marshal university how to withdraw from summer course

by Dr. Terence Goodwin 4 min read

Also, if you must drop or withdraw from a course, you also must follow university procedures to drop or withdraw from your course online. This usually may be accomplished by logging into myMU and accessing your Student Records. If you have problems with registration activities online, please contact the Registrar’s Office at 304-696-6410.

Withdrawal requires that a withdrawal form be submitted to the Registrar's office or that a request for withdrawal be mailed to the Registrar's office. The effective date of withdrawal is the date that the withdrawal form is submitted to the Registrar's office.

Full Answer

How do I request to withdraw from Marshall University?

Requests by email must be sent to [email protected] from the student’s MU email account. For mailed requests, the postmark will be the official date of withdrawal. In cases where the student is unable to secure the physical signature of a Total Withdrawal Counselor, permission may be obtained via email.

How do I apply for graduate programs at Marshall?

Applications are available in the Graduate Studies office on the Huntington campus, through a student’s academic department office on the South Charleston campus, or online at

How do I apply to Marshall University as a transient student?

Transient students must submit an application to the Admissions Office for each term in which they wish to enroll and have the registrar at their home college send a letter of good academic standing to the Marshall University Admissions Office for each term in which they wish to enroll.

What is the last date for total withdrawal from the University?

The last date for total withdrawal from the university is the last day of class. Total Withdrawal from the university is defined as dropping all classes for which a student is currently registered.

How do I withdraw from a course at Marshall University?

Students wishing to withdraw from a class must complete a schedule adjustment form, obtain the course instructor's signature then take the form to the Registration windows. Students dropping classes that are online or that meet after 4 PM do not need an instructor's signature.

Can you withdraw from a class whenever you want?

In order to officially drop a class, you often have to visit your academic counselor or the school office and fill out a form that may need to be signed by the teacher of that class. Many high schools only allow students to drop a class before a certain deadline.

Does withdrawing from a course hurt your GPA?

“A withdrawal will be on the transcripts but does not affect GPA.” Croskey also noted that there aren't any limits to how many classes one can drop because they don't go on the transcript. Withdrawals though are limited and can look bad if there are too many on a student's transcript.

Does withdrawing from a class give you a refund?

Many online schools and traditional schools that offer online courses will give students a full refund of the tuition fees collected if you withdraw from the class before it starts. Most schools require that you have your request to withdraw processed at least one full business day before classes begin.

How do I withdraw from a university course?

What to do if you want to withdraw from your courseSpeak to your uni or college first.Contact us so we can stop your next student finance payment.We'll reassess your application.We'll send you a letter if your entitlement has changed.Repay anything you're not entitled to.

Is dropping a class the same as withdrawing?

Important Definitions. Course Drop: Removal of a course from your schedule prior to the end of the first week of class. Course Withdrawal: Any removal of a course from your schedule after the end of week one using the online form provided.

How do you tell your professor you are withdrawing?

Tell them that you need to focus your efforts on fewer things especially your thesis as you find it challenging. Be polite and don't forget professors have heard it all before, they will understand or should do. Show activity on this post. Just tell him you are too busy.

What are good reasons to withdraw from a class?

There are various reasons to consider dropping a class, some of which include:Over-enrolled in courses: Maybe you just took on too much too soon. ... Not a good fit: ... Don't think you can get a passing grade: ... Class is too easy and want to advance faster: ... Your interests or decisions about the future changed:

Will a withdrawal affect my financial aid?

Withdrawing from a class could affect your financial aid if it means you are no longer making “satisfactory academic progress.” Each college defines satisfactory academic progress differently, but wherever you go to school, you must maintain it to keep receiving financial aid.

How do I withdraw from an online class?

0:251:40How to withdraw or drop a course (Student Tutorial) - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAccount go to the student tab you're going to click on enrollment. Services go to search for coursesMoreAccount go to the student tab you're going to click on enrollment. Services go to search for courses register. Online even though you want to um drop or withdraw.

What happens if you withdraw from a class in college?

Sadly, in academia, there's also the word “Withdraw.” Withdrawing means you drop a class after the allowed add/drop period ends. You won't receive a grade for the class, but a “W” will show up on your transcript, indicating that you were not doing well in the course and essentially quit the class.

What is the 60 percent completion rule?

Once 60% of the semester is completed, a student is considered to have earned all of his/her financial aid and will not be required to return any funds. Federal law requires schools to calculate how much federal financial aid a student has earned if that student: completely withdraws, or.

What are good reasons to withdraw from a class?

There are various reasons to consider dropping a class, some of which include:Over-enrolled in courses: Maybe you just took on too much too soon. ... Not a good fit: ... Don't think you can get a passing grade: ... Class is too easy and want to advance faster: ... Your interests or decisions about the future changed:

What is a serious and compelling reason to drop a class?

Serious and Compelling Reasons An extended absence due to a death in the immediate family. This applies to absences exceeding a week due to family affairs that must be attended to by the student. A necessary change in employment status which interferes with the student's ability to attend class.

Is it okay to drop a class in college?

If you drop a class early enough in the term, it won't show up on your transcript. If you drop after the add/drop date, though, your transcript will show a "W" for withdrawal. Dropping late can also cost you, as colleges may not refund your tuition if you change your schedule after the deadline.

Do grad schools care if you withdraw from a class?

If you withdraw from a course during an otherwise "normal" semester, most people judging your transcript from the perspective of graduate school admissions will assume that you were not doing well in the course. If you later complete the course with a good grade (A or B), this won't matter much.

How long does it take to get a refund from the Registrar's Office?

Tuition refunds for students who officially withdraw through the Registrar’s office will be made according to the following schedule for complete withdrawals only. Personal check refunds will not be processed until 21 business days after they are posted and electronic check refunds will not be processed until 14 business days after they are posted.

Does Marshall University have a Title IV refund?

Students receiving financial assistance covered by Title IV of the 1992 Higher Education Act, who officially shall receive a refund in accordance with the Higher Education Amendments of 1998. Marshall University will determine how much Title IV aid a student has received and not earned at the time of total withdrawal.

Does Marshall University pay military tuition?

Marshall University will determine how much Military Tuition Assistance a student has received and not earned at the time of the total withdrawal. The amount of tuition assistance earned is calculated on a prorated basis through 60% of the payment period.

What is the last day of withdrawal from a university?

The last date for total withdrawal from the university is the last day of class. Total Withdrawal from the university is defined as dropping all classes for which a student is currently registered. Any part-of-term courses that have ended, such as first 8-week classes, will not be dropped from the student schedule as the course has already completed.

How to withdraw from MU?

A student who wishes to totally withdraw from the university must first secure the signature of a Total Withdrawal Counselor and then present the request to the Registrar in person, by email, or by mail. If the request is made in person, a drop form bearing the signature of a Total Withdrawal Counselor must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office. Requests by email must be sent to [email protected] from the student’s MU email account. For mailed requests, the postmark will be the official date of withdrawal. In cases where the student is unable to secure the physical signature of a Total Withdrawal Counselor, permission may be obtained via email.

How to drop a class at a college?

A student must get a “Schedule Adjustment and Class Drop Form” from the Registrar’s Office, fill in the required course drop information, and then obtain the signature of the course instructor. If a student is on academic probation, he/she must also get the approval and signature of the associate dean of his/her college and bring the completed form to the Registrar’s Office.

How many hours can you take in a semester?

Maximum Hours Exceeded-Undergraduate students are allowed to take up to 18 credit hours per semester. Graduate students are allowed up to 12 credit hours per semester. The Associate Dean or Dean must approve students taking more hours past the maximum. Students will need their signature on a registration slip with the total amount of hours noted.

What is the time conflict on a registration slip?

Time Conflict-Students who wish to register for a course that overlaps in time with another course will need the signature of either instructor with “OK for time conflict” written on a registration slip.

What time do MU classes meet?

Night or Off-Campus classes, or E-Courses: Classes that meet 4:00 p.m. or after, off-campus, or online do not require instructor signature and may be withdrawn in person at the Office of the Registrar or by sending an e-mail from the student’s MU e-mail address to [email protected].

What happens if you drop a student from a course?

Students dropped from courses due to non-payment after the schedule adjustment period will need to arrange payment with the Bursar’s office and go through the process of Dean’s reinstatement.

What is the Marshall University registrar?

The Marshall University Registrar is responsible for the oversight, integrity and maintenance of all the university’s academic records, while ensuring adherence to all university policies, procedures and practices. Marshall’s Office of the Registrar executes academic record functions for the institution.

Where is Marshall University located?

Located in Huntington, West Virginia, Marshall University is committed to the success of its students. In order to ensure their success, the Registrar Office provides services which encourage our students’ commitment to academic excellence through outstanding service. The goals of the Registrar Office are aimed at supporting the instructional mission for undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate, professional and lifelong education. Services provided include processing of grades, transcripts, final exam schedule, registration, Degree Works, Veteran Certification, Academic Calendar, Enrollment Verification, and many more student and faculty functions. If you have questions about registering for classes, obtaining transcripts, or need details about exam schedules or Commencement activities at Marshall University, please do not hesitate to reach out.

How many hours does Marshall University take?

During a single summer term a full-time graduate student carries four or more semester hours. This may differ from the definition for fee purposes. (See Financial Information.)

What is Marshall University?

As described in the Marshall University Creed, Marshall University is an “Ethical Community reflecting honesty, integrity and fairness in both academic and extracurricular activities.”.

How many credit hours are required for a certificate program?

Certificate programs are professional continuing education programs of typically 12 to 21 credit hours as designated by the program faculty and available to students admitted under the Certificate/Professional Development and Degree-seeking categories. The main purpose of certificate programs is to provide opportunities to students to complete a cohesive program of coursework that is less than a graduate degree, but which provides advanced training in a specific area. For detailed information about all certificate programs please see

What is a student?

Student — any person who has been admitted to an institution to pursue a course of study, research, or service, who is currently engaged in an institutionally sponsored activity, and who has some right or privilege to be on the campus or in the facilities of the institution, or to use the same, in connection with study, research, or service, or who yet has some right or privilege to receive some benefit or recognition or certification from the institution, under the rules, regulations, or policies of the Higher Education Policy Commission, the Marshall University Board of Governors or the institution.

What is academic dismissal?

The terms of academic dismissal from a program for academic deficiency shall be determined, defined, and published by each academic program . Academic dismissal from a program or from the university may also be imposed for violation of the university policy on academic dishonesty.

How long is academic probation?

Academic probation for up to 1 year; Academic suspension for up to 1 year; Dismissal from the university. In those cases in which the offense is particularly flagrant or where there are other aggravating circumstances, additional, non-academic, sanctions may be pursued through the Office of Judicial Affairs.

When do you have to apply for graduation?

The application for graduation must be completed and submitted before or at the beginning of the student’s final semester/term, but not later than the date printed in the University Calendar. Applications for graduation, prior to the published deadline, are completed through myMU.
