n the following line of code, what is the name of the base class? class python(course):

by Miss Lottie Fadel Jr. 3 min read

How to check if a class is a subclass in Python?

Jun 12, 2021 · The following line of code selects the columns along with what headers from the dataframe df ? y=df[['Artist','Length','Genre']] ‘Artist’, ‘Length’ and ‘Genre’ Question 23) What is the method readline() used for? It helps to read one complete line from a given text file; Question 24) Consider the following line of code:

What do you learn in a Python course?

Nov 24, 2021 · 4. What task does the following command to df.to_csv(“A.csv”) perform. change the name of the column to “A.csv” load the data from a csv file called “A” into a dataframe; Save the dataframe df to a csv file called “A.csv” 5. What task does the following line of code perform:

What is the Python programming language?

You must have understood this program. We are calling the constructor of the parent class Person inside the constructor of the child class by writing Person.__init__(self, emp_name, emp_age) and calling the display1() method of the parent class inside the display2() method of the child class by writing Person.display1(self).. Python super() Function. In the previous …

How to check the class of an object in Python?

What will be the output of the following Python code? class A: def __repr__(self): return '1' class B(A): def __repr__(self): return '2' class Get more out of your subscription* Access to over 100 million course-specific study resources

What is Subclassing in Python?

In inheritance, a class (usually called superclass) is inherited by another class (usually called subclass). The subclass adds some attributes to superclass. Below is a sample Python program to show how inheritance is implemented in Python. # A Python program to demonstrate inheritance. # Base or Super class.Feb 10, 2020

What are the superclass and subclass in Python?

The class from which a class inherits is called the parent or superclass. A class which inherits from a superclass is called a subclass, also called heir class or child class.Feb 1, 2022

Which method can you use to determine whether an object is an instance of a class?

The java “instanceof” operator is used to test whether the object is an instance of the specified type (class or subclass or interface). It is also known as type comparison operator because it compares the instance with type. It returns either true or false.Jun 8, 2018

Which is the correct syntax to create a class in Python quizlet?

Which is the correct syntax to create a class in Python? d. class classname: What is the output of the following script?

What is a base class in Python?

In Python, abstract base classes provide a blueprint for concrete classes. They don't contain implementation. Instead, they provide an interface and make sure that derived concrete classes are properly implemented. Abstract base classes cannot be instantiated.Jun 26, 2020

What is meant by a base class and a derived class?

The class whose members are inherited is called the base class, and the class that inherits those members is called the derived class.Feb 16, 2022

When a superclass method has the same name as a subclass?

When a subclass method has the same name as a superclass method, it is often said that the subclass method overrides the superclass method. When one object is a specialized version of another object, there is an " is a" relationship between them.

When a superclass method has the same name as a subclass method?

If your subclass defines a method with the same name and signature as a method in its superclass, the method in the subclass overrides the one in the superclass. Thus, the subclass does not inherit the method from its superclass.

How do you check the type of an object in Python?

In Python, to get the type of an object or check whether it is a specific type, use the built-in functions type() and isinstance() .Sep 16, 2019

Which is the correct syntax to create a class in Python?

A class in Python can be defined using the class keyword. As per the syntax above, a class is defined using the class keyword followed by the class name and : operator after the class name, which allows you to continue in the next indented line to define class members. The followings are class members.

What is the correct syntax for defining a class called Game?

What is the correct syntax for defining a class called Game, if it inherits from a parent class called LogicGame? Explanation: The parent class which is inherited is passed as an argument to the child class.

What is the correct syntax for creating an instance method?

To work with an instance method, we use the self keyword. We use the self keyword as the first parameter to a method. The self refers to the current object. Any method we create in a class will automatically be created as an instance method unless we explicitly tell Python that it is a class or static method.Aug 28, 2021

Module 2: Data Wrangling

1. Consider the dataframe “df” what is the result of the following operation df [‘symbolling’] = df [‘symbolling’] + 1?:

Module 3: Exploratory Data Analysis

1. Consider the dataframe “df”. Which method provides the summary statistics?

Module 4: Model Development

1. Let X be a dataframe with 100 rows and 5 columns, let y be the target with 100 samples,assuming all the relevant libraries and data have been imported, the following line of code has been executed:

Module 5: Model Evaluation

1. In the following plot, the vertical access shows the mean square error andthe horizontal axis represents the order of the polynomial. The red line represents the training error the blue line is the test error. What is the best order of the polynomial given the possible choices in the horizontal axis?

What is a class employee?

class Employee (Person) → It means that the class Employee is inherited from the class Person. In simple words, Employee is a subclass of Person.

Is rectangle a subclass?

In our Rectangle example, Rectangle is the superclass and Square is its subclass. The process of creating a subclass of a class is called inheritance. All the attributes and methods of superclass are inherited by its subclass also. This means that an object of a subclass can access all the attributes and methods of the superclass.

Is a square a rectangle?

Now, a square is also a rectangle but having the same length and breadth. From this, you must have got the feel that a square is a subclass of rectangle. Let’s think of some more examples of subclasses. A class ‘Book’ can have ‘ScienceBook’ and ‘MathsBook’ as its subclasses. Another class ‘Animals’ can have ‘Dog’, ‘Cat’ and ‘Goat’ as its subclasses.

Question 4

Which of these scenarios are good candidates for automation? Select all that apply.

Practice Quiz: Introduction to Python

Fill in the correct Python command to put “My first Python program” onto the screen.

Introduction to Programming

Why do we need to learn the syntax and semantics of a programming language?

Introduction to Python

Execute the following code and see what happens. Feel free to change it and run it as many times as you want.

Hello World

Write a Python script that outputs “I’m programming in Python!” to the screen. Remember that you need to use the print () function and use quotation marks to delimiter the string.

Practice Quiz: Expressions and Variables

In this scenario, two friends are eating dinner at a restaurant. The bill comes in the amount of 47.28 dollars. The friends decide to split the bill evenly between them, after adding 15% tip for the service.

Question 2

Fill in the blanks to make the print_prime_factors function print all the prime factors of a number. A prime factor is a number that is prime and divides another without a remainder.

What is the syntax of a function in Python?

This is the basic syntax of a Python function: def <function_name> (<param1>, <param2>, ...): <code>. 💡 Tip: a function can have zero, one, or multiple parameters.

What is class attribute?

Class attributes are shared by all instances of the class. They all have access to this attribute and they will also be affected by any changes made to these attributes.

Why are strings useful in Python?

Strings have methods, which represent common functionality that has been implemented by Python developers, so we can use it in our programs directly. They are very helpful to perform common operations.

What is an index in Python?

We can use indices to access the characters of a string in our Python program. An index is an integer that represents a specific position in the string. They are associated to the character at that position.

How to define a tuple in Python?

To define a tuple in Python, we use parentheses () and separate the elements with a comma. It is recommended to add a space after each comma to make the code more readable.

Why use try/except in Python?

We can use try/except in Python to catch the exceptions when they occur and handle them appropriately. This way, the problem can terminate appropriately or even recover from the exception.

What is the function used to keep track of a counter?

You can also keep track of a counter while the loop runs with the enum () function. It is commonly used to iterate over a sequence and get the corresponding index.
