sleep apnea is related to which of the following? course hero

by Alba Kuphal 5 min read

Full Answer

How to deal with sleep apnea in nursing?

Techniques of relaxation before sleeping improve the quality of sleep and promote comfort. Nursing Diagnosis: Compromised Family Coping related to a persistent stressor secondary to sleep apnea as evidenced by the family’s verbalization of concern and fear about the condition. The family member’s fear about the condition will be reduced.

How does central sleep apnea affect your daily life?

Central sleep apnea CSA) is commonly related to a medical condition, such as the following: Fatigue. The reduced quality of sleep can easily affect the ability to function during the day. It can cause inadequate energy, irritability, and daytime drowsiness which can affect the performance of activities of daily living.

What is sleep apnea and what causes it?

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder affecting both genders and people of all ages. There are three main types of sleep apnea depending on the cause: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) – this occurs when there is an occlusion in the airway, typically due to relaxed throat muscles. The obstruction causes multiple lapses in breathing.

What are the different types of sleep apnea?

Central sleep apnea (CSA) – this involves a problem in brain function that can cause lapses in breathing, resulting in slow and shallow breaths. Mixed sleep apnea – refers to the combination of OSA and CSA, which may also occur at the same time. The different types of sleep apnea share similar signs and symptoms.

What are the risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea?

What is CPAP in sleep apnea?

How many times a day does sleep apnea occur?

How many episodes of apnea per hour?

Can sleep apnea be suspected?

Does Modafinil help with sleep apnea?

Is snoring a sign of angina?

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What are the risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea?

Besides obesity, other predisposing and risk factors include narrowed upper airways, macroglossia, tonsillar hypertrophy, sleep medicines, alcohol, smoking, nasal obstruction, and hypothyroidism. It occurs more in middle-aged men. A thorough medication history, respiratory history, neurologic history, and mental health assessment should be performed. One of the more common symptoms of OSA is snoring, usually reported by the spouse. The patient may complain of frequent nighttime awakening, morning drowsiness, headache (caused by carbon dioxide buildup in the brain), cognitive impairment, as well as impotence and weight gain, which can be both a cause and an effect. Systemic hypertension is a complication of OSA but often resolves when the cause of the apnea is corrected.

What is CPAP in sleep apnea?

A patient with severe sleep apnea has been prescribed continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). A nurse adjusts the blower to maintain adequate positive pressure during inspiration and expiration. The nurse should maintain the pressure in what range?

How many times a day does sleep apnea occur?

A.Sleep apnea refers to recurrent periods of absence of breathing for 10 seconds or longer, occurring at least 5 times per hour.

How many episodes of apnea per hour?

1. More than 15 apnea episodes per hour of sleep

Can sleep apnea be suspected?

Clients are usually unaware that they have sleep apnea, but it should be suspected in people who have persistent daytime sleepiness and report waking up tired. Causes of the problem should be assessed before the client is offered suggestions for treatment.

Does Modafinil help with sleep apnea?

Modafinil is helpful for clients who have narcolepsy (uncontrollable daytime sleep) related to sleep apnea. This medication promotes daytime wakefulness.

Is snoring a sign of angina?

Feedback: Obstructive sleep apnea occurs in men, especially those who are older and overweight. Symptoms include excessive daytime sleepiness, insomnia, and snoring. Daytime sleepiness and difficulty going to sleep at night are not indications of angina or diabetes. Snoring is not an indication of depression.

What are the risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea?

Besides obesity, other predisposing and risk factors include narrowed upper airways, macroglossia, tonsillar hypertrophy, sleep medicines, alcohol, smoking, nasal obstruction, and hypothyroidism. It occurs more in middle-aged men. A thorough medication history, respiratory history, neurologic history, and mental health assessment should be performed. One of the more common symptoms of OSA is snoring, usually reported by the spouse. The patient may complain of frequent nighttime awakening, morning drowsiness, headache (caused by carbon dioxide buildup in the brain), cognitive impairment, as well as impotence and weight gain, which can be both a cause and an effect. Systemic hypertension is a complication of OSA but often resolves when the cause of the apnea is corrected.

What is CPAP in sleep apnea?

A patient with severe sleep apnea has been prescribed continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). A nurse adjusts the blower to maintain adequate positive pressure during inspiration and expiration. The nurse should maintain the pressure in what range?

How many times a day does sleep apnea occur?

A.Sleep apnea refers to recurrent periods of absence of breathing for 10 seconds or longer, occurring at least 5 times per hour.

How many episodes of apnea per hour?

1. More than 15 apnea episodes per hour of sleep

Can sleep apnea be suspected?

Clients are usually unaware that they have sleep apnea, but it should be suspected in people who have persistent daytime sleepiness and report waking up tired. Causes of the problem should be assessed before the client is offered suggestions for treatment.

Does Modafinil help with sleep apnea?

Modafinil is helpful for clients who have narcolepsy (uncontrollable daytime sleep) related to sleep apnea. This medication promotes daytime wakefulness.

Is snoring a sign of angina?

Feedback: Obstructive sleep apnea occurs in men, especially those who are older and overweight. Symptoms include excessive daytime sleepiness, insomnia, and snoring. Daytime sleepiness and difficulty going to sleep at night are not indications of angina or diabetes. Snoring is not an indication of depression.
