Approved classes may include degree level or non-degree level courses in the five main academic areas (English, math, science, social studies and foreign language), as well as electives, career, technical and agricultural offerings.
To participate in Move On When Ready, students sign an advisement form with their high school or home study program, meet the admissions requirements at the postsecondary institution of their choice and make satisfactory academic progress.
The new Move On When Ready program is easier for students, parents and schools to understand – it is streamlined with one funding source and one set of eligibility requirements and regulations.
All high school students (9th – 12th grade) attending a public or private high school in Georgia or home study program operated in accordance with O.C.G.A. 20-2-690(c) can participate in Move On When Ready.
Yes, Move On When Ready students can enroll in online courses if the course is on the approved course list. Students should carefully consider whether an online course is a good fit for them before enrolling.
Yes, public school students participating in Move On When Ready are required to take all appropriate EOCs. Students who are home schooled or attend a private school are not required to take EOCs.
Students may incur expenses for course related fees and supplies required for a particular course or optional fee charged by the postsecondary institution. If the postsecondary institution provided the textbooks through a lending program, the student may be charged a lost or damaged book fee if the book is not returned in the required condition.
To be eligible to participate in the MOWR program, high school students, must, be enrolled in the 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade (9th grade begins with Fall term) at a participating eligible high school or in a home study program operated in pursuant to O.C.G.A. 20-2-690.
Non-course related fees are those fees charged by a postsecondary institution to students regardless of enrollment status and are not charged to every student. These fees do not include fees that are optional to a student such as parking fees, graduation fees, etc. If a postsecondary institution charges a fee to all students, then the fee is considered mandatory. Room and board fees, charges or deposits, meal plan costs and charges, or fines incurred due to actions by a student such as parking tickets, library fines, and late fees or lost or damaged book charges, are not included in non-
Postsecondary institutions on the semester system will receive a payment of $25 per semester hour to be applied towards textbooks. Institutions on the quarter system will receive a payment of $15 per quarter hour.
Yes, public high school students participating in the MOWR program are required to take all appropriate EOCs. Students who are home schooled or attend a private school are not required to take EOCs.
Yes, MOWR students may enroll in courses offered online or approved as transient provided the course appears on the approved course list. Students should be advised to carefully consider (1) whether an online course is a good fit before enrolling in the course and (2) to pursue a course load that is manageable.
Yes, if the student chooses to use facilities or resources not made available to all students through mandatory fees the student can be charged for the optional resource or activity.
High schools are not required to provide transportation to and from the postsecondary institution; however, public eligible high schools may apply to GSFC for a transportation grant, provided availability of funds.