of course i thought you met the auto mechanic when you said demon

by Dorris Kessler DDS 3 min read

I Brought My Own Parts for You to Use

You don’t bring in the ingredients when you go to the restaurant for a meal, so why cart in your own parts for auto repairs? It just doesn’t make sense.

Use the Cheapest Parts You Can Find

Although it’s always nice to save money, really cheap parts are bound to make everyone sad. Kilmer says to skip the cheap knockoffs in favor of quality parts to ensure everything fits and works right.

What does it mean when a mechanic tells you that your car is tracking?

When your mechanic tells you that the tracking is out on your car, he or she is referring to the tires and saying that they are currently out of alignment. According to Bridgestone, having proper tire alignment is essential as it can “help your tires perform properly and help them last longer.”.

What is a dipstick in car mechanic?

In the automotive world, this refers to a graduated rod that can be used to indicate depth, as in the case of your car’s oil.

How to check oil level on car?

Using a dipstick, the mechanic can check your car’s current oil levels along with the oil’s current condition. By checking the mark that the oil managed to reach on the dipstick, a mechanic can determine if the oil level in the car is too low or too high.

Can you lubricate a driveshaft?

There are different instructions towards lubricating the driveshaft, depending on the type of joint that would be worked on. Although it is possible to go online and check for DIY instructions to do this, it may be best to take your car to a mechanic and leave the work to the professionals.

Is it hard to keep a car in good condition?

However, keeping a car in good condition can become quite a challenge over time. This is especially true when you drive your car around town every single day. If that is the case, you might find your mechanic looking at your car and giving certain feedbacks that you don’t seem to understand.

Do you take note of your car's service schedule?

More importantly, you will also take note of your car’s service schedule and make sure that you bring it into your chosen mechanic as scheduled. Typically, when a car owner takes good care of his or her vehicle, problems are few and rare. However, keeping a car in good condition can become quite a challenge over time.

What happens if a mechanic tells you your car is messed up?

If a mechanic tells you that your car is messed up in such a way that the mechanic can't give you an estimated time of completion or an estimated cost, then you are almost certainly about to be bled dry. 3.

Why doesn't a mechanic offer documents?

Just because a mechanic doesn't offer these documents does not necessarily mean that this person is trying to scam you or is breaking your car further. However, more likely than not, they can be omitted to safeguard the mechanic and leave you with no legal recourse if things go wrong.

What is fishy mechanic?

Also fishy is when a mechanic requires upfront payment for all car parts used and labor performed before work commences. Avoiding establishments that refuse to take anything but cash or even provide a written quote before work starts can also safeguard you from bad mechanics.

Why do mechanics say no to a bill?

This is a tricky one. Some mechanics will say no because they get dealer pricing on parts and then charge their clients full price. This helps make the rent every month, but others will also say no because they want to add unnecessary parts to your bill.

How do you know if something doesn't feel right?

If you have some mechanical and technical knowledge, you can usually tell when something doesn't feel right, but when things are beyond your level of expertise, that doesn't mean that you need to put all your faith in someone who is looking to make as much money as possible from you.

What happens when a car goes in for repairs?

When your car goes in for repairs, everything that is in the car still belongs to you. The fact that you are paying for new parts does not change this fact, so it is good practice to ask for your old parts following a repair. If the workshop cannot provide these, then you may have been charged for repairs that weren't even carried out.

What happens if you drop off your car?

However, after you drop your car off, the mechanic's advice is that you have bigger problems - suddenly, the radiator is leaking, the fan isn't blowing correctly, and you also happen to need four new tires.