saint anselm where to find course code

by Prof. Grover Crooks 5 min read

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Mar 02, 2022 · Beginning in the Fall 2006 semester, Saint Anselm College adopted a three number course designation system. Henceforth, the following course numbering system is in effect. 100 – 199 Introductory 200 – 299 Intermediate 300 – 399 Intermediate/Advanced 400 – 499 Directed readings, research, internships and further advanced study

NU110 Introduction to Professional Nursing

This course introduces the student to the art and science of the profession of nursing. A historical perspective allows students to explore nursing history, the development of nursing theory, research, and the role of the nurse within the healthcare system. Issues and challenges that impact the profession are explored.

NU125 Mental Health Nursing

This course introduces the student to the art and science of mental health nursing. Mental illness is a biochemically based process, occurring across a health illness continuum, impacted by developmental, sociocultural, psychological, physiological, and spiritual variables.

NU126 Health Assessment & Fundamentals of Nursing

Course content focuses on the development of health assessment and basic skills essential to professional nursing practice utilizing guided classroom and clinical/laboratory learning opportunities. The nursing process and functional health patterns provide a framework for the assessment of clients across the lifespan.

NU127 Nursing Care of the Elderly and Chronically Ill

The focus of this course is on the care of patients with chronic illness, with a special concentration on interventions for geriatric patients. Course content is integrated into classroom, laboratory, simulation and clinical settings. Clinical assignments are in rehabilitation/long term care facilities. (6 credits) - Writing Intensive

NU236 Adult Medical Surgical Nursing

The focus of this course is on the care of acutely ill adult patients, with a concentration on interventions for common medical and surgical disorders. Course content is integrated into classroom, laboratory, simulation and clinical settings. Clinical assignments are on medical and/or surgical units in the hospital setting. (8 credits).

NU238 Pathopharmacology I

This course focuses on the pathophysiology of disease and its relationship to pharmacological interventions. Utilizing the nursing process, the student will examine disease states affecting the neurological, neuromuscular, endocrine, cardiac, renal, and respiratory systems.

NU239 Pathopharmacology II

This course focuses on the pathophysiology of disease and its relationship to pharmacological interventions.


That’s enough space for over 60 buildings, two quads, an ice arena, sports fields, and a pond. With lots of room to roam, you won’t run out of things to do on campus.


Our small classes mean your professors will actually know you. They’ll be dedicated to your success and work to help you reach your goals. Does it get any better than that?


In the past 50 years, every U.S. President, and nearly every candidate, has debated or spoken here. Our New Hampshire Institute of Politics is a critical campaign stop.


We're in the NCAA Division II Northeast-10 Conference. Our student athletes bring a spirit of competition to the field, ice, court, and course. Be a part of our tradition of hard work, discipline, and respect.


That’s how many hours we volunteered last year. We believe in giving and serving. Which is why "The Princeton Review" has named us 5th in the nation for students engaged in community service.


We think every voice in the classroom should be heard. It makes for better debates and more interesting discussions. Our small classes are more personal with individual attention.


Over 125 years ago, we opened our doors to students of every religion, status, and ethnicity. Today, we’re still opening doors as the third-oldest Catholic college in New England.

Fall/Spring Courses

  • Course listings are provided below in PDF format for easy viewing and printing. You must have the free Adobe Readerinstalled on your computer to view the document. Many students like to use this course scheduling block form(PDF/21KB) to plan their course schedule before registering on the portal. Download a copy to use as your plan your schedule by...
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Fall 2021 Courses

  • Please refer to the MyAnselm portalfor the most up-to-date course listings! The Fall 2021 Course Schedule will be updated as changes are made. 1. Fall 2021 Course Schedule(PDF/729KB) 2. Fall 2021 Core Courses(PDF/427KB) Coming Soon 3. Fall 2021 Social Justice Courses(PDF/62) Coming Soon 4. Fall 2021 Native Speaker Sessions (PDF/255KB) 5. Native Speaker Enrollment I…
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Spring 2022 Courses

  • Please refer to the MyAnselm portalfor the most up-to-date course listings! The Spring 2022 Course Schedule will be updated as changes are made. 1. Spring 2022 Courses(PDF/802KB) Note: This is a working document. See Portal for up-to-date info. 2. Spring 2022 Core Curriculum Courses(PDF/354KB) 3. Spring 2022 Social Justice Courses (PDF/364KB) Coming Soon 4. Nativ…
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Course Descriptions

  • Course descriptions may be found in the College Online Catalogue, which is also available online in PDF format.
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