starbound how to beat the advanced mech test course

by Ms. Kiana Howell 7 min read

What is advanced mech blueprint?

Advanced Mech Blueprint is a blueprint which will teach players one of a number of mech component schematics. These are all assembled at a Mech Part Crafting Table .

How do I unlock the mechs in the game?

Dr. Akaggy will introduce the player to Mechs, and unlock their first, racial-themed vehicle after they complete the quest Test Drive. Also in the Mech Workshop are two important mech stations - the Mech Assembly Station and Mech Part Crafting Table .

How do I get a mech?

The player automatically acquires a mech by completing the Test Drive quest. Once completed, they can deploy their mech while they are on their Ship using the "Deploy Mech" option on the teleporter - this option only appears if the ship is parked at a space encounter, an asteroid field, or orbiting a visitable planet.

How to deploy a mech in GTA 5 online?

Piloting a Mech The player automatically acquires a mech by completing the Test Drive quest. Once completed, they can deploy their mech while they are on their Ship using the "Deploy Mech" option on the teleporter - this option only appears if the ship is parked at a space encounter, an asteroid field, or orbiting a visitable planet.

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How to get different parts of a mech?

Different parts can be obtained by learning their corresponding blueprints, usually found in non-planet locations in space. They can be equipped to the mech by using the Mech Assembly Station on your space station, or in Dr. Akaggy's workshop.

When does a mech despawn?

The player's mech automatically despawns when the player beams off of a planet or out of a space encounter, becoming available to deploy again from the player's ship.

How much energy does a mech drain?

Mechs will drain an additional 40 MJ of energy per second while in contact with Lava. If a mech's energy reaches 0 while it is in contact with lava, the mech will explode.

What is an incomplete mech build?

An incomplete mech build cannot operate, and will not display energy/energy usage. (If the current character has not yet completed Test Drive, 'Unauthorized User' will appear instead of 'Configuration Incomplete' until the quest is completed.)

How to unlock Mech Part schematics?

Mech part schematics are unlocked by consuming mech blueprints, found in space encounters. The player will receive their first mech components, enough for a basic starter mech, after completing the quest Test Drive .

How does a mech move?

On planets and in sections of space encounters with gravity, the mech's movement is similar to that of the player. Left and Right inputs move the mech left and right, Jump input causes the mech to boost upward, and Down + Jump causes the mech to drop through platforms.

What happens if a mech is brought to 0 energy?

If the mech was brought to 0 energy by a source of damage or by Lava -accelerated passive energy drain, the mech explodes for massive fire-type damage (which is not survivable except in some niche scenarios involving general and fire-type damage reductions).