online course to learn how to read sheet music

by Prof. Javonte Lubowitz 9 min read

How can one learn to read sheet music quickly?

How to read sheet music for beginners?

How do you read a music sheet?

At "," my desire is to teach you how to read sheet music as quickly as possible. I'll take away the mystery, and put reading sheet music within your grasp. Since 1999, I've made this course available at So many people have enjoyed it that I decided to give it a web page of its own. I've also added some more chapters so that if …

How can I read sheet music?

Learn to Read Sheet Music! 8 Naming the Notes Notes are named after letters A-B-C-D-E-F-G. Instead of going onto H-I, etc.. it starts again at A. This run of 8 notes from A-A or B-B, C-C, etc.. is called an octave. These notes can be played on any tuned instrument. So, on a piano, the notes correspond to the fol- lowing keys....


Sheet Music is music written down on paper (or Computer.) Just like reading to read and write your language is important, reading and writing music is important. I take you step by step to understand how to read sheet music. This course doesn't pertain to a certain instrument so no matter what instrument you play you can benefit from this.


I believe in learning the things you are interested in. This belief has brought me to many amazing things in life. I think you have the ability to learn anything and do anything you want in life. As I learn things I teach them to others. After I have taught the same thing over and over I decide to get it down on video so anyone can learn it too.

Student feedback

Reasonable coverage of the content, but when the instructor is pictured alongside the video picture making observations he is not shown large enough and it's difficult to know what he is referring to.

Why are there more than one line of dots in sheet music?

This can be be-cause there are different melody lines being sung/played which combine to produce the overall sound. For example, if you are a singer in a choir and you look at a piece of vocal music (such as the one below) you will see that there are 4 distinct voices who sing their own melody lines. These 4 voices (usually Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) will all be singing a different note and these 4 notes combine to produce the overall sound as shown below....

When counting the beat of a piece of music, should we start at 1?

When counting the beat of a piece of music we could start at 1 and keep going to what-ever number we got to by the end of the piece. However, there would be a few problems with this approach....

What is the accompaniment to a lead voice?

In contemporary music the accompaniment to a lead voice or instrument usually consists of an instrument(s) (usually piano/keyboard and/or guitar(s)) improvising around a set of chords. The overall aim is that the lead vocalist/instrument provides the main melody, whilst the other instrument(s) provides the harmony. Many of you will be keen to play mu-sic in these contemporary genres so you need to understand how to read and play chords.

What does 2 bars of repeat mean?

If there are multiple ones then you need to repeat multiple bars of material. So, 2 bars of repeat signs will mean you should loop the previous 2 bars of material.

What is the middle C on a piano?

Middle C is this note that you hear about lots. In fact, there’s nothing particularly special about middle C; it’s not really in the middle of anything! It does happen to be the C which is closest to the centre of a piano. (In order to find a C on the piano look for the white note to the left of the 2 black notes. In order to find middle C look for the one which is nearest the middle of the pi-ano.)

What does the bb sign mean?

The “bb” sign is a double flat sign and means the note should be lowered by 2 semitones.

Can you play more than one note at a time?

Some instruments can only play one note at a time (e.g. flute, clarinet, trumpet, etc.). However, other instruments (e.g. piano, guitar) can play more than one note at the same time. So, sheet music written for the guitar or piano will show these different notes being played at the same time.

1. Read Music FAST! (Udemy)

If you intend to explore the basics of music reading notes, then this is the perfect place to begin. The simple visual method of teaching helps you to build your knowledge as well as intuition. Practice along with the instructor using an on-screen keyboard and track your improvement. Check out our compilation of Best Free Music Courses.

2. Read Music FAST! Part 2: intervals & key signatures (Udemy)

This program is aimed towards individuals who have a clear foundation of reading notes and want to build upon that knowledge. Develop an intuition of the context in which the notes are being played and the distance between them. Go over topics like intervals, key signature, figure out scales using the Red/Blue system, and much more.

3. The Note Reading Bootcamp – Read Music Fast! (Udemy)

Make use of the unique Landmark System to get acquainted with the process of recognizing notes. Once you are well versed in the fundamentals, you will go through a Bootcamp that provides you with challenges to hone the skills covered in the lectures. By the end of the classes, you will have the confidence to read music intuitively and fast.

4. How To Read Music (SOUNDFLY)

This course is headed by professional musician Ian Temple, who takes you through the nooks and crannies of the skill of music reading. Explore signatures, staff, values along with other important elements.

5. Fundamentals of Music Theory (Coursera)

In this certification, you will learn thoroughly about music theory. Apart from this, the lessons also focus on Western music notation and its analysis. Some of the areas talked about are clefs, cadences, meter, rhythms, and phrases. End the journey by focusing on some intermediate to advanced level topics.

What is the line between the bass clef dots?

Bass Clef. The line between the two bass clef dots is the “F” line on the bass clef staff, and it’s also referred to as the F clef. The bass clef notates the lower registers of music, so if your instrument has a lower pitch, such as a bassoon, tuba or cello, your sheet music is written in the bass clef.

What does tempo mean in music?

Tempo tells you how fast or slow a piece is intended to be played, and often is shown at the top of a piece of sheet music. A tempo of, say 60 BPM (beats per minute) would mean you’d play 60 of the signified notes every minute or a single note every second.

What is the treble clef?

The treble clef notates the higher registers of music, so if your instrument has a higher pitch , such as a flute, violin or saxophone, your sheet music is written in the treble clef. Higher notes on a keyboard also are notated on the treble clef.

How to extend a note?

There are other ways to extend the length of a note. A dot after the note head, for example, adds another half of that note’s duration to it. So, a half note with a dot would equal a half note and a quarter note; a quarter note with a dot equals a quarter plus an eighth note. A tie may also be used to extend a note.

What are the three parts of a note?

There are three parts of each note, the note head, the stem, and the flag.

What does a sharp note mean?

A sharp, denoted by the ♯ symbol, means that note is a semitone (or half step) higher than the note head to its right on sheet music. Conversely, a flat, denoted by a ♭ symbol, means the note is a semitone lower than the note head to its right .

How many lines are in a staff?

The staff consists of five lines and four spaces. Each of those lines and each of those spaces represents a different letter, which in turn represents a note. Those lines and spaces represent notes named A-G, and the note sequence moves alphabetically up the staff.

What does 4/4 mean in music?

For example, 4/4 means that you will count out 4 (top number) quarter notes (bottom number) for every measure .

How many beats does a note have?

Notes can take on different numbers of beats but the most commonly used notes include the whole note (4 beats), half note (2 beats) and quarter note (1 beat). These can be fractioned down to have shorter beats such as the eighth note (1/2 beat), sixteenth note (1/4 beat) and thirty-second note (1/8 beat).

Why do the notes on my guitar not fit on the staff?

When the notes don't fit on the staff because they fall outside of the E note (4th string, 2nd fret) and F note (1st string, 1st fret) on your guitar, then ledger lines appear above or below the staff to indicate where the lines and spaces would fall.

What does the treble clef symbol mean?

The treble clef symbols helps you to know where the notes fall on the lines and spaces. In guitar sheet music, the treble clef always circles the line that represents the G note.

Who is Julian Acosta?

Instructor: Julian Acosta. Julian understands the aspects of music and the importance of the steps necessary to connect with music. He studied music at the University of Texas and has taught ukulele, piano, guitar and voice since 2009.

What does a dot next to a note mean?

Dots: When a dot appears next to a note, this indicates that you must add half the value of the note to the note being played. For example, a dotted half note means you count it as 3 beats instead of only 2 beats.

What is a curved line called?

The curved line called a tie is simply a way to indicate when two or more of the same notes should be played together as if they were a single note.

Where is the middle C on a piano?

There are several of each note on a piano, each at a different octave, either higher or lower than the others. Notes on a piano center around the note that is known as Middle C. Middle C is obviously found in the middle of the computer and is the note directly to the left of the two black notes.

How many keys does a piano have?

The piano is made up of 88 keys, 36 back keys and 52 white ones. If you're playing on a smaller keyboard, and not a full piano, there will be fewer keys. A piano is made up of several octaves, and each octave is made up of eight notes. Music notes are designated A-G, so an A is one note, a B is another note, and so on.

Which hand is the pinky finger on?

Your left hand will be positioned similarly, an octave down. Your pinky finger on your left hand will be on the next lowest C below middle C, your ring finger on D, and so on. This position allows you the most flexibility in playing and lets you reach most of the keys that are commonly played very easily.

Is the piano a beginner instrument?

Piano for Beginners. The piano is a very popular instrument, and many people want to learn how to play it. However, such a large instrument with so many keys can seem like quite a challenge, especially for a beginner who doesn't know much about notes.
