of course you don't need all those attachments but why woulnd you southpark bike

by Luz Lemke 6 min read

Send A Second Copy Without Attachments

  • This would be more a solution for informational messages for which you don't expect a reply or for the people who were in BCC since the To recipient(s) wouldn't have seen them anyway and a Reply All would not have addressed any of the BCC recipients either. After sending your original message with attachments, go into your Sent Items folder and For...
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Send Links to The Attachments

  • A more ideal solution to the above could be to place the attachments on a (secure) location the main recipient(s) has (have) also access to. This can be a network share, a corporate website solution (such as SharePoint) or an FTP-server or one of the many file sharing web sites which are available today such as OneDrive and DropBox. You'd then only provide the links to these docum…
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Let The Recipients Deal with It

  • For most scenarios, I'm in this camp myself. When people want/need a copy, they get exactly that: A full blown copy of the original in all its glory. In that case, I don’t care how many attachments it has as long as the recipients are allowed to receive them. If the attachments are “for To eyes only”, I send a second message. If the CC or BCC recipients feel they only need to keep the text a…
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