people who believe they have some control over their illness course hero

by Raquel Kshlerin 5 min read

What are the problems with Course Hero?

16. People who believe that they have control on their own health or self determined. They are called? points: 1 Internals Externals Conceited. 17.

Is Course Hero Here to stay?

See Page 1. People who believe they have some control over their life and know their values and goals in life, demonstrate: Selected Answer: Cognitive hardiness Question 13 1 out of 1 points We should be careful in our examination of oppression because Selected Answer: Both A andB Question 14 1 out of 1 points The belief that as a survivor of ...

Should Course Hero be banned from the classroom?

By putting coursework online, Course Hero is hoping to allow students (and faculty) everywhere to become involved in spreading learning and information. And that’s not all… If Course Hero is news to you, you probably aren’t aware of the many sites similar to Course Hero, including,,, and

Should I share information on Course Hero with students?

 · Locus of control refers to the extent to which people feel that they have control over the events that influence their lives. ... Don't believe that they can change their situation through their own efforts ... Munyanyi ME, Prakash K, Smyth R. Locus of control and the gender gap in mental health. J Econ Behav Organ. 2020;178:740-58. doi:10.1016 ...

What are the problems with Course Hero?

One of the big problems with Course Hero is that if a student wants to cheat, the website offers all the tools they need to do so. It provides a temptation to students who are looking for exam answers and want to cheat in class.

How does Course Hero help you?

You can choose to study through the internet, or meet at a physical table and chairs on campus. In this way, Course Hero allows you to make connections with others who you can help, and who can help you.

What is course hero?

Conceived by students at Cornell, Course Hero provides access to old tests, homework problems, textbook answers and class notes. It also offers the ability to form study groups where you can share files and exchange ideas. It’s basically a forum where you can put up old schoolwork you’ve done and see the old schoolwork of your peers from your own school and around the nation.

How to give students a reason not to cheat?

Try to give students a reason not to cheat by providing everything they need to perform successfully

Is Course Hero free?

Course Hero isn’t really free. While you can create an account for no cost, you can’t view anything until you pay in one of two ways: By posting materials (40 documents = 1 month free) By paying a monthly, 6 month, or yearly fee.

Can you track someone on Course Hero?

You also can’t track who is using Course Hero. Often, notes are posted anonymously, so the individual who posted them cannot be tracked down. This means that it’s harder to punish those who are blatantly cheating or difficult to tell if the resources available can really be trusted.

Is plagiarizing a violation of the Honor Code?

Many teachers define it in their syllabi and it is common knowledge that copying answers and plagiarizing are violations of the Honor Code and considered “unauthorized” assistance. But where is the line? Working in groups often facilitates learning in students, and contributes to the cohesiveness of a class. When working in groups, students often share answers, methods, notes and their understanding—all things that would be shared on Course Hero.

What Is Locus of Control?

"A locus of control orientation is a belief about whether the outcomes of our actions are contingent on what we do (internal control orientation) or on events outside our personal control (external control orientation)," explained psychologist Philip Zimbardo in his book Psychology and Life .

Internal vs. External Locus of Control

It is important to note that locus of control is a continuum. No one has a 100% external or internal locus of control. Instead, most people lie somewhere on the continuum between the two extremes.

What Role Does Your Locus of Control Play in Your Life?

Internal locus of control is often used synonymously with " self-determination " and "personal agency." Some research suggests that men tend to have a higher internal locus of control than women 6 while others suggest the opposite: that women have greater internal locus of control in comparison.

Do You Have an External or Internal Locus of Control?

Where does your locus of control fall on the continuum? Read through the statements below and select the set that best describes your outlook on life.

Outlook 1

I often feel that I have little control over my life and what happens to me.

Outlook 2

If you work hard and commit yourself to a goal, you can achieve anything.

A Word From Verywell

Your locus of control can have a major impact on your life, from how you cope with stress to your motivation to take charge of your life.

How does the brain work when you are in danger?

It does this by switching on brain circuits that make you feel wonderful, which then motivates you to repeat those behaviors. In contrast, when you’re in danger, a healthy brain pushes your body to react quickly with fear or alarm, so you’ll get out of harm’s way.

Who is the director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism?

But nothing could be further from the truth,” says Dr. George Koob , director of NIH’s National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. “The brain actually changes with addiction, and it takes a good deal of work to get it back to its normal state.

Why do some people become addicted to drugs while others don't?

Scientists don’t yet understand why some people become addicted while others don’t. Addiction tends to run in families, and certain types of genes have been linked to different forms of addiction. But not all members of an affected family are necessarily prone to addiction. “As with heart disease or diabetes, there’s no one gene that makes you vulnerable,” Koob says.

What is the power of addiction?

Researchers have found that much of addiction’s power lies in its ability to hijack and even destroy key brain regions that are meant to help us survive.

How do people with addictions lose control?

People with addiction lose control over their actions. They crave and seek out drugs, alcohol, or other substances no matter what the cost—even at the risk of damaging friendships, hurting family, or losing jobs.

Why is prevention important in childhood?

Although there’s much still to learn, we do know that prevention is critical to reducing the harms of addiction. “Childhood and adolescence are times when parents can get involved and teach their kids about a healthy lifestyle and activities that can protect against the use of drugs,” Volkow says. “Physical activity is important, as well as getting engaged in work, science projects, art, or social networks that do not promote use of drugs.”

Why is biological basis important in addiction?

The biological basis of addiction helps to explain why people need much more than good intentions or willpower to break their addictions.

Why is the locus of control important?

Because individuals with a strong internal locus of control interpret circumstances as being within their ability to control, they are more confident in their ability to influence their future and, hence, more resilient in the face of extreme circumstances. In fact, numerous research studies have established that a strongly held internal locus ...

What is the locus of control?

Locus of control theory is a valuable model with important practical implications for understanding how individual responses to the pandemic result in very different outcomes. Those with a strong internal locus of control make choices reflecting their beliefs that their actions play an important role in determining how the pandemic will affect their health and their future well-being, such as maintaining safe social distancing, wearing a face mask, and frequent handwashing. In contrast, those with a strong external locus of control do not believe they have control over their future health in face of the pandemic and are less likely to embrace recommendations aimed at mitigating risk of infection. In other words, a strongly held internal locus of control will expectably result in beliefs and behaviors that could significantly lessen the risk of becoming infected, spreading the virus, or dying as well as abiding by government and medical recommendations.

What does a strong external locus of control interpret?

On the other end of the spectrum, individuals with a strong external locus of control interpret events as influenced not by their actions or abilities but by circumstances beyond their control. In other words, individuals with a strong external locus of control rely on beliefs in ideas like luck and fate to interpret their experiences.

Does a strong internal locus of control improve mental health?

In fact, numerous research studies have established that a strongly held internal locus of control correlates to improved physical and mental health as well as better quality of life. 1.

Can we control the difficult circumstances we are facing?

It is true that we cannot control the difficult circumstances we are facing-as individuals or as nations-and even near-term predictions by pundits and politicians are modified almost daily. However, we do have the capacity to lessen the intensity of our anxiety and despair in face of the COVID-19 pandemic by changing our internal narratives.

What is the degree to which people believe that they, as opposed to external forces (beyond their influence),

For other uses, see Locus. Locus of control is the degree to which people believe that they, as opposed to external forces (beyond their influence), have control over the outcome of events in their lives. The concept was developed by Julian B. Rotter in 1954, and has since become an aspect of personality psychology.

Which research suggests that children in large single parent families headed by women are more likely to develop an external locus of control

The 1995 research of Schneewind suggests that "children in large single parent families headed by women are more likely to develop an external locus of control" Schultz and Schultz also claim that children in families where parents have been supportive and consistent in discipline develop internal locus of control.

How does age affect locus of control?

When comparing a young child and an older adult with their levels of locus of control in regards to health, the older person will have more control over their attitude and approach to the situation.

How does locus control change with age?

Locus of control becomes more internal with age. As children grow older, they gain skills which give them more control over their environment. However, whether this or biological development is responsible for changes in locus is unclear.

What does internal locus of control mean?

Internals tend to attribute outcomes of events to their own control. People who have internal locus of control believe that the outcomes of their actions are results of their own abilities. Internals believe that their hard work would lead them to obtain positive outcomes.

What is locus in psychology?

Bernard Weiner argued that rather than ability-versus-luck, locus may relate to whether attributions are made to stable or unstable causes.

How does the locus of control affect women?

They found that women who believe they can control their weight ("internals"), respond most favorably to slim models in advertising , and this favorable response is mediated by self-referencing. In contrast, women who feel powerless about their weight ("externals"), self- reference larger-sized models , but only prefer larger-sized models when the advertisement is for a non-fattening product. For fattening products, they exhibit a similar preference for larger-sized models and slim models. The weight locus of control measure was also found to be correlated with measures for weight control beliefs and willpower.

Why do people believe that the future hinges on their own actions?

Why? People who believe that the future hinges on their own actions have a great deal of personal agency and control. It is this sense of autonomy and agency that makes people less likely to believe in secret plots and nefarious plans.

Why is it appealing to believe that there are forces plotting against you and your interests?

In a world where you might feel powerless and alienated, it can be appealing to believe that there are forces plotting against you and your interests. Once these beliefs take root, cognitive biases and mental shortcuts reinforce and strengthen them. Many of the same factors that fuel other types of problematic thinking, such as a belief in the paranormal, also contribute to conspiracy theories.

What is the destructive cycle of conspiracy theories?

It is a destructive cycle—negative feelings contribute to the belief in conspiracies, yet the belief in conspiracies results in negative feelings. Believing in conspiracy theories erodes people’s trust in their government, their leaders, and their institutions.

What are some examples of conspiracy theories?

Some controversial examples of such theories include the belief that terrorist attacks and mass shootings were staged events orchestrated by the U.S. government.

What is the problem with trying to disprove conspiracy theories?

One problem faced when trying to disprove conspiracy theories is that people who hold these beliefs also tend to suspect that there are factions engaged in covering up these activities. Those trying to debunk the mistaken beliefs are then viewed as simply being actors in the conspiracy itself.

Why do conspiracy theories cause disempowerment?

Rather than helping people cope with their feelings of social alienation and political disenfranchisement, conspiracy beliefs seem to create a cycle of distrust that leads to even greater disempowerment.

Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?

Many of these explanations boil down to three key driving factors: A need for understanding and consistency (epistemic) 6 . A need for control (existential) A need to belong or feel special (social) 6 .


After all this modernization and enlightenment that has taken place, superstitious beliefs still persist in our societies. Every one of us to some extent do believe in such absurd superstitious beliefs and by chance if you disagree with me then how about you check it by yourself.

Sources of Superstitious Beliefs

Superstitions have been there, now for a long period of time. In this travel in history, people from diverse cultures have added their part of blind beliefs in them. The sources which might have been a great source for such superstitions are mentioned below:

Superstitious Beliefs and Religion

The borderline between these two words is very thin and often it has been observed that they tend to overlap each other. Religious believers have often seen other religions as superstitions. Likewise, atheists and agnostics may regard religious beliefs as superstitious.

Do You Know Why People Tend to Become Superstitious?

If we study the advent of the superstitions we can find an answer to this question.

What Is Luck?

Luck refers to that which happens to a person beyond that person's control. This view incorporates phenomena that are chance happenings, a person's place of birth for example, but where there is no uncertainty involved, or where the uncertainty is irrelevant. Within this framework one can differentiate between three different types of luck:

What Causes Good Luck?

For centuries people have believed in good fortune and widely agree that luck can be influenced through spiritual means by performing certain rituals or by avoiding certain circumstances.

What Causes Bad Luck?

To begin with, we have to admit that sometimes events are just random, or at least with causes beyond our ability to understand at the moment.

The Scientific and Ethical Dimensions of Striving for Perfection

H uman enhancement is at least as old as human civilization. People have been trying to enhance their physical and mental capabilities for thousands of years, sometimes successfully – and sometimes with inconclusive, comic and even tragic results.

Where does the science stand?

The Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (TALOS), which President Obama likened to “Iron Man,” could make American soldiers stronger and largely impervious to bullets. (Credit: AP Images)

Ethics and religion

In contrast with his brother – “Brave New World” author Aldous Huxley (right) – Julian Huxley was a scientific optimist who believed that new technologies would offer people amazing opportunities for self-improvement and growth. (Credit: Getty Images)
