paretns who reassure children course hero

by Esperanza Von 5 min read

Help Them Discover New Things Together

It’s a stressful time for working parents, and anything you can do to remove the pressure and offer additional support will go a long way. Rather than giving your parents suggested timetables, lesson plans and homeschooling ideas, why not remind them that it’s a perfect time to discover new things together? Anything yo…
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Gather Pupils’ Opinions

  • Parents are more used to supporting your lessons and homework assignments than providing structured learning for their children. They may, therefore, feel daunted by the idea of being ‘in charge’ when it comes to education. Why not suggest parents have a chat to their children about their favourite lesson styles and learning approaches? Do they prefer interactive learning, or audi…
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Swapping Roles

  • Many parents assume they have to download reams and reams of learning content, and their children must sit quietly and absorb it; a tricky proposition from a preparation perspective. Your pupils, however, have been taking in knowledge and learning on their current subjects since the beginning of the academic year. Why not suggest parents take on the role of pupil instead, and l…
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Go Back to Basics — Remove The Plans and Pressure

  • The best support you can offer your pupils and their parents is to remind them to remove the pressure and enjoy themselves. There’s no need to crash from lesson to lesson, force pupils to sit and listen for hours and get upset and frustrated when it doesn’t all go to plan. The best learning happens in the unplanned times, in the ‘let’s just go and ...
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