miami university how many hours in each course

by Eduardo Bergnaum Jr. 3 min read

A minimum of 145 hours is required for the combined program; 115 semester hour minimum for a bachelor's degree and 30 graduate semester hours minimum for a master's degree.

Full Answer

How many credit hours can you take at Miami University?

The maximum credit-hour limit for an undergraduate student is based upon courses taken at all locations of Miami University and is limited to 20 credit hours in a fall or spring semester. The limit for all summer terms combined is 16 credit hours or 1.3 credit hours per week for overlapping summer terms.

How many hours can you take for a graduate degree at Miami?

Jun 30, 2018 · a minimum of 15 semester hours must be taken in residence through the regional campuses; a minimum of 9 of the last 20 credit hours must be taken through Miami University; For the Associate in Arts degree: students must complete a minimum of 30 semester credit hours in residence through the Oxford and/or the regional campuses; only one area of concentration …

How do I become a full-time student at Miami University?

The maximum credit-hour limit for an undergraduate student is based upon courses taken at all locations of Miami University and is limited to 20 credit hours in a fall or spring semester. The limit for all summer terms combined is 16 credit hours or 1.3 credit hours per week for overlapping summer terms. The limit for winter term is 6 credit hours. A student who needs to …

How many semester hours can I transfer from Miami of Miami?

Nov 17, 2021 · 69 Class Days in each Semester: 27 Class Days in each Session: Undergraduate Students: Full Time: 12 or more credits: 12 credits (all credits may be in one session or as a total combination of credits from each session) Half Time: 6 – 11 credits: 6 – 11 credits (all credits may be in one session or as a total combination of credits from each session)

How many hours is each course in college?

Each credit hour corresponds to a minimum of 3 hours of student engagement per week for a traditional 14-week course or 6 hours per week for a 7-week course. This time may be spent on discussions, readings and lectures, study and research, and assignments. Most courses at AIC are three credit hours.

How do you calculate course hours?

The credit hours in college are calculated on the whole semester, which equals to sixteen weeks. One will be attending the minimum of 45-48 hours of class in one full semester. The average is about 3 hours of classroom every week for the 16 weeks. Therefore, what we calculated is 1 class = 3 credit hours.

How many hours do you need to graduate Miami University?

Students must have completed a minimum of 124 or 128 hours (depending on catalog year; undergraduate and graduate) to be classified as a graduate student. Students may receive their bachelor's degree prior to completing their master's degree.

How many credits is a full-time student at University of Miami?

12Undergraduate students are classified full-time if they enroll in 12 or more credit hours in a regular semester or 12 or more credit hours in a summer session or if they are enrolled in a special program which is classified full-time regardless of credit hour load.

How many credit hours is full time?

12 credit hoursTo be considered full-time, a student must enroll for at least 12 credit hours. To be considered half-time, a student must enroll for at least 6 credit hours.

How many hours is 4 units in college?

More About Units A typical 4-unit course thus will require about 12 hours of work per week: 4 hours of classtime and 8 hours of work outside of class. If you enroll in 15 units of coursework (3-4 courses), this will will require about 45 hours per week, only 15 hours of which may be class time.

How many credit hours do you need to graduate in Miami Ohio?

Candidates for the bachelor's degree must complete 120 credit hours for graduation (see curriculum requirements). Of the total requirement, 45 hours must be at the junior and senior levels (300 or higher). A 2.0 or higher cumulative grade point average is required for graduation.

How many credits do you need to graduate from the University of Miami?

120 creditsThe University of Miami requires that the last 45 credits be taken in residence. Students will graduate from the College of Arts and Sciences upon completion of 120 credits including AP/IB credit.

Can you double major at Miami University?

The term "co-major" indicates that students must complete another, primary major in one of the divisions at Miami University. There is no specific degree designation for the co-major; students receive the degree designation of their primary major.

How much is University of Miami per credit hour?

Cost Per Credit HourDegreeYearCost per Credit hourGraduate2018 - 2019$2,030Undergraduate2018 - 2019$2,030

What is University of Miami known for?

research institutionThe University of Miami is known as a research institution, and research opportunities begin at the undergraduate level. Annual campus events include the Canes Film Festival, which showcases student-produced movies, and Sportsfest, a weekend of competition between residence hall teams.

What GPA is required for University of Miami?

3.6With a GPA of 3.6, University of Miami requires you to be above average in your high school class. You'll need at least a mix of A's and B's, with more A's than B's.

What is the University of Miami's policy on credit hours?

Each College or School within the University of Miami is charged with following the policy on credit hours in its review and approval of all undergraduate and graduate courses and for certifying that the expected student learning for the course meets the credit hour standard. The determination of credit hours is made when a new course or a revision to an existing course is proposed. The submitted syllabus is examined for contact time as well as for assignments and evaluation mechanisms.

When did the University of Miami adopt the credit hours policy?

The University of Miami adopted the following Federal Definition of the Credit Hour at the Faculty Senate meeting on April 17, 2013 that appears in the Credit Hours policy statement of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

What is credit hour policy?

This credit hour policy applies to all undergraduate and graduate programs that award academic credit (i.e., any course that appears on an official transcript issued by the University) regardless of the delivery method including, but not limited to, self-paced, online, hybrid, lecture, seminar, and laboratory. Academic units are responsible for ensuring that credit hours are awarded only for work that meets the requirements outlined in this policy.

How long is the Miami Herbert Business School?

All graduate business programs have a minimum of 750 minutes of instructional contact time per credit hour, including the final examination. Students are expected to dedicate at least two hours of course-related work for each hour of instruction.

How to report academic dishonesty?

1. Any member of the University can confidentially report academic dishonesty to the faculty teaching the course or directly to the Dean of Students when there is strong evidence that an academic integrity violation has occurred. #N#2. If no evidence is present or when suspicion is not strong, faculty may give the student a warning and close the matter.#N#3. When faculty have a strong suspicion, or when evidence is present, faculty shall report the violation through the process described herein and have the authority to recommend a sanction.#N#4. Faculty must also report all cases of academic integrity violations in which they have taken an adverse action affecting a student’s grade but have not invoked the adjudication process described herein.#N#5. Based on class of violation, the appropriate adjudicating body will be assigned to adjudicate the case.

What is the University of Miami's integrity policy?

The University of Miami community recognizes integrity as a core institutional value. The responsibility to uphold the University Honor Code and high academic standards is a shared value between faculty, students, and administrators. It is each community member’s responsibility to ensure that academic integrity is upheld. Faculty, in particular, have a vital role to play in this regard and should be diligent in reporting violations. This policy acknowledges that the norms and the responsibility of academic integrity are to be jointly upheld by the faculty and student members of the University community. Substantial responsibility is vested in the several schools and colleges to manage first-time offenses and to coordinate their faculty’s efforts.

How many faculty are in the hearing panel?

1. Adjudicates Class I and Class II Violations#N#2. Hearing panel structure consists of 3 Faculty from the School/College#N#3. Membership consists of 6 Faculty total from the School/College and the Academic Dean for Undergraduate Studies of the School/College

How many credit hours can I take at Miami University?

The maximum credit-hour limit for an undergraduate student is based upon courses taken at all locations of Miami University and is limited to 20 credit hours in a fall or spring semester . The limit for all summer terms combined is 16 credit hours or 1.3 credit hours per week for overlapping summer terms.

How many hours of work do you need to be a full time student at Miami University?

A full-time undergraduate student must register for at least 12 hours of academic work in a semester or term and shall be subject to all the rules, regulations, and fees governing regular Miami University student.

What is SOCHE in Miami?

SOCHE is the collaborative infrastructure for higher education, helping colleges and universities transform their communities and economies through the education, employment, and engagement of more than 120,000 students in southwest Ohio. This association can provide courses that are not generally available at the institution where the student is enrolled.

Where are university ID cards issued?

University registration includes the issue and validation of your student identification card. ID cards are issued in 34 Campus Avenue Building. Regional students should go to the Office of IT services on their campus for ID cards.

Can you change your registration at a university?

Changes of Registration. Course registration may only be changed in the prescribed time stated in a student's registration time ticket and the University academic calendar. No change is official until the registration transaction is recorded in the student registration system.

How many semester hours do I need to get a bachelor's degree in Miami?

See the Grades chapter for more detail. Bachelor’s degree: A four-year degree. Basic requirements include: (1) at least 124 semester hours—at least 32 must be from Miami; (2) at least a 2.00 cumulative GPA; (3) fulfillment of the Global Miami Plan; (4) fulfillment of divisional and major requirements.

Is Miami University electronic directory?

Miami’s electronic directory, like those of other institutions, is accessible worldwide across the Internet. To preserve the privacy of students, faculty, and staff, the following data is only accessible within the Miami University community:

How many credit hours are required for physical education?

No more than five semester hours of credit for basic physical education courses can be applied toward an associate degree. Students can register for no more than five credit hours per term or semester or ten credit hours per academic year for Independent Study (177, 277, 377, or 477).

What is the minimum cumulative average for a baccalaureate degree?

A minimum cumulative average of 2.00 is required for a baccalaureate degree. Other course requirements, grade point averages, and the number of credit hours required for the respective baccalaureate degrees are fixed separately by the various divisions of the University. A student must fulfill all of the requirements of his or her curriculum ...

How to write a rhetorical essay?

Students will be able to: 1 Demonstrate effective written communication skills in relation to specific rhetorical tasks. 2 Construct original, well-reasoned arguments using a range of materials. 3 Integrate and synthesize appropriate and relevant primary and secondary sources in their writing.

What is a cane link?

CaneLink. CaneLink is the University of Miami's online portal for students and faculty. CaneLink is used by students to plan their academic careers, register for classes, view their academic records, and receive communication from the University. Faculty and staff use CaneLink for grade submissions and other student-related functions.

Can I change my major before starting school?

If you are interested in changing schools and/or your major, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Admission at [email protected] before May 15.


Abbreviations and Terms

  • Note:A registration glossary is in the Registering for Courses chapter. CAS-A, CAS-B, etc.:Course fulfills a part of that section(s) of the College of Arts and Science requirement. (Please see the College of Arts and Science section). These are CAS requirement abbreviations in the course de…
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Course Numbering System

  • The number by which a course is designated indicates the level of the course: 000-099:Developmental courses, not creditable toward a degree. 100-299:Lower-division, undergraduate courses primarily for first – and second-year students; typically used for introductory and Global Miami Plan Foundation courses. 100-199:Introductory courses. 200-299…
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Special Course Numbers

  • Course numbers at two levels(such as 433/533) may be taken either for undergraduate or graduate credit. Students must complete graduate level work and achieve graduate level learning outcomes to receive credit at the 500 level. Course numbers separated by a comma(such as 233, 234) are related. It is possible to take one or more of the series, and they may be taken in any or…
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Semester Credit Hours

  • Semester credit hours are indicated in parentheses following the course title; for example, 282 Art and Politics(3). Some courses carry variable credit, a range of credit hours for courses such as independent study, special topics, thesis hours, etc. The maximum number of hours you can earn in the course may also be indicated, for example, (3; maximum 6).
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Frequency of Offerings

  • Information on frequency of offerings is provided to assist you in advance planning. These are normative patterns for program scheduling and are subject to change without notice based on student demand and other programmatic priorities.
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Academic Calendar

  • The University of Miami adheres to a reasonable approximation of the Carnegie unit for contact time. In addition, students are expected to spend two hours outside of class in preparation for every classroom hour. The Academic Calendaris maintained by the University Registrar and is the official record of academic instruction The calculation for sum...
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Academic Credit

  • The University of Miami adopted the following Federal Definition of the Credit Hour at the Faculty Senate meeting on April 17, 2013 that appears in the Credit Hours policy statement of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).
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Audit A Course

  • Students may choose to audit a course during their time at the university. A student who is auditing enrolls as an observer or listener only. Auditing is allowed only when there is space available in the class. Audit status may be restricted by the Dean in the case of laboratory, studio or performance courses where audit status is not appropriate. Students who enroll in audit statu…
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Cancellation of Courses

  • Students who select courses and fail to make payment and/or financial arrangements with Canes Central prior to the payment deadline will have their course schedules canceled. Reinstatement of classes can only occur after payment arrangements have been made with the Canes Central to cover all financial obligations including any reinstatement fees. Reinstatement to cancelled clas…
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Change Or Drop of Course

  1. Dropping of any course for which the student has registered is official only when the drop has been fully processed by the student successfully dropping the course via CaneLink or by Canes Central.
  2. Please note: Failure to attend classes or merely giving notice to instructors of one’s absence will not be considered as an official withdrawal and may result in failure in the course.
  1. Dropping of any course for which the student has registered is official only when the drop has been fully processed by the student successfully dropping the course via CaneLink or by Canes Central.
  2. Please note: Failure to attend classes or merely giving notice to instructors of one’s absence will not be considered as an official withdrawal and may result in failure in the course.
  3. The last day to drop a course or make a change in credit-only option is noted on the Academic Calendar.
  4. Students enrolled in a course after the withdrawal date must receive a final grade in the course.

Modification of Courses

  • All courses in this catalog are subject to change. The University reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change course content, instructor, location and instructional format. The University cannot guarantee an in-person format even where noted as such in the catalog, and reserves the right to present any courses in a virtual/remote or hybrid format.
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Class Attendance and Absences

  • Regular and punctual class attendance is vital for all students. Instructors will distribute course syllabi which include policies regarding class attendance and missed or late work. Any student may be dropped from a course or receive a lowered grade for unauthorized absences in excess of those permitted by the instructor. It is each student’s responsibility to know and understand the i…
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Course Numbering System

  • The following course-numbering system is used: 1. Courses in the 100 series are primarily for freshmen. 2. Courses in the 200 series are primarily for sophomores. 3. Courses in the 300 series are primarily for juniors. 4. Courses in the 400 series are primarily for seniors. 5. Courses in the 500 series are open only to seniors or other qualified undergraduates. 6. Courses in the 600 thro…
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  • To be eligible to enroll for courses under the CR/NC option, a student must: 1. Hold the standing of Sophomore or above, and, if a transfer, must have completed one semester of residency at the University of Miami; 2. At the time of registration have a minimum cumulative grade point average of at least 3.00; 3. Elect the CR/NC option within two weeks following the last day of registration …
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Credit For Service Experience

  • Veterans of the military services may make application for academic credit for schooling received while in the armed forces. Credit hour may be awarded for work that the American Council on Education Guide regards as college level. Students must have credit hours approved by their departmental chairperson. Credit hour for military service and experience is usually in the electiv…
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