· Perspectives has opened a series of online courses designed for distance learners like you - complete with lesson discussions, course videos, and more. Scheduled Online Class (4 Month Completion) Follow a four-month format with others - complete with Weekly Lesson videos & audio of selected Instructors.
The Perspectives course, but in a 3 week or 1 week timeframe. more info... International. Looking for Perspectives in other languages or countries? Find a Perspectives location outside of the United States » ...
The Perspectives Program currently offers core courses that fulfill core philosophy and another core area of study: theology, arts and literature, social science or natural science. All Perspectives courses are year-long, 12-credit courses that study core and foundational texts. All sections are limited to 25 or fewer students.
The Perspectives Study Program offers a 15-week "Perspectives on the World Christian Movement" course that focuses on various perspectives as outlined below: Biblical perspective: offers narrative in light of the larger view of the Biblical text as declaration of purpose for the World Christian movement;
Perspectives Study Program (link is external) , an NCCRS member since June 2014, is based in Pasadena, California. When originally founded in 1974, the program was called the Summer Institute of International Studies (IIS) which became part of the United States Center for World Mission (renamed Frontier Ventures in March 2015).
Various approved locations throughout the United States and internationally.
Perspectives is a dynamic 15-week discipleship course designed to help students explore some of the big questions of life. What is your spiritual identity in Christ? What purpose, what work, what mission does God have for you? How can you be a part of what God is doing, locally or globally?
Perspectives is a course that gives purpose. What are we here for? What are we saved for? To live a life of passion and purpose as Jesus did. Living in sync with God's desires for his kingdom gives direction to our lives. This is the same vision which empowered Jesus to live his life with joy, hope and single-hearted passion.
Perspectives is a course that gives hope. As we step into God's purposes for us, we discover our gifts and we share in meaningful work. In kingdom work we get to be a part of a vast team effort. It is God's work. He started it and will complete it. Our work day by day contributes to the good that will be.
Perspectives is offered across Canada in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario. See course listings to find the course nearest to you.
Due to Covid-19, a number of classes had to be deferred. Since then we are very pleased to have a Virtual Class planned beginning in September and 2 classes planned for Manitoba. Check out the details below.