swarthmore how to see course enrollment numbers

by Jabari Dare 4 min read

Where can I find Swarthmore College policies and course catalog?

The Swarthmore College Bulletin, which includes College policies and a course catalog, is published annually in print and online, usually in late Summer. TriCollege Course Guide: Search TriCo courses by semester, college, schedule and department.

What is Swarthmore College known for?

Swarthmore College has a vast campus located along the north-south axis, in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania. The campus is equipped with a wide range of resources for students including student-led clubs, leadership opportunities, on-campus residence, dining facilities, 7 libraries, and a post office facility.

What types of opportunities are available at Swarthmore?

Opportunities are available in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and engineering divisions, as well as for social action projects. Swarthmore College actively supports students of all gender identities and expressions.

Is Swarthmore a black College?

The enrolled student population at Swarthmore College, both undergraduate and graduate, is 33% White, 17.8% Asian, 13.1% Hispanic or Latino, 8.91% Two or More Races, 8.14% Black or African American, 0.278% American Indian or Alaska Native, and 0.139% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islanders.

How many students are enrolled at Swarthmore College?

1,581 (2015)Swarthmore College / Total enrollment

How prestigious is Swarthmore?

A Forbes article from 2020 proposed a novel ranking premise: sorting undergraduate programs based on the number of Nobel prizes won by alumni. Two Ivies made it to the top ten; Swarthmore came in at number four, behind the prestigious École Normale Supérieure, the California Institute of Technology, and Harvard.

Is Swarthmore hard to get into?

How Hard Is It to Get Into Swarthmore? Swarthmore is classified as most selective, with a 9% admissions rate. Of the 11,630 students who applied, only 1,054 were admitted. Thirty-three students were admitted off the waitlist in the 2020–2021 cycle.

Are Swarthmore students Weird?

Swarthmore students are nerds, over analytical, and critical. Swat students are thought of to be over-extended and very ambitious. the school is very difficult with no time for a social life. A lot of people think that Swarthmore students are nerdy, socially awkward, ugly, overachievers.

Is Swarthmore an elite school?

Swarthmore is an elite and demanding liberal arts school founded by the Quakers in 1864. Though relatively small, with about 1,600 undergraduates, the private school offers students unusually expansive opportunities.

Is Swarthmore a little ivy?

While many of the Public Ivies enroll tens of thousands of students, the Little Ivies usually have much smaller student bodies. Amherst, Bowdoin College, and Swarthmore College all enroll fewer than 1,850 students. Additionally, the Little Ivies often focus exclusively on undergraduate education.

Why is Swarthmore acceptance rate so low?

Swarthmore College has a below-average acceptance rate owing to its small class sizes and prestigious program.

What school is better than Harvard?

The best schools by that metric tend to be highly selective universities and liberal arts colleges. Claremont McKenna tops the list, followed by Rhodes College, Stanford, Harvey Mudd, Caltech, Columbia, Johns Hopkins, and Penn. (St. Louis College of Pharmacy sneaks in right before Princeton, Harvard, and MIT.)

Is Swarthmore too intense?

The data does seem to fit the narrative that Swarthmore is an exceptionally intense place. With an average of 18.6 pages of assigned writing per class, Swarthmore tops the list, exceeding Penn's average by a narrow 0.8 pages.

What is the average GPA at Swarthmore?

The average GPA at Swarthmore is 4.05. This makes Swarthmore Extremely Competitive for GPAs.

What majors is Swarthmore known for?

The most popular majors at Swarthmore College include: Social Sciences; Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services; Biological and Biomedical Sciences; Visual and Performing Arts; Mathematics and Statistics; Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies; Psychology; Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics; ...

How many semesters does Swarthmore College have?

Excluding holidays, Swarthmore College has two semesters of fourteen or fifteen weeks, thirteen or fourteen instructional weeks including a mid-semester break, and one week of final examinations.

How many hours of class time is required for Swarthmore?

One unit of Swarthmore College credit normally represents three to four hours of class or seminar time, with conference sessions and laboratory periods in addition.

How many credits are required for fall 2020?

The Fall 2020 semester normal load is 3-3.5 credits, with a maximum of 4.0 credits. The January 2021 term is 1-1.5 credits. Spring 2021 follows the usual load described in chapter seven. Eligibility to enroll in the January term depends on being enrolled in either the Fall or the Spring semester.

Is the first semester counted toward degree credit?

In cases where credit is not earned for the second half of a yearlong course, the first semester is excluded from counting toward degree credit, although the registration and grade for the first semester remain on the permanent record.

Do you give credit for a yearlong course?

The numbers for yearlong courses are joined by a hyphen (e.g., 001-002) and must be continued for the entire year. For introductory language yearlong courses, credit is not given for the first semester’s work only, nor is credit given for the first semester if the student fails the second semester. In cases where credit is not earned for ...

2020 Student Population

A total of 1,437 students have enrolled at Swarthmore College (all undergraduate).

Enrollment by Student Age

By age, there are 1,433 students whose age under twenty five and no students whose age is over thirty years old at Swarthmore College.

Online Student Population

At Swarthmore College, 1,437 students (100.00% of total enrollment) take online classes to get their degrees. Among them, 1,011 students enrolled exclusively in online classes (i.e. no off-line attendance required) and others are taking online courses with off-line courses.

What is Swarthmore College?

Swarthmore College is a renowned private institute in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania. It was founded in 1864 as liberal arts college offering only undergraduate programs. The college offers students an opportunity to design their own program with 600 options to choose from. Swarthmore College is a part of the Tri-Co Consortium with Bryn Mawr and Haverford College that allows it to expand the social and academic opportunities for students. The college is one of the top producers of U.S. Fullbright Scholars and Students.

Does Swarthmore College accept applications?

Swarthmore College accepts applications from all students around the world. There may be additional requirements depending on the student. Admissions at the college are not determined by one factor. The College Dean assesses each application on a holistic basis as the college has a highly selective admission process.

Making a Course Available to Students

Moodle courses default to being hidden from students. Courses that are visible to students are listed in red and courses that are hidden from students are listed in grey in your course listing.

Bryn Mawr and Haverford Students Accessing Moodle

Do you have Bryn Mawr and Haverford students who are having trouble accessing your course? There is often a delay of a day or so for Trico courses to become fully in the systems enough for moodle. So after filling out the registration paperwork, it may take a day or so for things to work themselevs out.

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