runescape how to use ape atoll agility course

by Abraham Zemlak 9 min read

The best options, ordered from fast to slow, are:

  • Dial the fairy ring code CLR.
  • Casting the Ape Atoll Teleport spell, requiring level 64 Magic and completion of the Freeing King Awowogei section of Recipe for Disaster, and run south.
  • Casting the Ape Atoll Teleport spell, requiring level 90 Magic and at least 60% Arceuus favour, exit the dungeon and run north-west to pass the gates. ...
  • Take a Gnome glider.

Full Answer

What level is the Ape Atoll agility course?

Upon its release, the Ape Atoll Agility Course gave the fastest experience from level 70 to 99 Agility. The release of the Dorgesh-Kaan Agility Course, released in March 2007, took this title for the fastest experience from around level 80 to 99 Agility. If attempting this agility course whilst in human form, the character will slip off ...

How to get to the Ape Atoll?

There are several different methods for travelling to the Ape Atoll Agility Course. The best options, ordered from fast to slow, are: 1 Dial the fairy ring code CLR. 2 Casting the Ape Atoll Teleport spell, requiring level 64 Magic and completion of the Freeing King Awowogei section of Recipe for Disaster, and run south. 3 Casting the Ape Atoll Teleport spell, requiring level 90 Magic and at least 60% Arceuus favour, exit the dungeon and run north-west to pass the gates.#N#Alternatively, use the Ape atoll teleport to bypass the Magic level and Arceuus favour requirements. 4 Take a Gnome glider.

How long does it take to get to level 99 agility?

It takes 20,387 laps of the course to reach level 99 Agility from level 75, with no failures of obstacles due to a 100% success rate from level 75 and above. That is equal to more than 9 complete days of non-stop training at this course.

What happens if you try agility in human form?

If attempting this agility course whilst in human form, the character will slip off and a message will appear in the chatbox that says "'re not monkey enough to try this!"

What level do you need to cast the Ape Atoll Teleport spell?

Casting the Ape Atoll Teleport spell, requiring level 64 Magic and completion of the Freeing King Awowogei section of Recipe for Disaster, and run south.

How many obstacles are there in agility?

The Agility course consists of six obstacles that players can pass in return for Agility experience. If all obstacles are passed in the correct order, some bonus experience is rewarded at the end of the lap. All of the obstacles can be failed by the player, resulting in small amounts of damage.

How much agility do you get in a lap?

With an average time of 39 seconds per lap, it is possible to get upwards of 53,300 Agility experience per hour from this course. At lower Agility levels expect to get around 40,000-50,000 Agility experience per hour, depending on concentration levels.

Where is the Ape Atoll agility course?

The Ape Atoll Agility course is located near Marim, Ape Atoll. It is a higher level Agility course, requiring level 48 to use. Around 65 Agility is recommended so that the player fails fewer obstacles; at level 70, failure no longer occurs. A Ninja Greegree (other types of monkeys are not agile enough to use the course) and completion ...

How many laps can you do in Ape Atoll?

The fastest possible lap of the Ape Atoll agility course is 65 game ticks, or 42 seconds. A maximum of 85.7 laps can be completed per hour, at 580 experience each, for a maximum of 49,706 experience. Anyone over level 70 agility can potentially obtain the maximum experience rate, as failure becomes impossible at this level. Familiars and pets cannot be used on this course.

What spell can you use to teleport to Ape Atoll?

Players can use the Teleport to Ape Atoll spell to reach a location close to the course, however this also requires completion of the Recipe for Disaster subquest, Freeing King Awowogei. Players who have completed Fairy Tale III can use fairy ring code CLR to teleport directly to the course.

What is the first obstacle in Monkey Madness?

The first obstacle is located at the bottom of the waterfall, it is a rock. Players can use the Teleport to Ape Atoll spell to reach a location close to the course, ...

Can you right click on a stepping stone?

While climbing down the zipline, you cannot rightclick on the stepping stone in the beginning of the course, but you can rightclick on it right after clicking on the zipline but before you get on the zipline so you can avoid having to rotate the screen or walk over and click on the stone while moving.

How to go to Ape Atoll?

You can go to Ape Atoll by going to the 1st floor[UK] 2 nd floor [ US] of the Grand Tree and speaking to Daero. He will then take you to a bunker where you can speak to Waydar who will take you to Crash Island from which you can speak to Lumdo to visit Ape Atoll.

Where is Ape Atoll?

Ape Atoll is an island in southern Gielinor. It is inhabited by only monkeys, who are ruled over by King Awowogei. It is only accessible to players who have partially or fully completed the Monkey Madness I quest.

What kind of trees are there in Ape Atoll?

Ape Atoll also features a decent supply of hardwood trees. Just outside the main gate there are mahogany trees. At the south-east part of the island there are three teaks. The mahogany tree is reasonably close to the Ape Atoll teleport and the teak trees are a short distance from the Ape Atoll Dungeon teleport .

What quest is the player thrown in?

The player is thrown in prison as a part of the Monkey Madness I quest. Two guards, Trefaji and Aberab, take shifts in the prison. If they catch you in human form, they will beat you up for moderate damage and throw you back in the cell.

Where can I find skeletal apes?

Skeletal apes are only found in the large chambers of the Ape Atoll Dungeon, and are often killed with AoE attacks like chinchompas and burst / barrage spells for high experience rates, as they are aggressive towards players who are not wielding a greegree. Kruk's Dungeon is accessible during and after Monkey Madness II.

Where to take glider in Monkey Madness 2?

Players who have completed Monkey Madness II can take a glider from the Grand Tree to the island . The level 64 Ape Atoll Teleport after saving Awowogei in Recipe for Disaster, in the normal spellbook, takes the player to the altar in the northeast corner of Ape Atoll.

Do you need a Greegree in Monkey Madness 2?

Once Monkey Madness II is completed, however, a greegree is not necessary as all surface inhabitants will be tolerant towards the player ( monkey zombies and skeletal apes, which are underground, are still aggressive to the player if they don't have a greegree equipped).

What level of agility is best in Ape Atoll?

The Ape Atoll has the best training ground for medium level (70-75 is recommended to begin training here, unless using surefooted aura) Agility training (up to level 80, after that the Dorgesh-Kaan course is a better choice). With lower Agility levels, the failure rate on the obstacles here makes efficient training infeasible. A ninja greegree is required for access to the course. While players can bring cats with them to Ape Atoll, if they attempt the agility course with a cat out, they will receive a message saying "Your little friend can't make it over the obstacle ... so you pick it up" and their cat will be put in their inventory .

Where is Ape Atoll?

Ape Atoll is an island that is located in southern Gielinor. It is inhabited by monkeys, who are ruled over by King Awowogei. Its capital city is Marim. It is only accessible to players who have started the Monkey Madness quest. Players who have not taken the form of a monkey using a greegree will find that all non-player characters will be ...

How to get experience points on teak trees?

It is possible to gain over 75,000 experience points per hour doing this. A great way to do this is to go in the middle of the 2 close teak trees and repeat chopping them.

What prison guards are in Ape Atoll?

Main article: Ape Atoll prison. Players are thrown in prison as a part of the Monkey Madness quest. Players should avoid the two prison guards - Trefaji and Aberab - at all costs. If not avoided, players will be beaten back into their cell, causing up to 2,000 damage and foiling your attempts to escape.

Where are the teak trees in Ape Atoll?

Just outside the main gate there is a mahogany tree. A bit south there is another mahogany tree. Also, on the south-east part of the island , there are three teak trees. The mahogany tree is reasonably close to the Ape Atoll teleport. The teak trees are not as conveniently located, but by using a ring of duelling to teleport to Al Kharid and then the gnome glider system, trips to the bank and back to the teak trees can be made in as little as ninety seconds. Interestingly, when a player cuts the trees in monkey form, there is no swinging of a hatchet, but the logs are acquired.

What level is Teleportation?

The teleportation spell Teleport to Ape Atoll, requiring level 64 Magic (after completing the King Awowogei part of Recipe for Disaster ).

Where to find red chinchompas in Ape Atoll?

The entrance to the Ape Atoll Dungeon is found in the jungle area . The NPCs in this dungeon are a great place to use red chinchompas for some extremely fast ranged training. The monsters are aggressive and roam around, so a single projectile can hit multiple targets with substantial overall damage and the corresponding high ranged experience rates. Players can also use ice burst there to gain similarly fast Magic experience. Ice barrage is a faster alternative than burst. However, ice barrage has a high cost due to using blood runes instead of death runes. Bring lots of antipoisons because they poison quite often.

How to get to Ape Atoll?

To get there, either cast Ape Atoll Teleport, which will bring you to the Marim inside the city, where you can wander freely if you brought a greegree. Otherwise you can talk to Daero, on the 2nd floor of the Grand tree. Then talk to Waydar. Then talk to Lumdo. He will bring you to Ape Atoll. There are many Banana trees and pineapple plants, so it would be a good idea to bring a knife for the pineapples.

What to bring to Ape Atoll?

If you have a high fishing level, you could bring a Harpoon/Big net, Axe (hatchet) and tinderbox, so that you could fish and cook some sharks and/or big net fish.

What level do you need to be to be a monkey guard?

If you go east, you will find a large building where you can train combat and/or recharge your Prayer, containing Monkey guards (level 167 ). This is a very good training spot that many people use, BUT there is a poisonous spider around there and you MUST have level 43 prayer for Protect from Melee.

What level do you see monkey zombies in Monkey Madness?

This is Zooknock's tunnel, which is used many times during the Monkey Madness quest. Throughout the tunnel, you will see Monkey zombies (level 98).

Can you use RuneHQ guides on other sites?

If you see this guide on any other site, please report it to us so we can take legal action against anyone found stealing our content. This guide is copyrighted by RuneHQ, and its use on other sites is expressly forbidden. Do not ask if you can use our guides or images, the answer is and always will be NO!

Can you picklock a gate in Ape Atoll?

You can find a gate that can't be pick-locked. In the room beyond the gate is a monkey skull, so there is a possibility of another quest on Ape Atoll. The center of the city accommodates a variety of shops. This general store sells less items than your regular general store. The Magic store is quite good.



Getting There

  • There are several different methods for travelling to the Ape Atoll Agility Course. The best options, ordered from fast to slow, are: 1. Dial the fairy ring code CLR. 2. Casting the Ape Atoll Teleport spell, requiring level 64 Magic and completion of the Freeing King Awowogei section of Recipe for Disaster, and run south. 3. Casting the Ape Atoll T...
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  • Clothing
    1. Wear a Ninja monkey greegree or Kruk monkey greegreeto transform into a monkey that is able to traverse the obstacles. 2. Wear weight-reducing clothingto achieve a weight of 0 kg or lower. This results in a lower run energy depletion rate.
  • Inventory
    1. Bring some food to restore lost Hitpointsfrom taking damage from failing Agility obstacles. 2. Bring enough Energy-restoring items for enough energyto constantly run around the course. 3. Optionally, bring a knife to cut pineapples, which can be found at the end of the course, into four …
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Experience Rates

  • Due to the success rate of the obstacles, the experience rates scale with the player's Agility level. At level 75 and higher expect to be able to complete a maximum of 95 laps per hour (63 ticksper lap), resulting in 55,800 Agility experience per hour. At lower Agility levels expect to get around 40,000-45,000 Agility experience per hour.
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Monkey Backpacks

  • After completion of Monkey Madness II, players can obtain a Monkey which they can equip on their back. The monkey can be transformed into six other variants by completing laps at the agility course. Note that laps will only begin to be tracked upon completion of Monkey Madness II; Bobawucan tell players how many laps they've completed.
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  1. Upon its release, the Ape Atoll Agility Course gave the fastest experience from level 70 to 99 Agility. The release of the Dorgesh-Kaan Agility Course, released in March 2007, took this title for t...
  2. If attempting this agility course whilst in human form, the character will slip off and a message will appear in the chatbox that says "'re not monkey enough to try this!"
  1. Upon its release, the Ape Atoll Agility Course gave the fastest experience from level 70 to 99 Agility. The release of the Dorgesh-Kaan Agility Course, released in March 2007, took this title for t...
  2. If attempting this agility course whilst in human form, the character will slip off and a message will appear in the chatbox that says "'re not monkey enough to try this!"
  3. If attempting this agility course while not a small or a medium ninja monkey, a message will appear saying "Only the stealthiest and most agile monkey can use this!"
  4. Attempting to use a boost to access this course results in the message "Your Agility boost won't help you here."