why do you think there is such an emphasis on the date? course hero

by Sydni Goldner 3 min read

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Jul 08, 2015 · APA Workshop (graded) Each academic area of study has a particular style for documenting the ideas of other scholars. The standards of formatting document you’ve been using is from the American Psychological Association (APA). This is the preferred style in the social sciences. As you’ve noticed, there is a strong emphasis on the publication date.

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Response: It is true that using the citation checks the credibility of your work. If the information you are using is not up to date neither is your paper, that is correct. I do use the rule of thumb too and using references that are 5 years old. It is true that time is really actually running, I forget that it is 2017 sometimes.

How do past experiences give us any reason to believe?

Aug 17, 2017 · The reason as to why the date of publication is emphasised in this system is to highlight current research. Step-by-step explanation Under the APA system that is used in social sciences, it is believed that research that has been conducted in the recent past has more value and it of greater relevance than that which was conducted a long time ago.

What is being treated as an end?

If something is being treated as a means to an end, they are being treated as a tool to achieve something. An example would be rape: that person is being used as a tool to fulfill the rapists desires. Treating someone as an end in themself is treating them morally.

Why does Foot say that someone who likes to do good is a morally better person?

Foot says that someone who likes to do good is a morally better person, because the struggle is a sign that there is a lack of virtue. Kant says that the person who has never faced temptation would be more susceptible. Also, he states that true virtue shows itself in the face of temptation.

How is the Kingdom of Ends achieved?

The Kingdom of Ends is achieved when all rational beings accept the categorical imperative and live by it. This community has moral universals that all people follow treat each other as ends in themselves. Comment on Kant's apparent opinion that women and people of color may not be as rational as white males.

What is the paradox of hedonism?

The Paradox of Hedonisim is the idea that the more you pursue happiness the more it will elude you. Those who seek only happiness and fixate on aquiring it, are bound to be dissapointed. If you look for pleasure , chances are you won't find it. Pleasure will come to you when you are not looking for it.

What is descriptive ethics?

Descriptive ethics aims to describe peoples beliefs, claims and behaviors. Normative ethics uses judgement and attempts to evaluation if actions and things are in fact good or bad, and what it takes in fact to be a good or bad person.

Who said knowledge is the source of ethics?

A higher power is often attributed as the source of ethics. Socrates said knowledge is the source of knowledge. Natural law says source of ethics is nature.

Why do categorical imperatives require us to do certain things?

They require us, on pain of irrationality, to do certain things, but only because such actions will get us what we want. Categorical Imperatives are also a command of reason, but unlike hypothetical imperatives, categorical imperatives are rational requirements that do not depend on what we care about.

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Questions, and Unlocks are a contractual right only; Questions, and Unlocks are not cash or a cash equivalent (such as a gift card) and cannot be redeemed for cash or cash equivalents.

Do you get a refund for a tutor answer?

Upon payment for an answer, you have no right to a refund. Course Hero maintains the right to initiate special incentive and pricing programs.
