cletus Gusikowski 5 min read

Finally, using an academic calendar can help students get organized get back on track. Checking in on class discussions is also an important part of keeping up, and reviewing them as soon after they occur as possible will help a student catch up quickly. Falling behind in an online course doesn’t mean a student can’t bounce back.

Full Answer

How do I catch up in school?

List the work you haven't done yet. In order to catch up in school, you'll need to start by figuring out exactly what you need to catch up on. Start by writing up a list that includes all the work you need to get done. This should include assignments that are past due as well as work that is coming due in the near future.

How do I catch up on my studies?

Prioritise your tasks using the 4Ds To catch up on your studies you might need to rethink completing everything on that long to do list. A simple way to prioritise what’s important is to use the 4Ds system. Take your to do list, or make one with everything you think you need to do. Make sure every area of your life is included not just studying.

What should students do if they fall behind in an online course?

Students falling behind in an online course should reach out to let their instructor know what's happening. Online students who fall behind should use an academic calendar to get organized, experts say. (Getty) It's important for students to manage their time in an online course.

How does catch up ® literacy work?

For Catch Up ® Literacy, the results of the assessments are used to identify the correct starting book level. You can then choose an appropriate book (from your existing collection) using the Catch Up ® Literacy online booklist.

1. How important is the assignment?

Work out if your panic is deserved. How heavily is your assignment weighted? If it’s worth 10% of the marks but your others are worth 30-40% then a lower grade may not be as catastrophic as you think. Also see if your university uses substitution for any of your assignments.

2. If necessary, ask for an extension

If you’ve tried to catch up on your studies but you don’t think you’ll be able to complete an assignment on time, consider asking for an extension. Before you contact your tutor have an idea of how long an extension you will need and what your plan is to meet the new deadline.

3. Seek support for tough concepts

Did you fall behind because you struggled to understand the materials? Never be afraid to ask for help. Asking for help can feel like a sign of weakness but if it moves you forward this can only be a good thing. Ask for a quick meeting or phone call with your tutor to go through a difficult concept.

4. Seek further support if you feel helpless

We all experience times when studying gets on top of us and we consider quitting. But if you’re seriously considering giving up seek further support first. Contact your tutor or your university’s student support team.

5. Prioritise your tasks using the 4Ds

To catch up on your studies you might need to rethink completing everything on that long to do list. A simple way to prioritise what’s important is to use the 4Ds system. Take your to do list, or make one with everything you think you need to do. Make sure every area of your life is included not just studying.

6. Prioritise the important material

If you’re behind on your reading and have an assignment coming up, prioritise what’s needed. Your guidance might tell you which readings or which book pages are the most important for the assignment. If not, contact your tutor and ask them which sections you should focus your time on.

7. Try to free up some time

In order to catch up on your studies, you might need to reconsider your other commitments. Look at your diary or calendar for the next few weeks and see if you can free up any space.

What to do if you fall behind in an online course?

Students falling behind in an online course should reach out to let their instructor know what's happening. Online students who fall behind should use an academic calendar to get organized, experts say. (Getty) It's important for students to manage their time in an online course.

Should online students use calendars?

Online students who fall behind should use an academic calendar to get organized, experts say . (Getty) It's important for students to manage their time in an online course. But if they find themselves struggling to stay on track, there are ways to come from behind.

Why should college students think twice before cheating?

There are a number of reasons why college students should think twice before cheating in online courses: Namely, they cheapen their degree and, in some cases, they can even get caught. “When students cheat, they aren’t cheating us as much as they’re cheating themselves out of the education that they’re here to get.

Why do colleges rely on curriculum design?

Colleges also rely on curriculum design to keep students from cheating. “If a student is going to do it, they’re going to do it, but we try to make it as difficult as possible,” says Vicki Harmon, instructional design and manager of professional development at ASU—Tempe.

Why do instructors use webcam proctoring?

Instructors use webcam proctoring, among other methods, to cut down on cheating in online courses. There are a number of reasons why college students should think twice before cheating in online courses: Namely, they cheapen their degree and, in some cases, they can even get caught. “When students cheat, they aren’t cheating us ...

Is cheating online difficult?

Due to evolving technology, he believes cheating online will only become more difficult in the future.

Can academic dishonesty be punished?

Educators say punishment can vary based on how egregious the academic dishonesty is, but such behavior can ultimately lead to a suspension or even expulsion from a college. Still, warnings about academic dishonesty sometimes falls on deaf ears.

Do online students cheat?

According to numbers from the International Center for Academic Integrity, 68% of undergraduate students admit to cheating on assignments. But research suggests that online students are no more likely to cheat than their on-campus peers. Research, however, is murky and inconclusive, with some studies suggesting that online students cheat more ...

Is cheating on the web harder than in a classroom?

Research, however, is murky and inconclusive, with some studies suggesting that online students cheat more and others finding the opposite to be true. But thanks to tools that monitor academic dishonesty in online courses, some experts argue that cheating on the web is harder than in a traditional classroom.

How to catch up on school work?

1. List the work you haven't done yet. In order to catch up in school, you'll need to start by figuring out exactly what you need to catch up on. Start by writing up a list that includes all the work you need to get done.

How to keep track of work deadlines?

Keep using a planner or calendar to keep track of work deadlines.

How to stay healthy while studying?

Try to stay healthy both mentally and physically. You don't have to go to the gym every week: go bike riding with your friends in a forest or swimming at the local pool. Take breaks from the work, you'll thank yourself on those heavy study nights.

Can you get caught up in school if you get organized?

When this happens, your grades can start slipping and before long you might even find yourself at risk of failing a class. The good news is that if you get organized and dedicate yourself to getting the work done, you can catch up and stay caught up in school. Steps.

What is the biggest factor in successful online course completion?

The biggest factor in successful online course completion is “self-regulation.”. This is the ability to independently self-organize and complete tasks without external pressure. Procrastination represents a breakdown in self-regulation and it is one of the biggest drivers of failing to complete an online course.

Why is it important to be an online instructor?

It is important as an instructor to communicate confidence and reassurance to students and a belief in their efficacy.

How many hours do you have to meet for online classes?

Since online classes don’t require you to meet in person for 3 or 4 hours a week, it’s easy to underestimate how much work they can be. If you aren’t careful, you could end up with a crushing workload.

How often do professors post lectures?

Your professor may post a lecture video or slides each week, and you may have to turn in assignments every so often. But besides this, it can be easy to forget you’re even taking a class. Without the regular meetings of in-person classes, it’s easy to fall into bad habits and get behind on your work.

What is academic success?

Just like with in-person classes, academic success is about more than attending class and reading the textbook. To master the material, you need to take advantage of all the resources available to you.

Can you ask your professor for help?

When you aren’t physically in the classroom, it can be harder to ask your professor for help . You can’t just walk up to them after class or find them in their office around campus. You’ll need to take more initiative.

Can you procrastinate in online classes?

Don’t Procrastinate. Online classes can invite epic procrastination. Without regular class meetings to keep you engaged and accountable, you can end up leaving all your work until the end of the semester. This can be fun when the final exam is still months away.

Can you use Focusmate to study?

This way, you’ll get the learning benefits of studying in a group and have someone to hold you accountable. If you can’t find study partners from your actual class, you can use an app like Focusmate. Focusmate lets you find an accountability partner with whom you can virtually study/work over a video call.

Can you skip taking notes without live classes?

Without live classes, it’s tempting to skip taking notes. All of the information is available online, so you can just refer back to it when it’s time to do homework or study for an exam…right?

Stage 1: Assessments for learning

The trained teaching assistant or teacher uses our bank of easy-to-administer assessments to determine what the learner can do and where their needs lie.

Stage 2: Selecting an appropriate reading book or numeracy focus

For Catch Up ® Literacy, the results of the assessments are used to identify the correct starting book level. You can then choose an appropriate book (from your existing collection) using the Catch Up ® Literacy online booklist.

Stage 3: The individual session

A 15-minute individual session is delivered twice a week by the trained teaching assistant or teacher. It comprises:

Stage 4: Ongoing monitoring

A record sheet (from the learner’s Catch Up ® progress booklet) is completed during each individual session. This ongoing record provides valuable information about the learner’s needs and progress.

Why Taking Online Summer School Classes Is a Good Idea

While the narrative around summer school has long been about students needing it to catch up, summer is actually a perfect time to get ahead. Online summer school through Achieve Virtual allows high school students to truly enjoy all of the good things the summer months bring while simultaneously getting ahead in their educational career.

Why Get Ahead with Online Summer Courses?

If a student is thinking about college, online summer school is a wonderful way to be as prepared as possible. The online environment of a summer school program will largely mimic the online environment of a college course.

What to Expect with Online Summer Classes?

As a student at Achieve Virtual Education Academy, you can expect high quality, rigorous coursework created and taught by highly qualified, Indiana educators. Our students are held to the same high standard as a traditional high school, but with the flexibility of time and learning environment.
