reddit college how does independent study course work

by Laurence Dietrich 8 min read

How do college independent studies work?

Independent study allows you to learn about a subject that's unavailable in your school's established curriculum or about a topic you would like to explore in greater depth. You create your course, determine what you study, and then work one-on-one with a faculty member to earn academic credit.

What is an independent study in college Reddit?

Independent studies are pretty much whatever you want. Make a study plan with that instructor and independently study a topic of your choosing. The instructor is mainly there to monitor your progress, not to lecture you on the topic. Disclaimer: this is just my understanding.

Is independent study good for college?

Independent study can be a great option for some pupils; however, it may not be the right option for every pupil who is not thriving in a regular classroom setting. Some pupils might be better served in an educational option that is classroom-based and offers a smaller learning environment and more individualization.

Are independent studies difficult?

Taking an independent study can be more difficult than a traditional course because you have to keep yourself on track. While you will have an adviser to supervise the course, you will be the one in charge of making sure you are completing enough work; there will be no teacher to give you assignments every day.

Does independent study look good for grad school?

If you're interested in gaining course credit while your own research, AND gaining an abundance of experience, you should complete an independent study! An independent study is an opportunity that allows you to gain course credit while exploring your own personal interests on a deeper level.

How much time should you allow for independent study?

Self-managed independent study taught study: 30 hours (roughly 2–3 hours a week) self-managed directed study: 70 hours, including around 40 hours working on assessment tasks (roughly 4–5 hours a week) self-managed independent study: 50 hours (roughly 3–4 hours a week)

How do I ask my professor for an independent study?

if asking for a research opportunity:state specifically your interest in that research group (you need to read the professor's website)explain why research is important for your goals.ask to schedule a meeting or say that you will be coming to office hours.

What is a good reason for Independent Studies?

Independent studies provide students opportunities to explore their interests deeper and make important decisions about how and where they will direct their talents in the future. Another way to understand independent study is to understand learning from a distance.

How can I be successful in independent studies?

Successful StudentsDevote at least four hours a day to studying in a quiet place.Are organized and manage their time well.Have enough motivation and determination to work and learn independently.Take ownership of their own success.Keep school a high priority.Establish a set academic schedule or routine.More items...

What are the requirements for independent study?

Participating in Independent Study Participation in independent study must always be the choice of the pupil, parent, guardian, or caregiver. LEAs shall not require or otherwise obligate the pupil's participation in an independent study program.

What is the difference between homeschool and independent study?

Homeschool differs from independent study in that students are not actually enrolled at their local public school, and you as a parent or guardian are responsible for designing and implementing curriculum.

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How do you dress in grad school?

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The sUBreddit for all things University at Buffalo/SUNY at Buffalo/UB! Any and all students, alumni, faculty and staff are welcome to share news, photos, ask questions, and communicate with other members of the UB community.

What can you do with independent study?

Through independent study, you can create a class that is associated with your academic goals. You can also earn academic credits that count toward your minor or major.

What is expected in an independent study class?

The faculty instructor also expects you to stay organized, self-motivated, and self-directed when undertaking the independent study class.

Why is it important to study abroad?

It is one of the pros of studying abroad which enables you to study a subject unavailable in your established school curriculum or explore a topic of your interest deeper. You develop your course, decide what you want to learn, and then work with a faculty member to earn academic credit.

Why is independent study beneficial?

On the other hand, the independent study can be beneficial to graduate students because it enables them to take a deeper dive into a topic associated with their thesis, research, or even dissertation.

How many hours of class do you need to take to get a 3 credit?

For example, to earn a three-credit course, you will need to undertake three hours of class and two coursework hours weekly for every credit. This means you will spend about nine hours every week on a 3-credit independent study course throughout the semester.

How many credits do you need to study independent?

Based on the amount of work you have been assigned, the number of readings, and the college’s policy, you can earn one to four credits for your independent study.

Who approves independent study proposals?

Proposal approval- you also require your independent study proposal to be approved by your faculty instructor, program director, or resident dean.
