reddit how to unblur course hero documents

by Austin West 7 min read

  1. Right-click the page and click on “Inspect”. Firstly, you need to navigate to the Course Hero document that you want to unblur the answers of. ...
  2. Click on “Sources”. After you’ve clicked on “Inspect”, you’ll land on the “Elements” page. ...
  3. Open “split-0-page-1” in a new tab. ...
  4. Remove “-html-bg” from the URL. ...
  5. Use “split-0” to unblur the top half of the answers. ...

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Full Answer

How to get Course Hero unlock unblur documents?

· Get free Course hero unlock by reviewing and rating You may also get access to the unblurred or Coursehero free unlock by providing your services. These services include; by reviewing the already 5 unlocked content or by rating any 5 documents or solutions available on Coursehero. This way you can earn one unlock respectively.

How to remove blur on Course Hero?

here is a step-by-step guide: go to course hero website via google chromefind the document you would like to unblurhighlight the portion of the content that has been blurredright-click on it and select ‘inspect’in the open window, you will find a ‘div’ tag with anon-hide obscured parameterright-click on the tag and choose ‘edit attribute’reload …

How to find unblurred [free] Course Hero content on Reddit?

How To Find Unblurred [Free] Course Hero Content On Reddit . Course All Courses . Just Now It will still be selectively blurred out. However, using this option for free access to Course Hero can help you to get some of the information you need. After three Course Hero previews, you’ll be locked out until next month.

How to bypass CourseHero Reddit?

CourseHero is a popular but increasingly more expensive course document aggregation site. I dont love it but it is sometimes extremely helpful. In order to bypass paying we need to upload a shitload of documents but in return we can view tons of uploaded study guides, syllabi, the occasional essay (for those who dare adventure in plagiarism, not judging).

How often can you unblur 30 Course Hero?

With these 30 unlocks you get every month, you can unblur 30 Course Hero documents. These unlocks refresh every month. And if you have any unused ones, they won’t carry over to the next month. It also saves you from having to spend time uploading any of your documents.

What is Course Hero?

And Course Hero is one of the most popular websites when it comes to homework help. With their repository of real assignment questions from real and tangible courses from top colleges and schools, the chances of you stumbling into the exact question you were looking for are pretty high.

How many unlocks does Course Hero give?

When the Course Hero team approves your documents, you’d get free unlocks in an email. For every 10 successfully approved documents, you get 5 unlocks. You can use 1 unlock to unblur one Course Hero document. It’s good practice to upload extra documents, just in case, as only the ones that’ll get accepted will count towards the number ...

How long does it take for unlocks to expire?

All unlocks you receive after uploading documents expire after 30 days.

How much is Course Hero?

You can get a Course Hero subscription for $39.95/month for a month, $19.95/month for a 3-month subscription (one up-front payment of $59.85), or $9.95/month for a yearly subscription (an up-front payment of $119.40). If you plan on using Course Hero often, a subscription might be the way you want to go. You can also pool some money ...

Can you use Course Hero for free?

The official way to use Course Hero for free is pretty easy. All you need are copies of original notes or documents. The content should be original, i.e., either you own the copyright or have permission from the person who owns the copyright to upload them, and it should not be plagiarized either. How this works is that after creating ...

Can you make a quiz on Course Hero?

You can make a quiz and submit it for any document on Course Hero, but this requires you to have an unblurred document initially. So, this method can be thought of as a way of getting additional unlocks as it isn’t particularly useful in the beginning when you don’t have any unlocks to unblur a document.
