1. what are primary pollutants vs. secondary pollutants? course hero

by Mrs. Zella Schroeder 9 min read

Primary pollutants are pollutants that come directly from a source. Secondary pollutants are the result of primary pollutants reacting with the environment and creating a new pollutant. Primary pollutant examples: carbon and nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons, particulates

Full Answer

What are the primary and secondary air pollutants?

Primary air pollutants: Pollutants that are formed and emitted directly from particular sources. Examples are particulates, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, and sulfur oxide. Secondary air pollutants: Pollutants that are formed in the lower atmosphere by chemical reactions.

Which of the following is an example of air pollution?

Examples are particulates, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, and sulfur oxide. Secondary air pollutants: Pollutants that are formed in the lower atmosphere by chemical reactions. The two examples are ozone and secondary organic aerosol (haze).

How do primary pollutants affect the atmosphere?

Especially when primary pollutants react or interact with other molecules secondary pollutants are made. Therefore, by releasing primary pollutants to the air, not only it has direct effects, but it affects the atmosphere in an indirect way too.

Why is it important to know about the pollutants?

It is important to know about the pollutants, their effects and how they are released to the environment in order to minimize their harmful effects. We talk about air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution and various types of other pollutions.

What is the difference between primary and secondary pollutants?

Glossary: Primary & Secondary pollutant. Definition: A primary pollutant is an air pollutant emitted directly from a source. A secondary pollutant is not directly emitted as such, but forms when other pollutants (primary pollutants) react in the atmosphere.

What is the difference between primary and secondary air pollutants quizlet?

What is the difference between primary and secondary pollutants? Primary pollutants are harmful substances emitted directly into the air. Secondary pollutants are formed when primary pollutants react with one another or with the basic components of air to form new harmful pollutants.

What are the main primary pollutants?

Types of primary pollutants include:Nitrogen oxides (NOx)Carbon monoxide (CO)Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)Sulfur oxides (SOx)Particulate matter (PM)Mercury.and more.

What pollutants are secondary pollutants?

Secondary pollutants are pollutants which form in the atmosphere. These pollutants are not emitted directly from a source (like vehicles or power plants)....Secondary pollutantOzone (O3)Sulfuric acid and nitric acid (component of acid rain)Particulate matter.Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)Peroxyacyl nitrates (PANs)and more.

What are the differences between primary pollutants and secondary pollutants give examples of each?

Examples of primary vs. secondary pollutants. Examples of primary pollutants include sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOX), and particulate matter (PM). Examples of secondary pollutants include photochemical oxidants (ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur trioxide) and secondary particulate matter ...

What is a secondary air pollution?

Secondary air pollution is pollution caused by reactions in air already polluted by primary emissions (from factories, automobiles and so forth). An example of secondary air pollution is photochemical smog.

What is primary pollution?

Primary pollutants are emissions that directly cause air pollution in the form in which they are released at the source. Certain primary pollutants can react with other elements or compounds, creating new chemicals that are known as secondary pollutants.

What are secondary pollutants Mcq?

Solution(By Examveda Team) Secondary pollutants are not emitted directly. They are formed from the combination of primary pollutants with some other compound. Examples of secondary pollutants are Ozone, Formaldehyde, PAN (peroxy acetyl nitrate) and Smog etc.

Which is a secondary air pollutant Mcq?

3. Which of the following is called the secondary air pollutant? Answer: (b) Ozone.

What are the 6 primary pollutants?

These six pollutants are carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen oxides, ground-level ozone, particle pollution (often referred to as particulate matter), and sulfur oxides.

What is a secondary pollutant quizlet?

A secondary pollutant is when a primary pollutant comes into contact with other primary pollutants or with naturally occurring substances. An example is ground-level ozone.

Which is more harmful primary or secondary pollutants?

Primary pollutants persist in the form they are released in the environment. Secondary pollutants are formed by reaction amongst the primary pollutants. Secondary pollutant are more toxic than primary pollutants.

Why are secondary pollutants harder to control?

Secondary pollutants are harder to control because they have different ways of synthesizing and the formation are not well understood. They form naturally in the environment and cause problems like photochemical smog.

What are some examples of air pollutants?

Examples are particulates, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, and sulfur oxide. Secondary air pollutants: Pollutants that are formed in the lower atmosphere by chemical reactions. The two examples are ozone and secondary organic aerosol ...

What is PM 2.5?

PM 2.5 (also known as fine fraction particles) is generally defined as those particles with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5 microns or less. Sources of fine particles include all types of combustion activities (motor vehicles, power plants, wood burning, etc.) and certain industrial processes.

Air Pollution

Depending upon the generation of different air pollutants, they are grouped as

1. Primary Pollutants

A Primary Pollutant can be defined as a harmful chemical that directly enters the air as a result of either man made or natural activities.

What is the difference between primary and secondary pollutants?

The difference between primary and secondary pollutants is their sources of emissions. While primary pollutants are emitted from a source, directly into the atmosphere, secondary pollutants are formed as a result of any kind of reaction amongst primary pollutants themselves or between any primary pollutant and any other atmospheric particle.

What are Primary Pollutants?

There are two types of pollutants: – Primary and Secondary. Primary pollutants are pollutants that are directly emitted to the atmosphere by a source.

What is secondary pollution?

Secondary pollutants are those pollutants that form as a result of a chemical reaction between the primary pollutants themselves or between any primary pollutant and any other particle in the atmosphere. They are generally found in the oxidised form. Secondary pollutants are said to have limited effect.

Why is it important to control the emission of secondary pollutants?

However, it is quite a herculean task to control the emission of secondary pollutants because it is formed through a reaction between primary pollutants and with atmospheric particles. Thus, reducing its emissions involves thoroughly understanding the process of its creation and the elements involved.

How are primary pollutants formed?

Primary pollutants are emitted directly into the atmosphere by a source. But secondary pollutants are formed as a result of a chemical reaction between primary pollutants or with any other atmospheric particle.

How do primary pollutants affect the atmosphere?

Primary pollutants affect both directly and indirectly, through impacting the atmosphere and through the secondary pollutants respectively. Secondary pollutants might have a limited effect, except in case of ozone, where it is highly reactive. Control.

What are the two main sources of pollutants?

The two main sources of these pollutants are natural and man-made . And since nothing much can be done about the natural sources, the only way to control primary pollutants is by controlling the anthropogenic emissions such as vehicle and industries. Few examples of primary pollutants are as follows: –.

What are secondary pollutants?

Ozone is one of the secondary pollutants. It is formed from hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxide in the presence of sunlight. Secondary pollutants cause problems like photochemical smog.

Why are primary pollutants released?

Primary pollutants are released due to human activities or naturally. However, secondary pollutants are often, made naturally. Controlling the release of primary pollutants is easier than controlling the ways of secondary pollutant synthesizing.

How does releasing primary pollutants affect the atmosphere?

Especially when primary pollutants react or interact with other molecules secondary pollutants are made. Therefore, by releasing primary pollutants to the air, not only it has direct effects, but it affects the atmosphere in an indirect way too. Ozone is one of the secondary pollutants. It is formed from hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxide in ...

How does air pollution affect the environment?

In order to categorize as pollutants, these substances should cause damage or harmful to the living organisms, natural environment, or the built environment.

What are the causes of carbon monoxide?

Primary pollutants in the air cause serious environmental problems like global warming, acid rains, etc. When considering primary pollutants, the main source for them is the motor vehicles. Fossil fuel burning releases ...

Why is it important to know about the pollutants, their effects and how they are released to the environment?

It is important to know about the pollutants, their effects and how they are released to the environment in order to minimize their harmful effects. We talk about air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution and various types of other pollutions.

Where does sulfur dioxide come from?

Sulphur dioxide is produced from volcanoes as well as by industrial processes (where sulphur containing compounds are being subjected to combustion). Nitrogen oxide is produced naturally during lightening. Carbon monoxide and particulate matter are arising from incomplete combustion especially when burning fossil fuels.

What are primary and secondary pollutants?

Primary vs. Secondary Pollutants 1 They are directly inserted into the atmosphere. 2 They are initially harmful to humans when they are released into the atmosphere 3 Examples: Carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and particulates ("Primary & Secondary Pollutants")

What are some examples of smog?

Some other examples include: ozone, hydrocarbons, sulfuric acid, and nitrogen oxides. ("Primary & Secondary Pollutants")
