online course how to collect data from twitter

by Uriel Wiegand 8 min read

How to collect data from Twitter?

After that, go to to create an app that allows you to collect Twitter data. Don't worry, creating the app is extremely easy. The app you create will connect to the Twitter application program interface (API).

How can I get unlimited Twitter data for free?

If you’re ready to go beyond the data limits that Twitter imposes for free access, you can upgrade to Twitter’s Firehose API where you can get nearly unlimited access to Twitter’s data stream via one of the various data providers that Twitter partners with, including Dataminr.

What do you do with your collected data?

- Process the collected data - primarily structured - using methods involving correlation, regression, and classification to derive insights about the sources and people who generated that data. - Analyze unstructured data - primarily textual comments - for sentiments expressed in them.

How to write a cronjob to collect data from Twitter API?

A few tips for writing cronjob tasks that I found extremely helpful when collecting data: Construct your scripts in a way that cycles through your API keys to stay within the rate limit. Be sure to catch exception errors that may occur when accessing Twitter’s API and write to an error file for later review.

How do you collect data from Twitter?

To collect data from Twitter you can use the Twitter Streaming API. Look at You can try to develop a new client or to search already available ones on the Web. I can help you with youtube for a given topic.

Can I scrape data from Twitter?

Twitter's terms forbid non-permitted web scraping; “scraping the Services without the prior consent of Twitter is expressly prohibited,” but breaking these terms is a civil matter, so it isn't illegal. Twitter data is scraped all the time and problems are rarely reported, if ever.

How do I get data analysis on Twitter?

Go to Analysis > Twitter > Analyze Tweets and select all twitter documents that you would like to include in your analysis. The results will be shown in a table, which includes information about the author and the tweet (for example, how often the tweet has been retweeted or the number of likes a tweet received).

How do I pull data from Twitter using Python?

2. Fetch data from Twitter API in Python2.1 Install tweepy. If you do not have the tweepy library you can install it using the command: ... 2.2 Authenticate with your credentials. Open up your preferred python environment (eg. ... 2.3 Set up your search query. ... 2.4 Collect the Tweets. ... 2.5 Create a dataset.

How do I scrape data from Twitter without API?

Twint is an advanced tool for Twitter scrapping. We can use this tool to scrape any user's followers, following, tweets, etc. without having to use Twitter API. Twitter API has restrictions to scrape only the last 3200 Tweets.

What data can I get from Twitter API?

This API allows you to find and retrieve, engage with, or create a variety of different resources including the following:Tweets.Users.Spaces.Direct Messages.Lists.Trends.Media.Places.

How do I Analyse data from Twitter to excel?

Start your analysis In the “Analytics for Twitter” Tab click “New Query”. A search box will open up where you can enter up to 5 search terms separated by a comma. You can search for hashtags (#), mentions ( @) or just free text.

Is the Twitter API free?

Twitter API access levels and versions The Twitter API v2 includes a few access levels to help you scale your usage on the platform. In general, new accounts can quickly sign up for free, Essential access. Should you want additional access, you may choose to apply for free Elevated access and beyond.

Twitter, a relevant place for data collection

Twitter has 313,000,000 active users ( Statista, 2017 ), which means that this method of data collection could reduce barriers to research participation based on the geographical location of researchers and research resources. It can also maximize resources, including time, effort, and convenience: Sage Journal

Example of implementation of Tweepy

Before performing any kind of analysis, the first action to perform is to get your Twitter authentication credentials, as described below.

End of Article

In this article, you have learned how to get your Twitter developer credentials, and how to use tweepy to get data from Twitter. Also, you have learned about the limitations and benefits of this tool.

Video-1: Introduction

Learner Outcomes: After taking this course, you will be able to: - Utilize various Application Programming Interface (API) services to collect data from different social media sources such as YouTube, Twitter, and Flickr.

Skills You'll Learn

In this unit we will see how to collect data from Twitter and YouTube. The unit will start with an introduction to Python programming. Then we will use a Python script, with a little editing, to extract data from Twitter. A similar exercise will then be done with YouTube.

What API do you use to collect tweets?

There are two APIs that you can use to collect tweets. If you want to do a one-time collection of tweets, then you'll use the REST API . If you want to do a continuous collection of tweets for a specific time period, you'll use the streaming API. In this tutorial, I'll focus on using the REST API .

How many tweets are geocoded?

Although you might be surprised with the small number of tweets on the map, typically only 1% of tweets are geocoded. I collected a total of 366 tweets, but only 10 (around 3% of total tweets) were geocoded. If you are having trouble getting geocoded tweets, change your search terms to see if you get a better result.

Offered by

Founded in 1861, the University of Washington is one of the oldest state-supported institutions of higher education on the West Coast and is one of the preeminent research universities in the world.

Introduction to Data Analytics

In this first unit of the course, several concepts related to social media data and data analytics are introduced. We start by first discussing two kinds of data - structured and unstructured. Then look at how structured data, the primary focus of this course, is analyzed and what one could gain by doing such analysis.

Collecting and Extracting Social Media Data

In this unit we will see how to collect data from Twitter and YouTube. The unit will start with an introduction to Python programming. Then we will use a Python script, with a little editing, to extract data from Twitter. A similar exercise will then be done with YouTube.

Data Analysis, Visualization, and Exploration

In this unit, we will focus on analyzing and visualizing the data from various social media services. We will first use the data collected before from YouTube to do various statistics analyses such as correlation and regression. We will then introduce R - a platform for doing statistical analysis.

Case Studies

In the final unit of this course, we will work on two case studies - both using Twitter and focusing on unstructured data (in this case, text). The first case study will involve doing sentiment analysis with Python. The second case study will take us through basic text mining application using R.


Social media’s ubiquity has made various social media platforms more and more popular as a source of data. With this rise of social media as a data source, data collection using APIs is becoming a very sought-after skill in many data science roles.

What is an API?

An Application Programming Interface (API) is a software intermediary that allows two applications to communicate with each other to access data. APIs are frequently used for every action you take on your phone, e.g. sending a private message or checking the score of a football game.

Twitter API

The Twitter API is a well-documented API that enables programmers to access Twitter in advanced ways. It can be used to analyze, learn from, and even interact with Tweets. It also allows interactions with direct messages, users, and other Twitter resources.

Getting Access to the Twitter API

Before using the Twitter API, one must already have a Twitter account. It is then required to apply for access to the Twitter API in order to obtain credentials. The API endpoint we will look at is GET /2/tweets/search/recent.

Making a Basic Request with the Twitter API

Now that all API access keys should be sorted, there is nothing left to do but test out the API! The first step here is to load your credentials.

Altering a Request with the Twitter API

Altering the query parameters the endpoint offers allows us to customize the request we wish to send. The endpoint’s API reference document details this in the ‘Query parameters’ section. A basic set of operators and can be used to alter queries.


This article details a step-by-step process for collecting Tweets from Twitter API v2 using the recent search endpoint using Python. Steps from getting access to the Twitter API, making a basic request, formating and saving the response, and finally amending query parameters are discussed.
