moodle automatic message when course session available

by Dr. Nathen Ziemann 7 min read

How do I enable the personal messaging system in Moodle?

Mar 04, 2015 · "Send Automatic Email Notification to all the students enrolled into the course." "Every Course can have joining email - so this is sent when a user enrols. Read about Enrolment." I use Moodle 2.6, I did not notice anything like this. Am I missing something? TIA. Average of ratings: - Permalink Show parent

What is session handling in Moodle?

Nov 27, 2019 · A teacher or user with the capability moodle/course:creategroupconversations can enable group messaging when setting up a course group. The group will then appear in the group messaging section of the messaging drawer. Sending a message to selected course participants. A teacher can send a message to course participants as follows:

How to delete any message in a Moodle course?

Feb 17, 2022 · The personal messaging system in Moodle is enabled by default. It may be disabled by a site administrator from Site administration > Messaging > Messaging settings. From 'Messaging settings', the administrator can "Allow site …

Is it possible to start a readonly session in Moodle?

Mar 16, 2022 · The relative path to this Moodle installation, this may be used to force sending of Moodle session cookie to parent directories. Invalid values are ignored automatically. Cookie domain. This can be used to send session cookies to higher domains instead of just the server domain. This may be useful for some SSO solutions.

How do I send an announcement on Moodle?

Announcements are created by making posts in that forum.Open your class page and select Announcements, which is always located on the top of the page below your course banner.Choose to Add a new topic.Fill out the information with the subject and message of the announcement that you would like to send to your class.More items...•17 Dec 2021

How do I turn on email notifications in Moodle?

On the Preferences page, under User account, click Forum preferences. The Forum preferences page will open. On the Forum preferences page, from the Email digest type drop-down menu, select how Moodle will send notifications when you are following discussions.

How do I make my course available to students in Moodle?

Select the first “Edit settings” option. On the “Edit Course Settings” page, look in the first section labelled “General.” The third item down is the “Course visibility” setting. Change the “Course visibility” option from “Hide” to “Show.” Scroll down to the bottom of the “Course Settings” page.16 Oct 2012

Where do you go to edit the way you want to be notified Moodle?

Users can decide how they want to be notified of new messages and event notifications by editing their messaging preferences page, which they can access either from the Preferences link in the user menu or from the gear icon in the messaging/notifications menus.17 Feb 2022

How do I send a private message on Moodle?

Go to the Participants page. Select participants from the list or use the "Select all" button at the bottom of the list. Choose "Add/send message" from the "With selected users..." drop-down menu. Assuming you are satisfied with the message, click the "Send" button.15 Mar 2021

What is event monitoring in Moodle?

What is event monitoring? Event monitoring allows admins and teachers to receive notification when certain events happen in Moodle. See Events list for examples of events and their levels. Note that students may also be allowed to subscribe to rules if they are given the capability tool/monitor:subscribe.14 Jul 2021

Why is my course not showing on Moodle?

Courses may not be visible in Moodle until after the course has started. If you're currently enrolled in a course that has started and don't see it in the course list on your Moodle dashboard, please contact your instructor. Especially if it's early in the term, the course may not have been made visible yet.

How do I make my Moodle course public?

To make a course available, go to Gear Icon (top right of page) → Edit settings. In the top section labeled General, switch Course Visibility to "Show".24 Mar 2021

How do I hide students in Moodle?

GuideClick Turn editing on at the top right of the page .Select Edit next to the name of the activity or resource. ... Once the Hide option is selected, Hidden from students appear below the activity.More items...•20 Dec 2019

Can you see who viewed your profile on Moodle?

The Today's logs report lists all areas of the site the user has visited in the last 24 hours and any information available regarding their activity within that area (such as viewing a specific assignment activity or accessing a particular course).13 Apr 2011

Where does the link to edit your Moodle profile appear?

Editing Your Profile. Individual users can edit their profiles by clicking the Edit profile link accessed from the Profile page in the user menu (top right).4 Feb 2021

What is marking workflow in Moodle?

The marking workflow is a setting that allows assignment graders to stage the marking process into specific states: not marked; in marked; marking completed; in review; ready for release; and released. These states control whether or not students can see their grades and feedback.28 Oct 2020

Can Moodle Send Automatic Email Notification to enrolled users ?

I want Moodle to Send Automatic Email Notification to all the students enrolled into the course.

Re: Can Moodle Send Automatic Email Notification to enrolled users ?

I want moodle to send automatic email notification to users once they are enrolled into the course. I have tried with Flat file (CSV) plugin, it did'nt work. Is there any way where moodle can send automatic mails to students once they are enrolled into the course ? Any help would be appreciated...thanks....

Personal messaging space

Each user now has their own starred area where they can add draft messages, links and notes for later use:

Deleting messages

Messages may be deleted by clicking them, ensuring they are selected (with a visible checkmark) and then clicking the bin/trash can icon at the bottom of the messaging drawer.

Restricting who can message you

By default when clicking the cog icon, a user has the option to restrict messages to their contacts only or to their contacts and others in their courses.

Group messaging

A teacher or user with the capability moodle/course:creategroupconversations can enable group messaging when setting up a course group. The group will then appear in the group messaging section of the messaging drawer.

What is Jabber in Moodle?

Jabber is the original name of the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol ( XMPP ), an open standard instant messaging protocol. The Jabber service on the Moodle server must be configured before use. To configure Jabber, an XMPP account should be created that is specific to the Moodle server, either on a locally hosted XMPP server or on one of many public servers. The information for this account is entered in Site administration / Plugins / Message outputs / Jabber:

Can Moodle send messages to mobile devices?

The administrator can configure the site to push messages to mobile devices. Moodle pushes messages to a messaging server, which then pushes it to Apple or Google depending on the platform the target device is using (iOS or Android).

Does Moodle store session data?

Moodle needs to store the session data in some storage. By default either file or database session storage is selected, this option allows admin to change it. Large installation should use memcached driver described below.

Does Moodle 3.9 have a write lock?

There is an experimental feature in Moodle 3.9 allowing certain pages to start readonly sessions which do not require a write lock with the aim of high performance at scale.

Adding Sessions to the course main page

I am testing 2.3.4+ build 20130131, I know I have done this in the past but it has been a long time. How do I get F2F sessions to show up on the main course page?

Re: Adding Sessions to the course main page

Has anyone else gotten this to work? I don't know exactly where to put the additional code and the setting to show sessions on the main course page does not work. I'm looking for any insight or direction here. Thanks.


The code for displaying the course information has been moved to the renderer.php file.