"tecahers who took tesl course"

by Wiley Hagenes IV 3 min read

What is TESOL and why is it important?

What is TESOL? TESOL is an acronym that stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. It concerns teaching English to non-native English speakers both abroad and in English-speaking countries.

Do we need TESOL Teachers in 2020?

Every year the number of English language learners grows rapidly. The British Council has estimated that in 2020 the number of English speakers and learners globally will hit a staggering 2 billion. As this number increases so does the need for qualified TESOL teachers! What is the difference between TEFL and TESOL?

How do I get Started with TESOL?

Studying online – provided it’s with a reputable, suitably accredited provider – can be the most ideal way of getting started in TESOL. It’s cost-effective, allows you to fit studying in around existing commitments, and you can study where and when suits you. How much does it cost to get TESOL certificate?

How competitive is the online TEFL/TESOL certification course industry?

The Online TEFL/TESOL certification course industry is highly competitive and certain companies do thrive, in part, by inflicting intentional damage on their rivals through misinformation campaigns. Always trust verified student feedback when choosing a program. Read the school’s reviews on Trusted TEFL Reviews.

What is the course on second language acquisition?

This course explored theories and perspectives of second language acquisition. Students will analyze and compare first and second language learning with a particular focus on cognitive, emotional and sociocultural perspectives. Students will learn to collect data on language learners in order to make research-based decisions to inform language instruction and assessment.

What is a second language course?

This course applies a curriculum-planning process to the second or foreign language classroom. Students will develop lesson plans and curricula that address both content and language objectives; that differentiate instruction based on learner proficiencies and differences; and that track and assess learners' comprehension, acquisition and performance based on planned instructional activities.

What is ESP in teaching?

In order to prepare teacher candidates to meet the needs of English learners in varied contexts (content classrooms, business English, scientific writing and research, high-stakes testing preparation, etc.), this course in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is designed to prepare teacher candidates to conduct needs analyses, develop innovative lessons and courses, design needs-focused materials and respond dynamically to meet the needs of varied ESP learners.

What is the course on natural language change?

This course provides an overview of natural language change and applies general linguistics, sociolinguistics and World Englishes to language diversity in the United States and English around the world. With a focus on language planning and policy, this course helps students explore relevant laws and policies that affect English language instruction and then prepares students to write their own original language planning and policy proposal in order to meet the needs of learners they currently serve or will serve.

Does Webster offer a second language program?

Webster offers various institutes to provide a wide range of workshop experiences and contemporary topics within the teaching English as a second language program. Detailed current information appears in the specific semester course offerings. May be repeated for credit if content differs.

How important is a student's attitude when taking a TESOL course?

The most important things you need when taking a TESOL certification course are enthusiasm, motivation and determination. These are all essential as the training requires a significant amount of commitment in terms of both time and effort.

How important are English language skills when taking a TESOL course?

The bottom line is that to be an effective English language teacher you need to have a good knowledge of the language. Some employers around the world will only take on native English speakers, however, non-native English speakers with a TESOL certification are also welcomed by a large percentage of schools and language centers worldwide.

How important are academic qualifications when taking a TESOL course?

While it is true that some countries and individual employers insist on teachers having a degree, there are still plenty of opportunities worldwide for TESOL certified teachers without other qualifications. Because of this, your academic background has no bearing on whether you are eligible for our training courses.

Are there any age restrictions when taking a TESOL course?

At ITTT we have no upper age limit for any of our TESOL courses. The only restriction we have is a minimum age of 18 at the start of your training. We have trained new teachers of all age ranges over the years and have found that age is largely irrelevant when it comes to successfully completing a TESOL course.

Are there any restrictions to consider when looking for TESOL jobs?

While ITTT has few restrictions on who can sign up for our courses, it is important to be aware of any restrictions that foreign governments and individual employers have in regards to foreign ESL teachers.

What is a masters degree in TESOL?

Further, a master’s degree may be in TESOL, which is generally focused on pedagogy, or on applied linguistics, which is generally focused on theory and language research. Therefore, individuals seeking initial certification must typically complete a TESOL-based master’s degree.

What is an ESL teacher?

ESL Teacher Training and Degree Programs. English as a Second Language (ESL) is a term that is becoming familiar throughout much of the U.S. This is due in part to increasing immigrant populations in many of the nation’s business and financial hubs, major cities, and border states. In 2020, the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) ...

What is an ESL masters degree?

Master’s degree programs in ESL are typically found throughout state-approved teacher preparation programs for initial teacher licensure/certification, while perhaps just as many are designed for current educators who are seeking to advance their ESL teaching career and/or earn an add-on endorsement in ESL through their state board of education.

Where are there shortages of ESL teachers?

And with this comes a serious shortage of qualified ESL teachers nationwide, especially in states that have a large immigrant population – California, New York, Texas, Florida and Illinois, chief among them.

Is ESL a graduate program?

Although not as widely available as graduate programs in ESL, bachelor’s degree programs in ESL are available as approved teacher preparation programs in a number of states, which are programs that combine all content and pedagogy requirements necessary for initial licensure.

Every Student Is Different

Each unit has continuously reiterated that all students are different. They may be on different learning or comprehension levels, or they may have different learning abilities or needs. No one person will ever be a “cookie cutter”. So, I need to be prepared to not be prepared, in a sense.

Lesson Prep

These certificate programs have also taught me how to better prepare myself and handle situations where each student may be on a different level than the student next to them. The main lesson is to be adaptable and able to change to the needs of those I am teaching.

The Most Important Lesson Learned

Being a teacher, or hoping to be one in the future, this is one of the most valuable lessons anyone could learn. Do not try to fit your students in a box, or force them to follow a lesson plan that is above or below their level of learning. Adapt. Change. Work with them.

Are you ready to teach English abroad?

Speak with an ITTT advisor today to put together your personal plan for teaching English abroad.

What is the difference between TEFL and TESOL?

The only slight difference is that TESOL encompasses teaching English language learners who are residing in English-speaking countries – but it is by no means only concerned with this.

What is the requirement to take a TESOL course?

To sign up for a TESOL course the only requirement is fluency in English. It’s as simple as that. When it comes to applying for jobs there can be additional requirements depending on the employer and country. Visa requirements are very important to research to establish where you’re able to secure work.

How many English speakers will be there in 2020?

The British Council has estimated that in 2020 the number of English speakers and learners globally will hit a staggering 2 billion. As this number increases so does the need for qualified TESOL teachers!

What does "tesol" mean?

What is TESOL? TESOL is an acronym that stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. It concerns teaching English to non-native English speakers both abroad and in English-speaking countries. Every year the number of English language learners grows rapidly.

Is TESOL accredited?

Accreditation is quality assurance and it really is key when choosing a TESOL certification provider. There is no over-arching accrediting body for TESOL, so while many course providers can claim to be accredited it’s important to do a little digging yourself.

Is a Tesol course accredited internationally?

If a provider is suitably accredited then the qualification should be recognized internationally. You also want to check out how long the course provider has been around for. New TESOL courses are popping up all the time (often for extremely low prices) and may not have much standing with employers abroad or online.

Can I teach English from home with a TESOL certification?

Career paths in the TESOL industry. There are so many different paths you can once you’re TESOL certified. With TESOL you can teach English from home or travel the world – but within both of these options there’s a wide range opportunities for teachers.

How long is a TeFL masterclass?

The TEFL (TESOL) Masterclass course is providing you with the opportunity to achieve an accredited certificate in just 6 hours. Take the course to boost your teaching skills and kickstart your career in this promising industry.

How long does it take to become an English teacher?

3 days, 14 hours. Home. Whether you want a good job or admission to a good university, basic English skills are the first requirement. For this reason, proficient English teachers are always in high demand.

How important is a student's attitude when taking a TEFL course?

First and foremost, anyone thinking about earning their TEFL certification with ITTT needs to be enthusiastic, motivated and determined as every course requires a considerable amount of commitment in terms of both time and effort.

How important are English language skills when taking a TEFL course?

In order to be an effective English language teacher you do need to have a thorough understanding of the language. In some countries employers actually have a preference for native English speakers, but there are also plenty of places in the world where non-native English speakers with a TEFL certification are sought after in the workplace.

How important are academic qualifications when taking a TEFL course?

While some TEFL course providers insist that their trainees possess certain qualifications, including a degree in some cases, at ITTT we have no such criteria. As many employers do not insist on their teachers holding a degree or any similar certification, we feel there is no need for us to require it.

Are there any age restrictions when taking a TEFL course?

The only age restriction we have for our range of TEFL certification is you must be at least 18 years old at the start of your course. Crucially, we have absolutely no upper age limit. Over the years we have successfully trained people of all ages, many of whom have gone on to enjoy exciting new careers in countries all over the world.

Are there any restrictions to consider when looking for TEFL jobs?

Although we have few restrictions on who can take our TEFL courses, you do need to be aware of the potential restrictions put in place by foreign governments or individual employers. While there are tens of thousands of TEFL qualified teachers working throughout the world without a formal degree, there are some countries where this is not possible.

Can non-native English speakers take a TEFL course?

Absolutely YES! Large numbers of non-native English speakers complete our TEFL courses each year and go on to have successful careers teaching English either in their home country or further afield.

Are there any advantages to being a non-native English language teacher?

In many cases being a non-native English speaker can actually be an advantage in the classroom as you have already been through the same experience that your students are currently facing. This can help to build a good rapport between the students and the teacher as they are often less afraid of making mistakes in this situation.