what are the last four numbers of my course ucf

by Prof. Margie Lesch 8 min read

How many online degrees does UCF offer?

With 25 years of experience providing top online degrees, UCF is a trusted source for innovative education technology. UCF offers more than 100 online degrees and certificates taught by the same expert faculty as our on-campus classes. Please select criteria from above to begin search. Loading... classes found.

Why can’t I enroll in all UCF online courses?

Because UCF Online students do not pay the full fees, only select campus-based services are available. UCF Online students may only enroll into online (W) and video streaming (V) courses.

What are the types of courses offered at UCF?

There are several types of courses offered at UCF, referred to as course “instructional modes” or “course modality.” The course description includes a modality field which will identify the type of course. In addition, “course attributes” indicate whether or not students will be expected to participate in regularly scheduled online meetings.

What is it like to study at UCF?

It pushes us to think big and to refuse to be limited by what others say is possible. This mindset has helped UCF become one of the most innovative universities in the country, with a sense of entrepreneurship and optimism that is unique to Knight Nation. Because of this, UCF is an outstanding leading research institution that remains on the rise.

What is my UCF PID number?

To obtain your UCF ID, go to myUCF, log in using your NID and password, click Student Self Service > Personal Information >UCF ID Info. This page will display your UCF ID, your NID and your UCF ID Card number, once you have been issued one.

What is a B+ at UCF?

UCF uses an alphabetic, plus/minus system to identify student grades and other actions regarding student progress or class attendance as outlined below....GRADING SYSTEM AND GPAs.GradesGrading Points Per Semester Hour of CreditB+3.25B3.00B-2.75C+2.2511 more rows•Mar 27, 2020

How do you know what class you are at UCF?

Open the UCFMobile app on your smartphone and click the “Maps” icon. If you hit the arrow in the lower corner, you'll see your exact location on a campus map. A search function will also highlight specific buildings, making your path to your next class – or bite to eat – quick and painless.

What is a failing grade at UCF?

Courses receiving a “U (Unsatisfactory)” will not earn credit. Courses that are marked “P (Pass)” will also result in credit earned and will not impact your UCF recalculated GPA. However, courses that are marked “F (Fail)” will be viewed as a failing grade and an “F” will be included in your UCF recalculated GPA.

What is a C at UCF?

This syllabus is available in alternate formats upon request....REQUIRED MATERIALS.GPA points and letter gradePercentagesPoint ranges2.75 B-81.0 – 83.99%405 - 419.992.25 C+78.0 – 80.99%390 - 404.992.00 C73.0 – 77.99%365 - 389.991.75 C-70.0 – 72.99%350 - 364.998 more rows

Is D passing in Florida?

The grades of "A" through "D-," "P," and "S" are passing grades, and credit is earned for courses in which they are awarded.

What is the acceptance rate for UCF?

45.2% (2020)University of Central Florida / Acceptance rateUniversity of Central Florida admissions is more selective with an acceptance rate of 45%. Half the applicants admitted to UCF have an SAT score between 1160 and 1340 or an ACT score of 25 and 30. However, one quarter of admitted applicants achieved scores above these ranges and one quarter scored below these ranges.

Can Valencia students join UCF clubs?

UCF currently has agreements with Valencia College and Seminole State College that allow students at those schools to dual-enroll at UCF for the specific purpose of participating in marching band. This special agreement applies only to marching band and not to any other musical ensembles at UCF.

What is a junior at UCF?

Class standing is calculated by the number of credit hours: freshman (0-29), sophomore (30-59), junior (60-89), senior (90+). Graduate students are those that already have an undergraduate degree.

What is a 2 out of 8 grade?

25.00%The percentage score for 2 out of 8 is 25.00%. This is an F grade.

Is a 72 AC minus?

Numeric-to-letter-grade conversions generally vary from system to system and between disciplines and status....Grade conversion.Letter GradePercentageGPAC73–76%2.0C−70–72%1.7D+67–69%1.3D63–66%1.09 more rows

What is a 86 percent grade college?

A 3.1 GPA, or Grade Point Average, is equivalent to a B letter grade on a 4.0 GPA scale. This means is equivalent to an 83-86%.


Courses are online conducted via flexible, asynchronous Web-based instruction and collaboration using various technologies. Some courses may require minimal campus attendance or in-person/proctored examinations.


Courses are online with extensive use of digital video, which may be supplemented by additional online activity, projects, or exams.


Courses include both required classroom attendance and online instruction in a blended format. In-person classroom activities are more than 20% of the instructional time during the semester.


Courses are primarily online in a blended format combining required face-to-face and online elements. In-person classroom activities may use up to 20% of the instructional time during the semester.


Courses have required classroom attendance and meet on a regularly scheduled basis in-person. Students may encounter online, video, or adaptive elements as part of the instruction, thus requiring a computer.

What Are Course Attributes?

Course attributes add additional information to help students make the most informed decision when selecting classes. They describe how the course is delivered and how students will be expected to participate. Attributes are included in the course details returned by the class search tool in my.ucf.edu .

What Type of Student are You?

A campus-based student is a student who has complete access to UCF campus-based services (including regional campuses) and pays full tuition and fees. Campus-based students may enroll in all modalities.

How to preview a schedule?

To quickly preview a schedule, hover your mouse over a schedule’s magnifying glass icon. The weekly schedule will become visible. You can compare up to four schedules by checking the checkboxes on the schedule listing page. Then click the ‘Compare’ button to see those schedules side-by-side.

How to reduce the number of classes in a class?

Use the checkboxes next to individual class sections, or the Advanced Filters button , to reduce the number of classes that will show in your schedule results. After changing the filters, click the ‘Generate Schedules’ button again.

How to add a course to a desired course?

On the Add Course page, select the ‘Search By Section Attribute’ tab. Select ‘Honors’ (or any other special class type) from the Attribute dropdown. Select the Subject and Course and add the course to your Desired Courses list.

Can you add more than one break to your schedule?

Save your break and it will appear on all of the schedules generated with your classes arranged around it. You can add more than one break if necessary . After the breaks are created, you can analyze the effect of a break on your schedule by removing or editing the break. I want to take Honors classes.


Offered online or in-class in partnership with Master Mind Educational Consulting

FTCE General Knowledge Review Series

English Language Skills, Critical Reading, Essay and Mathematics - 24 hrs - 8 sessions

FTCE General Knowledge English Review

English Language Skills, Critical Reading, and Essay Review - 12 hrs - 4 sessions

FTCE General Knowledge Math Review

This course will provide exercises to aid the process of mastering the concepts of all four math domains (number sense, concepts, and operations, geometry and measurement, algebraic thinking and coordinate plane, and probability, statistics, and data interpretation).


Erin Mander is currently the president of a curriculum consulting company that services a number of private institutions in Orange County. She taught in the middle grades for eight years while earning her Masters degree from the University of Minnesota with an emphasis in Curriculum and Instruction.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a Florida Certified Teacher and which exam should I take first? Visit www.fldoe.org/edcert or call 1-800-445-6739 to speak with a Certification Specialist.
