reddit datascience which algorithms course

by Verda Berge 3 min read

Which is the best course to learn data structures and algorithms?

Best Udemy course to learn data structures and algorithms in JavaScript Master common problem solving patterns Learn everything you need to crack difficult programming interviews Cover 6 different sorting algorithms: bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, quick sort, merge sort, and radix sort

What are the best algorithms courses on the Internet for beginners?

The algorithms course (6.006) taught by Srini Devdas and Erik Demaine on YouTube is the best steal on the internet for CS students. Granted it’s more math based than a lot of algorithm courses but it’s definitely worth trying to keep up.

Why study algorithms in Computer Science?

It helps to develop the programming and thinking skills of the participants so that they are well positioned to pursue serious software engineering, ace technical interviews and study more advanced topics in algorithms. There are 4 courses in this program that cover following topics: Asymptotic (“Big-oh”) notation, sorting and searching algorithms

What is this Coursera algorithms specialization?

This Coursera Algorithms specialization is a MOOC offered by Standford University. Understanding the basics of algorithms and related data structures is essential for doing serious work in almost any branch of Computer Science.

Just recently turned in my two weeks notice as an analyst

Because after a few years of constantly learning and working hard as an analyst, I have accepted a new position as a data scientist at a different company!

Areas to focus for early data scientist

Hey all I am an early data scientist, joined a start up after PhD and Postdoc in life sciences. I am looking for advise where to focus my learning time. For reference- I can build a deploy ml models from logistic to xgboost with Rest APIs + docker + AWS combo + GitHub actions.

Are most data science jobs 9 to 5s?

I’m a total night owl, it’s like my brain doesn’t even turn on until 10 or 11 AM. What are the odds that I’ll be able to find a job with flexible hours, or at least one that doesn’t start until late-morning/early afternoon? Do such positions exist for data scientists/engineers/analysts, or is it pretty much just the standard office hours?

Who is the author of the book "Algorithms"?

The instructors of these courses Kevin Wayne and Robert Sedgewick are highly acclaimed and expert authors and lecturers. Robert Sedgewick has also authored Algorithms book along with Kevin Wayne, which is one of the best books to learn Data Structure and Algorithms in Java.

What is algorithm in programming?

Algorithms are the universal building blocks of programming. They offer a way to think about programming challenges in plain English, before they are translated into a specific language like Python, C or JavaScript. This course on Algorithms teaches some of the most popular and useful algorithms for searching and sorting information, working with techniques like recursion, and understanding common data structures.

What is a Coursera specialization?

This Coursera Specialization from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign teaches fundamental computer science algorithms and data structures. It is a three-course program developed by CS Professor Wade Fagen-Ulmschneider to give students a performance pathway into computers and data science.

What is a nanodegree in Udacity?

Udacity offers a Nanodegree program in Data Structures and Algorithms. In this program students learn data structures and algorithms and how to use them to solve a wide range of real world problems. It is a very hands-on program, heavy on algorithms and includes 100+ practice problems.

What is C++ used for?

C++ is used as the language for implementing the data structures and algorithms taught in these courses. Practical programming techniques, including object-oriented programming in C++ and its Standard Template Library, for production-level programming of efficient software applications.

What is EDX algorithm?

It is a part of IIT Bombay’s Fundamentals of Computer Science XSeries Program and focuses on teaching students how to structure and use algorithms to solve real life problems.

Is Coursera a MOOC?

This Coursera Algorithms specialization is a MOOC offered by Standford University. Understanding the basics of algorithms and related data structures is essential for doing serious work in almost any branch of Computer Science. Therefore Stanford has mandated a version of this course in curriculum of their every Computer Science degree program – bachelors, masters as well as PhD.
