sales presentation describe how you would present/ask the questions you listed above. course hero

by Audrey Windler DVM 4 min read

What is the presentation phase of the sales process?

Page 1 HOSP 204 Introduction to Hospitality Sales and Marketing Sales Presentation Assignment (2020 Summer) Launch Date: July 21, 2020 Due Date: August 12, 2020 by 11:59pm Grade: /123 marks (25 % of Final Grade) Submission format and instructions: This is an individual assignment, you can submit this assignment in a WORD DOCUMENT or PDF format. Your assignment will …

What makes a good presentation?

Dec 04, 2019 · If you ask most people what makes a great presentation, they will likely comment on tangible things like structure, content, delivery and slides. While these are all critical aspects of a great presentation, a more fundamental and crucial …

Why is it important to include a story in a presentation?

The 7-step sales process is a great start for sales teams without a strategy in place—but it's most effective when you break the rules. Learn the textbook seven steps, from prospecting to following up with customers, so you can adapt them to your sales org's unique needs.

Do you need coaching or training to deliver business presentations online?

Jul 05, 2015 · ACCT 521 PowerPoint assignment You will create and prepare a brief PowerPoint presentation (approximately 12 minutes and 10–12 slides) showing how a topic covered in the course is connected to your workplace. You should incorporate actual samples of materials from the job site. This presentation will provide fellow students with a narrative explanation of each …

What makes a good presentation?

If you ask most people what makes a great presentation, they will likely comment on tangible things like structure, content, delivery and slides. While these are all critical aspects of a great presentation, a more fundamental and crucial part is often overlooked – understanding your audience. So, when you watch people in your organisation or team present, look for clues to see whether they really understand their audience and the particular situation they are currently in, such as: 1 Is their content tight, tailored and relevant, or just generic? 2 Is the information pitched at the right level? 3 Is there a clear ‘What’s In It For Them’? 4 Are they using language and terminology that reflects how their audience talk? 5 Have they addressed all of the pain points adequately? 6 Is the audience focused and engaged, or do they seem distracted?

Why is flow important in a presentation?

Flow and structure are both important elements in a presentation as both impact the effectiveness of the message. When analysing this aspect of your people’s presentations look for a clear, easy to follow agenda, and related narrative, which is logical and persuasive.

Why do we use slides?

While they can be used for this purpose, the first priority of a slide (or any visual aid) should always be to add to the audiences’ experience and understanding through effective use of visual data.

Why is it important to speak in front of an audience?

However, for some, the nerves and anxiety they feel can distract from their presentation and the impact of their message. If members of your team lack confidence, both in their ideas and in themselves, it will create awkwardness and undermine their credibility and authority. This can crush a presenter and their reputation.

Is it a skill to speak in front of a client?

For many business people, speaking in front of clients, customers, their bosses or even their own large team is not a skill that comes naturally. So it’s likely that within your organisation, and indeed within your own team, you’ll find varying levels of presenting ability. But, without the basis for an objective assessment of these skills, it can make it more difficult to persuade someone that, perhaps, some presentation skills coaching might help transform their ability to do their job (benefiting your business), improve their prospects for promotion (benefiting their career) and dramatically improve their own self-confidence (benefiting their broader life chances).

What is the first step in the sales process?

1. Prospecting . The first of the seven steps in the sales process is prospecting . In this stage, you find potential customers and determine whether they have a need for your product or service—and whether they can afford what you offer.

What is the second stage of sales?

The second stage has you in preparation for initial contact with a potential customer, researching the market and collecting all relevant information regarding your product or service. At this point, you develop your sales presentation and tailor it to your potential client’s particular needs.

What happens after a sale is closed?

Once you have closed the sale, your job is not done. The follow-up stage keeps you in contact with customers you have closed, not only for potential repeat business but for referrals as well. And since retaining current customers is six to seven times less costly than acquiring new ones, maintaining relationships is key.

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