what is the name given to hindu sacred writings?+course hero

by Annamarie Considine Jr. 9 min read

What are the true and false T/F of Hinduism?

T/F: The yoke of work in Hinduism is bhakti False T/F: The Advaita system is strictly monistic True T/F: Puja is worship through the use of murtis False T/F: According to the Upanishads, there is an absolute end for humankind and the universe True T/F: Soma, an intoxicating drink, was used recreationally, but not in Hindu worship. False

What is the Hindu term for reincarnation?

Samsara is the Hindu term for a. reincarnation b. existence c. marriage d. death reincarnation According to karma yoga, the motivation for work should be a. reward b. to please others

Is the Mahabharata part of shruti or T/F?

T/F: Hindu Temples are simultaneously to be conceived as places of worship and as the homes of deities True T/F: The Mahabharata is part of the Shruti

What is the Hindu concept of samsara?

The Hindu concept of samsara refers to a. matter, as opposed to purusha, spirit b. Brahman, as he is in himself c. the wheel of rebirth which turns forever

What is the name given to Hindu sacred writings?

Though less studied than later texts, the Veda is the central scripture of Hinduism. The remembered texts consist of post-Vedic texts.

What name is given to Hindu sacred writings that have been heard in Revelation?

Shruti, (Sanskrit: “What Is Heard”) in Hinduism, the most-revered body of sacred literature, considered to be the product of divine revelation. Shruti works are considered to have been heard and transmitted by earthly sages, as contrasted to Smriti, or that which is remembered by ordinary human beings.

What is the name given to Hindu sacred writings quizlet?

its name from the Vedas, or "Books of Knowledge": Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, and Atharvaveda.

What is the name of Hinduism most popular sacred text?

The VedasThe Vedas are a large body of Hindu texts originating in Vedic period in northern India, the Rig Veda being composed ca. 1200 BCE, and its Samhita and Brahmanas complete before about 800 BCE.

Why Veda are called Shruti?

The Early Vedic Literature was known as 'Shruti', because it was conveyed by God to the great sages by hearing (by 'Shravan') and so it was called 'Shruti'.

What is Shruti and Smruti?

Shruti (as we have seen, literally 'that which is heard') is a class of Sanskrit texts that are regarded as revelation. Smriti (literally 'recollection') is a class of texts that are based on memory, therefore traditions. Its role has been to elaborate upon, explain, interpret, and clarify primary revelation.

What is the sacred text for Hindus in America and across the world quizlet?

The oldest and most respected Hindu sacred literature can be found in four collections of hymns and ritual texts called the Vedas. The Vedas, traditionally said to be written between 1500 BC and 600 BC, represent India's earliest surviving compositions.

What are the writings known as the Upanishads?

Because the Upanishads constitute the concluding portions of the Vedas, they are called vedanta (“the conclusion of the Vedas”), and they serve as the foundational texts in the theological discourses of many Hindu traditions that are also known as Vedanta.

What do you call the oldest Indian sacred texts quizlet?

Vedas. The Vedas, Four collections of ancient prayers and rituals. : The oldest collection of Hindu. sacred texts. These are the most ancient religious texts which define truth for Hindus.

What is Hinduism sacred?

Fire, wind, sun and soil are considered holy in Hinduism. Rituals that might look strange to other people are respected and considered sacred in Hinduism. For example offering prayer to the river Ganga every morning and evening is a ritual practiced by Hindu saints.

What are the sacred texts of Hinduism Brainly?

The main Hindu books are the four Vedas. They are Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda. The concluding portions of the Vedas are called Upanisads. There are also other holy books like Puranas, Ramayana, Mahabharta etc.

What does the Indian word Veda mean?

KnowledgeVeda, (Sanskrit: “Knowledge”) a collection of poems or hymns composed in archaic Sanskrit by Indo-European-speaking peoples who lived in northwest India during the 2nd millennium bce. No definite date can be ascribed to the composition of the Vedas, but the period of about 1500–1200 bce is acceptable to most scholars.