how to skip a required college course

by Heath Brakus MD 9 min read

Pick up a waiver form or other documentation required for the bypassing procedure. Make an appointment at the Assessment Center at your community college. If you think that your knowledge, background and experience makes certain prerequisite courses unnecessary, the Assessment Center provides the opportunity to test out of the courses.

Full Answer

How difficult is it to skip prerequisites for college courses?

It is difficult to skip prerequisites for college courses because it is a system. The computerized registration system checks for the prerequisite before it allows a student to sign up for the class. I tested out of College Algebra and received credit for the course, but that is unusual.

Can you skip a grade in school?

She has worked as a Social Studies Teacher, Curriculum Coordinator, and an SAT Prep Teacher. She received her MA in Education from the Stanford Graduate School of Education in 2014. This article has been viewed 355,122 times. To skip a grade in school, make sure to turn in all your homework and class work on time.

How do I know if I should skip a class?

If you still find your grade easy after the first semester, you’re ready to look into skipping. Often the first few weeks are essentially review, and then as new concepts are introduced, the class can become much more interesting. Make sure you’re earning good grades while evaluating the difficulty of the grade level you’re in.

How do I skip courses with CLEP credit?

Therefore, you need to find a university that will let you use CLEP tests to skip as much course work as possible. The best way to do this is to perform a quick google search. For instance, let’s say that I’m looking for colleges that accept CLEP credit in my home city of Nashville. All I have to do is google “colleges that accept CLEP Nashville.”

How do I bypass college prerequisites?

1 Go online to the community college website. Go online to the community college website or visit the college the community college in person and find out what prerequisites are required. ... 2 Inquire. ... 3 Make an appointment. ... 4 Write your name. ... 5 Submit the proper evidence and documentation and with with the waiver form.

Is it possible to skip prerequisites?

Some universities do not force you to take the prerequisite courses, they are just recommended. Some prerequisite courses can be waived if you pass a quiz or an exam.

Can you just skip classes in college?

Honestly, most college professors wouldn't care if you're always skipping classes, especially for introductory-level classes. If you're good at the subject or may have learned the materials before, you'll be fine as long as you don't hinder the progression of class lectures and are doing well in exams.

Is it okay to skip a college class once?

SKIPPING CLASS ISN'T ALWAYS BAD In college, I wouldn't say this is always the case. Skipping class isn't always bad. If your class gives out points for attendance, then skipping would have a negative impact on your grade. I only skipped class for classes that did not track attendance.

Why do you need prerequisites?

Q: Why are prerequisites important? A: Prerequisites prepare you to be successful in a related course. Generally, the prerequisite course is taught at a lower level and covers information, theories, skills, and vocabulary that you will be expected to know before taking the higher-level course.

Can prerequisites be taken at the same time?

Prerequisite: a course or a test that must be successfully completed prior to registering for the listed course. Co-requisite is a course that must be taken at the same time as another course.

What is a good excuse to skip class?

I got lost.There was a flood in our street.Our car broke down/got stolen.We had a competition in our club.We're going on a family vacation.We had a family emergency.I had to go to the dentist.My baby brother/sister needed help with their Zoom.More items...•

What happens if I skip classes in college?

While most of your college class sessions may be lectures, some will involve in-class assignments, quizzes, and exams. These in-class activities cannot usually be made up without a doctor's note. And since you're just skipping class, you won't be excused, and instead you will get a zero.

How many classes can I skip in college?

There is no limit to how many times you can retake but avoid it as much as possible. Your time and money is at stake. Whether you want to skip or you have to, you won't be at class every day. Make sure you know your professors policy about attendance so you know the effects it could have on your grade.

Does skipping class affect GPA?

By skipping class, you run a risk of tainting, or worsening, your GPA.

How do I stop feeling guilty for missing class?

If you know something's wrong, don't pressure yourself to attend class. But if you do take a day, make sure you do all you can to start feeling better: exercise, see a doctor, get some sleep, read a nice book. Then, when you feel a little more refreshed and ready to get back to it: go to class.

Can depression make you skip school?

People with depression exhibit a host of concerning symptoms including sad mood, lack of energy, poor concentration, and low motivation. Because of this it is not uncommon for kids with depression to not want to go to school.


Psychology 101 with 400 students? You can skip it. Large first year or mandatory courses are easy to skip for many reasons.


Every now and again you’ll take a course with a professor who isn’t an engaging teacher (it happens). Always attend the first few classes to get an idea of the professor’s teaching style.


Many college courses now offer some sort of online space where professors can upload lecture material and assignment outlines. If the lecture slides that are shown in class can be found online, you’re likely able to forgo attending class and can learn the lesson material on your own.


Only skip classes if you have a plan; don’t skip classes if you have no intention of teaching yourself the material at some point. If you won’t read the material on your own time, just go to class. That way if you don’t do any additional studying, you will have heard/read the material at least once. (Although you should definitely be studying!).

How long does it take to get a Clep?

CLEP tests can help you get a degree much faster than the traditional college path. The conventional amount of time to get an undergraduate degree is 4 years, though it can take many students as long as six years. If you just need a degree to get a better job, then 4–6 years is much too long to wait.

Where to take CLEP exam?

Civilian employees of Air Force. Generally, you’ll need to take your CLEP exams at either a military base or fully-funded test center in order to get all the fees (including administrative fees) waived. To find a fully-funded test center near you, look for the “Fully funded” tag next to test center names.

How much does a CLEP exam cost?

Starting with the cost, CLEP exams are much cheaper than a full college course. Each exam costs $87 (plus an administrative fee of around $25 generally charged by the testing center).

How many times can you take a CLEP test?

You can take CLEP tests as many times as you want (though you’ll have to pay the $87 fee each time). Also, people who qualify for DANTES funding should be aware that DANTES will only pay the fees for your first attempt at a CLEP test. You’ll have to pay for subsequent attempts out of your own pocket.

Is CLEP a sprint?

CLEP Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint. Let’s face it: college can be expensive. Sure, you can do lots of things to make it cost less, including applying for scholarships. But this doesn’t change the fact that sometimes college costs more than you can afford. A common solution to this problem is to take out student loans.

Can I get a degree from CLEP?

Yes, it is possible, though passing CLEP exams will not get you a degree by itself. To get a degree, you need to find a university that will allow you to transfer the credits you earn through CLEP tests. You’ll then need to pay the necessary fees to enroll as a student at that university and get your credits transferred.

Can I take a CLEP exam at once?

If using CLEP tests to earn your degree seems overwhelming, remember that you don’t have to do everything at once. The beauty of the CLEP program is that you can use it to earn and transfer credits on your schedule. If you’re about to take a CLEP exam, we wish you the best of luck.

How to get into a community college?

1 Go online to the community college website. Go online to the community college website or visit the college the community college in person and find out what prerequisites are required. The prerequisites may require specific levels of reading, writing or math skills. Other prerequisites may require prior coursework before being admitted ...

Why do community colleges require prerequisites?

Community colleges depend upon prerequisites to ensure the quality of the classroom environment by screening out unprepared students. College prerequisites also protect individual students. Attending a class that you are insufficiently prepared for is a frustrating experience as well as a waste of your time and money.

Where to make an appointment for community college?

Make an appointment at the Assessment Center at your community college. If you think that your knowledge, background and experience makes certain prerequisite courses unnecessary, the Assessment Center provides the opportunity to test out of the courses.

Is taking prerequisite courses a waste of time?

On the other hand, taking prerequi site courses can be a waste of time and money if your knowledge and experience makes them unnecessary. Community colleges have procedures in place that allow students to bypass prerequisites if they are qualified to do so.

How to skip a grade in school?

To skip a grade in school, make sure to turn in all your homework and class work on time. Additionally, show that you're motivated to learn by studying skills from the next grade. If you want to skip to the sixth grade, for example, study math skills like ratios and negative numbers.

How long should I wait to skip a semester?

Wait until the end of the first semester ( or quarter). Rather than asking to skip a grade in the first week of school, wait until about half the year has passed. You may change your mind after you see some of the challenges in your current grade. If you still find your grade easy after the first semester, you’re ready to look into skipping.

What does it mean to skip a grade?

Skipping a grade means you will be placed with students likely older and more mature than your current level. If you are less developed and mature, that can be a problem. Immature students are likely to have trouble developing relationships with more mature peers.

What does it mean when you can teach yourself things you haven't learned yet?

If you can teach yourself things that you haven’t yet learned in the classroom, this will indicate that you may be ready for a higher grade level. For example, if you’d like to skip from 7th grade to 8th grade but haven’t learned trigonometry, borrow a textbook and master some of the core concepts. 4.

What to do if you can't take classes?

This can help you learn things that will be taught in the grade you’ll be skipping over. If you can’t take classes, spend the summer learning independently to improve your academic skills.

Can you make up your own lesson plans?

Not necessarily! If you work out a special arrangement with your teachers, then it's fine to do different work than the rest of your class. But you don't get to make up your own lesson plans just because you think your current grade is too easy.

Can gifted students skip grades?

Although skipping a grade is not a common practice, school administrators may be willing to allow this option for gifted students. You’ll need to make sure that you are academically prepared for such a jump. You will also need to consider social ramifications to going up a grade, which do impact your education.
