prevalence is a function of both incidence and which of the following? on course hero

by Jaycee McDermott 10 min read

What is the difference between incidence and prevalence?

Prevalance = snap-shot (It is like a snapshot being taken along the disease timeline of a person's experience) Incidence = includes only new cases and also includes time so it's a measure of risk. =diseased (in basic model of disease over time) Assess each person's disease status at a particular point in time.

What is the relationship between prevalence and average duration of disease?

Mar 10, 2022 · Prevalence = (Incidence Rate) x (Average Duration of Disease) If the average duration of disease remains constant, then preventive measures that reduce the incidence of disease would be expected to result in a decreased prevalence. Similarly, if the incidence remained constant, then developing a cure would reduce the average duration of disease, and …

What is incidence of disease?

A) Prevalence is the number of new cases of a disease or health condition. B) Incidence is the number of new cases of a disease or health condition. C) Prevalence refers to all of the people with a particular health condition existing in a given population at a given point in time. D) Incidence refers to all of the people with a particular health condition existing in a given …

How do you calculate the prevalence of a disease?

Oct 19, 2021 · Prevalence is the proportion of a population that has a condition at a specific time, but the prevalence will be influenced by both the rate at which new cases are occurring (incidence) and the average duration of the disease. Incidence reflects the rate at which new cases of disease are being added to the population (and becoming prevalent cases).

Why is incidence important?

Average duration of disease is also important, because the only way you can stop being a prevalent case is to be cured or to move out of the population or die.

How long does lung cancer last?

Therapy was ineffective and almost all lung cancer cases died. From the time of diagnosis, the average survival was only about six months. So, the prevalence of lung cancer was fairly low. In contrast, diabetes has a long average duration, since it can't be cured, but it can be controlled with medications, so the average duration ...

What does raindrops represent?

Raindrops might represent incidence or the rate at which new cases of a disease are being added to the population, thus becoming prevalent cases. Water also flows out of the reservoir, analogous to removal of prevalent cases by virtue of either dying or being cured of the disease. Imagine that incidence (rainfall) and the rate ...

How are prevalence and incidence related?

Prevalence is the proportion of a population that has a condition at a specific time, but the prevalence will be influenced by both the rate at which new cases are occurring (incidence) and the average duration of the disease. Incidence reflects the rate at which new cases of disease are being added to the population (and becoming prevalent cases). Average duration of disease is also important, because the only way you can stop being a prevalent case is to be cured or to move out of the population or die. A prevalent case stops being a prevalent case if she is cured, and she also is no longer a prevalent case in the population if she dies or moves out of the population.

Why is incidence important?

Average duration of disease is also important, because the only way you can stop being a prevalent case is to be cured or to move out of the population or die.

What happened after 2000?

After the year 2000, the availability of antiretrovirals fell, and the mortality rate from AIDS began to climb again. As a result, the average duration of disease declined, and the prevalence fell. Several decades ago the average duration of lung cancer was about six months. Therapy was ineffective and almost all lung cancer cases died.

Did HIV cure the disease?

However, they weren't cured of their disease , meaning that the average duration of disease increased. As a result, the prevalence of HIV increased during this period.

Prevalence Definition

Prevalence Synonym

  • Whilst incidence is a distinct measure to prevalence, there are other terms that are used interchangeably with prevalence such as disease frequency. However, incidence is also a measure of disease frequency, so it is important to determine which metric you are looking at or wish to study to avoid confusion.
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Incidence Definition

  • Prevalence differs from the incidence of disease, which is the number of new casesthat develop within a given time period. When thought of like a bathtub, incidence is the water being added to the bathtub, prevalence is the contents of the bathtub, and cases that recover or die are the water leaving the bathtub via evaporation or down the drain, as represented in the diagram below. Thi…
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Incidence vs Prevalence

  • Simply put, while incidence measures the number of new cases of a disease in a population during a given period of time, prevalance is the proportion of individuals in a population that have a diseaseat a particular time, regardless of when they were infected.
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Incidence Rate

  • Incidence values can be converted into incidence rate values, also sometimes called person-time rate, if the incidence is measured over a known time period in a population of known size. The equation below can then be used to calculate incidence rate values. This is then often expressed as a rate per number of the population which makes the value more relatable, giving the equatio…
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Disease Frequency Measures numerator and Denominator Table

  • In addition to incidence rate, a number of key measures of disease frequency can be calculated. These metrics and the data required for this are summarized in the table below.
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Population Synonym

  • Knowing the study population is important for the calculation of incidence and prevalence measures, however, depending on the question you are looking to answer the population may be defined in many different ways. For example, it may be the total population of a country, those of a particular demographic or individuals or particular species in a given community or location, am…
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