tdlr how to order driver safety course certificates

by Dr. Emilio Waters 8 min read

What is the Texas Administrative Code for a certificate of completion?

As per Texas Administrative Code §98.70 and 98.72, instructors and schools must not complete, issue, or validate a certificate of course completion to a person who has not successfully completed the course.

How long do you have to keep a certificate of completion in Texas?

As per Texas Administrative Code §98.72, a school must maintain, for three calendar years, records of courses conducted and individuals who receive course completion certificates. As per Texas Administrative Code §98.70 and 98.72, instructors and schools must not complete, issue, or validate a certificate of course completion to a person who has ...

What is TDLR distance education?

To proactively address the concerns regarding COVID-19, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) has enacted temporary emergency distance education provisions to allow current licensed schools to offer distance education limited to the theory hours of instruction to not exceed more than 50 percent of the course. TDLR’s temporary emergency provision is in line with the Department of Education to provide flexibilities for schools to help students complete their course work.

What are the Texas driver education and safety rules?

The Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation adopted amendments to the Driver Education and Safety Program rules (16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 84, Subchapter D , §84.50; Subchapter M, §§84.500 and 84.502; and Subchapter N, §84.600). The adopted rules implement House Bill 105 and House Bill 2048, 86th Legislature, Regular Session (2019). Collectively, these bills created a requirement that (1) all driver education and driving safety courses include information relating to methods of safely operating a motor vehicle near an oversize or overweight vehicle; (2) repealed Chapter 708, Transportation Code, concerning the Driver Responsibility Program; and (3) amended Chapter 1001, Education Code, by specifying the driving and safety offenses which would prevent someone from conducting a Parent Taught Driver Education Course.

When will Texas open driving schools?

October 13, 2020. On October 13, 2020, the Governor’s Strike Force to Open Texas issued updated minimum standard health protocols for Texas driving schools, allowing them to increase operations from 50% to 75% of their total listed occupancy for classroom instruction.

Do you have to wear a face mask at driving school?

Effective Immediately, all driving school employees and customers must wear a face covering (over the nose and mouth) wherever it is not feasible to maintain six feet of social distancing from another individual not in the same household.

What is the purpose of temporary distance education?

The purpose of the temporary emergency distance education provision is to provide flexibility for schools to help students complete their course work. This temporary emergency distance education provision does not apply to the in-car lesson requirements in Driver Education.

What is TDLR in Texas?

The Driver Education and Safety program at the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) is comprised of the licensing and regulation of businesses known as Driver Education Schools, Parent Taught Driver Education programs, Driving Safety Course Providers, Driving Safety Schools and Instructors.

What is a driver education program?

The Driver Education and Safety program at the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) is comprised of the licensing and regulation of businesses known as Driver Education Schools, Parent Taught Driver Education programs, Driving Safety Course Providers, Driving Safety Schools and Instructors. Driver Education provides the basic skills and training required by law to provide the knowledge and hands-on experience to prepare people for their written and practical tests to operate a vehicle in Texas. Driving Safety Courses (sometimes known as 'defensive driving') are geared to improve a driver's knowledge, perception and attitude about driving. The Driving Safety Course Providers are required by law to offer curriculum that meets the standards required by law in Chapter 1001, Texas Education Code. TDLR's objective is to ensure that the schools, course providers, and instructors are qualified to develop and offer the courses and that the courses meet the required standards.


You will need to sign your certificate and turn it into the courthouse!

Please Note

Note: If you purchased a 3A record, we process them on business days ONLY.

Driver Safety Course Online for Ticket Dismissal

Our online 6-hour driver course has been approved by the TDLR and the Texas Education Agency and is accepted by every court in the state. With your certificate of completion, you not only meet the requirements to keep your driving record clean and may also be eligible for an insurance discount of up to 15%, good for three years.

Interactive Learning with Easy-to-Read Text & Video

We know how boring it can be to take a driving safety course because we had to take them before writing this course. To be honest, most courses are such a headache that I for one would prefer watching some paint dry.

Fast, Simple and Affordable Texas Driving Safety

The freedom to come and go as you please is one of our customer’s favorite features. Our system tracks your progress as you work through the course so when you want to take a break, you can just walk away. We recommend that you log out if you are using a shared computer. The $25.00 price is the lowest allowed by Texas state law.

Our Driving Safety Course is Easy and Convenient

Now that more internet activity takes place on cell phones and tablets than on a traditional desktop, we decided to make it easy for anyone on any device to complete our course. Apple or Android, smartphone or tablet, taking your driver safety course online has never been easier than it is today.

Free Same-Day Shipping Included at No Charge

If your court date is coming up soon and you need to get everything done now, we offer several options for rush certificate shipping including overnight and 2-day delivery for an additional charge.

On this page

These forms are available for download in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format. Acrobat Reader is necessary to view .pdf files. If you need to obtain a copy of this program it is available as a free download for Windows or Macintosh operating systems.

Instructor Renewal

All instructor renewal notices are mailed directly to the instructor 60 days prior to the expiration date of the license. If you did not receive yours in the mail please email customer service; include your name, instructor license number, and current mailing address, so another notice can be issued.

Drug and Alcohol Driving Awareness Instructor

DES004 Drug and Alcohol Driving Awareness License (New Instructor) Application (PDF) revised May 2018

How Our Course Works

Create your account online, then start anytime. Only your name, phone and email are needed to create your account. We collect all the information for your court and ticket at the end of the course, this gets you started faster.

Advantages To Our Driving Safety Course

We don't believe in "bogus fees, hidden charges or inflated prices? This is why we provide all you need for one solid price that provides you with the service most providers don't.

We guarantee you'll pass!

Because there is NO FINAL EXAM! Everyone passes. You can take the course in one sitting or come and go anytime. It's designed so you pass in the least amount of time. We want you to succeed!

Need Support?

Contact our Live Heroic Support Team. We'll help guide you through anything you need assistance with.

Let's Get Started!

Please Tell Us Your Name, Email, and Phone. We'll collect your ticket information after you start the course. We promise to never sell your information or send you spam.


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News and Updates

  • Beware Of People Posing As TDLR Inspectors
    April 26, 2022 Inspectors for the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation will never request or accept money under any circumstances while calling, visiting or conducting an inspection. Real TDLR inspectors will: 1. introduce themselves; 2. show their State of Texas employee ID card; 3. …
  • Update: Stay Safe Driving School (license number C2224) Closure
    April 7, 2022 If you are a student who was affected by the permanent closure of the Stay Safe Driving School (license number C2224), please contact the TDLR Education and Examination Divisionwith the following information: 1. Parent’s Full name 2. Student’s Full Name 3. Enrollmen…
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Advisory Committee Meetings

  • March 15, 2022
    The Driver Training and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee metMarch 15, 2022 via videoconference. The meeting was archived and is avalable on TDLR’s YouTube channel. The agenda and staff reportsare available online.
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Additional Information

  • The Driver Education and Safety program at the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) is comprised of the licensing and regulation of businesses known as Driver Education Schools, Parent Taught Driver Education programs, Driving Safety Course Providers, Driving Safety Schools and Instructors. Driver Education provides the basic skills and training required by law t…
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