how much is the paralegal certification course from purdue

by Green Ritchie 10 min read

Full Answer

Is Purdue University a party school?

While you can party at Purdue to a surprising degree (the drinking starts on Thursday), it is not considered a party school. That crown or duncecap is worn by Indiana University in Bloomington. I have absolutely no idea, but I do find your question interesting and wonder why you are asking.

Should I go to Purdue University?

There are many reasons why you may want to consider Purdue when thinking about which graduate schools to apply. Purdue is a research intensive university with plenty of very talented faculty.

What majors are offered at Purdue University?

  • Acting Bachelors 4 Graduates No Online
  • Design and Visual Communications Bachelors 27 Graduates No Online
  • Drama and Theatre Production Certificate 3 Graduates No Online Bachelors 4 Graduates No Online
  • Fashion and Apparel Design Bachelors 4 Graduates No Online
  • Film and Video Studies Bachelors 22 Graduates No Online

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What are the admission requirements for Purdue University?

  • Previous research or environmental project experience
  • College GPA of 3.3/4.0
  • GRE Test Scores (recommended, not required for all. ...
  • English Proficiency requirements (for non-native English speaking international applicants)

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How long does it take to complete a paralegal course?

Online course is available virtually anytime, in the comfort and privacy of your home or office. Students have 14 weeks to complete the online course (7 weeks for Paralegal I and 7 weeks for Paralegal II.) Please note that the course fee covers both halves of the course.

How long does Westlaw text only course last?

Text-only course format student’s access will expire 60 days from the date of activation. If the student drops the course at any time prior to the course end date, the Westlaw access will expire the same day that the student drops the course and the $89 will not be refunded.

How many credit hours are required for paralegal?

The Pathway to Paralegal Postbaccalaureate Certificate program consists of a minimum of 36 or 37 quarter credit hours, depending on your choice of elective. Upon successful completion of the program, you will be awarded a certificate.

Is Purdue Global certified?

You are not automatically certified in any way upon program completion. Although certain programs are designed to prepare you to take various optional certification exams, Purdue Global cannot guarantee you will be eligible to take these exams or become certified.

Does Purdue Global have licensure?

Unless otherwise specified, Purdue Global's programs are not designed to meet any specific state’s licensure or certification requirements. If certain licensed occupations, vocations, or professions are not explicitly listed, Purdue Global has not reviewed the licensure or certification requirements of those occupations, vocations, or professions, ...

About this course

These advanced topics build upon the nationally acclaimed Paralegal Certificate Course © offered by over 100 colleges and universities nationwide. These classes are available to students who wish to extensively build upon their knowledge of law and paralegal studies with classes in specialized facets of contemporary law.

View our recorded webinar

Advanced Paralegal Certificate Course Webinar — This session was recorded on May 26, 2021 and mentions a June 28 start date. Our courses are open enrollment and start every 8 weeks.

Course details

Are you a paralegal looking to stand out in a competitive field, increase your earning potential and grow your career? Our advanced paralegal training is your way to gain skills and competency, and to make critical contributions to your organization.

Request more information

Are you interested in learning more about the Advanced Paralegal Certificate Course? Complete this contact form to receive emails and text messages from CLS. You’ll also be able to set up a personalized consultation with one of our Enrollment Counselors who can answer all your question and recommend the best course for you.

How much does a paralegal cost?

The Association for Legal Professionals (NALS) Professional Paralegal (PP) – $150 for NALS members or $200 for non-members. Specialty Certification (SC) – $150 for members or $200 for non-members. Additional costs would include things like non-refundable application fees (typically $25-$50).

Why do some states have their own paralegal certification?

Some states offer their own certification process in order to encourage high standards of professionalism, to help employers identify qualified employees, and to ensure that their state’s paralegals have a solid knowledge base when it comes to state law.

What is the primary generalist certification?

Primary generalist certification for entry and mid-level paralegals cover core competencies- Basic certification for entry-level paralegals or those still early in their careers, cover paralegal core competencies like procedural law, substantive law, written communication, verbal communication, ethics, preparation of legal documents and law office technology.

What is the standard of excellence that paralegals strive for?

In a largely unregulated profession with few state licensing or registration requirements, professional certification has become the standard of excellence that many paralegals strive for and that many employers demand.

How many paralegals have been certified by NALA?

NALA’s Certified Paralegal (CP) program was established in 1976 as a way to distinguish the most ambitious paralegals. As of 2016, more than 18,000 paralegals and legal secretaries have earned NALA’s entry-level designations, while another 3,400 earned their advanced certification.

How many hours of school do I need to become a paralegal?

Complete a paralegal program that includes at least 60 semester hours, of which at least 15 semester hours are in substantive legal courses; OR. Graduate from a bachelor’s degree in any field and have at least one year of paralegal experience; must also include at least 15 semester hours of substantive legal courses.

Is a paralegal certification the same as an academic certificate?

Professional Certification is NOT the Same as an Academic Certificate. Paralegal certification exams offered through NALA, NALS or NFPA are NOT the same as a paralegal certificate you would earn by taking courses through a college, university, or proprietary school.

How much does it cost to become a paralegal?

The American Alliance of Paralegals, Inc., The National Association of Legal Assistants, and the National Federation of Paralegal Associations offer paralegal certifications based on experience and passing an exam for the sum of $75 to $400.

What is paralegal training?

Paralegal training usually includes courses in legal research and the legal applications of computers. Certain paralegal training courses offer internship work experience in a private law firm, corporate legal department or government agency.

Why You Should Consider Online Paralegal Certificate Programs to Jumpstart Your Legal Career

If becoming a paralegal sounds like the beginning of an awesome career in law to you, then online paralegal certification should be right at the top of your list of ways to get started in it.

Difference Between a Paralegal Certificate and Paralegal Certification

Certificate, certification (tomato, tomäto)—these two words are so similar that it’s no surprise they are often interchanged for one another. If you have found yourself confused about the distinction, you’re not alone and it’s not your fault.

What Makes These Our Top Picks for the Best Online Paralegal Certificate Programs?

You’re probably wondering how we picked these ten programs out of all the hundreds of available online paralegal training courses. Of course, any time you are making a list of the best, the answer depends on what exactly your criteria are. The answers can be different for different people.

Our Top Picks for the Ten Best Post-Degree Certificate Programs for 2022

It all adds up to the kind of education that every employer is looking for in a well-prepared paralegal. Every last program on this list gets you career-ready with a respected credential in-hand, and they do it all completely online.