men where to deep no stay on course

by Sydnie Ratke Sr. 7 min read

Who have gone before us?

Many people have gone before us and endured hardship and persecution. The Prophets, Job, Peter, Mark Buntain, Rachel Scott, Cassie Burnel, the list goes on of those who have stayed the course through all the trials and challenges. Many people have gone before us and endured hardship and persecution .

Do not give up?

Be encouraged! Fight the good fight! Do not give up? Do not! You are not defeated! You are placed by God’s grace in the position of victory . God’s will for your life is sanctification and nothing can thwart the will of God.

Why do men stay in abusive relationships?

This image becomes a burden for such men. The fear of ruining their image is a prominent reason why such men stay in abusive relationships.

Does an abusive spouse know the man's weaknesses?

Many times, the abusive spouse knows the man’s psychology and weaknesses pretty well and convinces him to stay in the marriage for different reasons. Even our social framework has no relief for the men. Couples are expected to follow the norm ‘till death do us apart’ quite seriously.
